Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

The Statesman was a massive, ark-like spaceship owned by the Grandmaster, and later stolen by Loki and Sakaaran rebels. It was used to escape Sakaar and carry the Asgardians away from their doomed realm.


Thor: Ragnarok[]

To ensure their escape from Sakaar, Thor's team helped Korg start a rebellion against the Grandmaster's contest of champions. Korg led his troops to commandeering the Statesman after accepting an eager Loki as their leader. Hoping to redeem himself, Loki ordered the Statesman to fly to Asgard.

The Statesman was parked near the Rainbow Bridge and Loki told the fleeing population to board the spaceship. Hundreds of Asgardians climbed on the ship, all escaping their ravaged realm. Once the people were on board, Thor told Heimdall to leave, but the Statesman was forced to remain near the bridge due to an approaching Hela, who summoned a rock-spear holding the ship in place. Skurge sacrificed himself to fight Hela's forces and destroy the rock spear, enabling the Statesman to leave.

After Loki resurrected Surtur, Hulk took Thor and Valkyrie, who had remained on the Bridge, on the Statesman so that they could escape as well. The passengers were forced to watch Surtur destroyed their home. As their homeland was gone, Thor decided to lead the Statesman to Earth.

On the way, the Statesman crossed the path of the infamous and gigantic Sanctuary II, owned by the fearsome Thanos.

Avengers: Infinity War[]

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Behind the scenes[]

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  • It was named after an Australian designer car.


Thor: Ragnarok[]

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Avengers: Infinity War[]

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