Marvel Database

Quote1 Mantis, I've said it before but never to you: You have a remarkable mind. Quote2

Appearing in "Beware the Star Stalker!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Libra (Main story and recap)


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




  • Zodiac's Star Cruiser (Main story and recap) (Destroyed)
  • Taurus's Warehouse Spacecraft (Only in recap)
  • Numerous unidentified Kree Spacecraft (Only in flashback)
  • Avengers' Quinjet

Synopsis for "Beware the Star Stalker!"

Continued from the last issue, the Avengers travel to Vietnam to stop the Swordsman from attacking Monsieur Khruul on his own. They arrive at the temple of the slaughtered Priests of Pama to find that Khruul has unleashed a creature called The Star Stalker, which had been imprisoned by the pacifist sect.

The creature attacks the Avengers and has them constantly on the defensive. The Star Stalker reveals that it is a being that travels from world-to-world ravaging each one and consuming its energies leaving it a lifeless husk and that the Priests (revealed to be a pacifist faction of the Kree alien race that was exiled from the Kree homeworld of Hala) were the only beings in existence that learned the creature's weakness and were able to imprison him.

Mantis correctly deduces that the creature's weakness is heat from solar rays, and it is easily destroyed by Vision's solar energy blasts. After the battle is over, the revelations revealed by the Star Stalker add an extra layer of mystery to the origins of Mantis.


Publisher Notes[]

  • This issue contains a letters page, Avengers Assemble!. Letters are published from Harry Daniels, Jana C. Hollingsworth, Jerome Wilson, and Ronald Myers.
  • This issue contains a Series "A" Marvel Value Stamp: Vol 1 81 - Rhino

Continuity Notes[]

  • The ancient Kree pacifists only appear in five panels of the Star-Stalker's flashback. In four of those panels the lighting is such that the color of their skin cannot be determined but the fifth panel depicts two pink-skinned pacifists arriving on an alien planet. This may have contributed to the error in Avengers #134 in which the ancient Kree pacifists were shown as being pink-skinned when they should have been blue-skinned. However, a retcon in History of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #1 has established that pink-skinned Kree existed alongside blue-skinned Kree even before Kree Year Zero so that error has been retroactively nullified.

See Also

Links and References

