Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

The Council of Nine, simply known as the Council, is a group of businessmen who wanted to seize power and control of the United States of America's government through the manipulation of American politics and the economy.


Agent Carter[]

"The Lady in the Lake"[]

To be added

"A View in the Dark"[]

To be added

"Better Angels"[]

To be added

"Smoke & Mirrors"[]

To be added

"Life of the Party"[]

To be added


To be added

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

"Alien Commies from the Future!"[]

Daisy Johnson mentioned that Daniel Sousa brought down Hugh Jones and the Council of Nine at some point prior to 1955.


Former Members[]


Behind the scenes[]

  • It was confirmed by Tara Butters and Michele Fazekas that the Council of Nine is, for all intents and purposes, the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the Secret Empire.
  • The 'A' symbol used by the Council of Nine is identical to one of the ancient HYDRA symbols introduced in season three of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Despite that, Michele Fazekas stated that the Council is not connected to HYDRA.


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