Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Alkali Lake is an underground base in Canada used by Colonel William Stryker to experiment on Wolverine and other mutants.


X-Men: Apocalypse[]

After the destruction of the X-Mansion, Stryker takes Mystique, Beast, Peter Maximoff, and Moira MacTaggert to be held captive at Alkali Lake, unknowingly bringing to the facility Nightcrawler, Jean Grey and Cyclops. After an unsuccessful interrogation attempt by Stryker, everyone receives a telepathic message from Apocalypse. This results in Jean breaking the cover she was mantaining on herself and the two companions, and while trying to evade the guards, they find a containment room. Once the locks to that were released, an animalistic mutant, who security referred to as "Weapon X", went on a rampage and killed most of the crew while searching for an exit. Before he left, the mutant was approached by Jean, who managed to telepathically find only memory in his head, his name - Logan. As Stryker went away in a helicopter, Scott managed to break the captives free. Using an experimental aircraft held in Alkali Lake, the group left to Cairo, where Jean had been informed Apocalypse was.

Following the defeat of Apocalypse, Essex Enterprises came to the wrecked facility and collected samples and information on the Weapon X project.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Barrier Lake, Alberta was used as a filming location.


X-Men: Apocalypse[]

To be added
