Marvel Database

Quote1 You have enchanted your bride, Edwin Brocc... and I imagine I know with whom you made the deal. Quote2
Sister Angela of the Holy Order

Appearing in "Part Two, In Which All The World's a Stage and The Guardians Overthrow The Players"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • God Emperor Doom (Victor von Doom) (Mentioned)
  • Anne Weying (First appearance)
  • Heimdall (First appearance)
  • Siri (First appearance)
  • Warriors Three (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
    • Fandral (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
    • Volstagg (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
    • Hogun (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
  • Lady Sif (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Cameo) (Unnamed)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Part Two, In Which All The World's a Stage and The Guardians Overthrow The Players"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


• The hunt is on! The Faustians have made their deal with the Devil -- er, Enchantress -- but Angela isn’t going to take that lying down, is she? No, not by her psychic ribbons and very, very pointy weapons, no, she is not.

• Out into the wilds of the countryside, Angela and Sera collide with a wandering caravan of ne’er-do-well performers. (Hint: their name starts with a “G” and ends with an “Y” and has an “Uardians of the Galax” in the middle.)

• Pagan rites, dubious ethics, a deadly curse, and Kieron and Irene Koh being up to no good – who can resist the lure of the Faustians?

See Also

Links and References

