“ | I have decided we've caused enough damage. I made the mistake of allowing my own insecurities and resentments to guide my choices... | „ |
~ Titan, to Ganymede |
Titan is a major antagonist of the web series SolarBalls during the Moon Revolution Saga. He is the largest moon of Saturn and served as the main protagonist in the debut episode. He was originally fascinated by the Earth and met with him. However, he was treated with prejudice by the planet who showed disrespect towards moons in general. Upon learning about how the planets saw the moons as inferior, Titan sought to fix this by organizing the Moon Revolution, being more and more ruthless in his tactics.
Titan was voiced by Jack Stansbury.
What Makes Him Magnificent?[]
- Titan is a genuine anti-villain. His primary goal throughout the Moon Revolution Saga was to ensure that moons are treated as equals to the planets and not be undermined by them. While the planets are not downright evil and can even be heroic, there are notable examples of how they indirectly mistreat the moons. Due to this, one can root for Titan despite being an antagonist trying to attack the Earth since he makes many great points on how the planets undermine the moons and successfully utilizes them to gain loyal followers.
- In order to hide from Saturn when he was looking for him, Titan hid in the asteroid belt after his encounter with the Earth since he knew Saturn wouldn't look there.
- Titan has Astrodude come into his surface as he knows the astronaut could find life on the moon, enabling him to gain a starting point for his cause and beliefs.
- While he did a rather poor job of hiding Astrodude from the Moon, he was successfully able to delay releasing him to the point where Astrodude found an organism in Titan's ocean just before that and also gained two blindly loyal followers, Phobos and Deimos, by treating them with respect that they were deprived of for a long time.
- He decided to start the Moon Revolution in order to be on equal terms with planets, successfully gaining the four biggest moons of Jupiter: Io, Callisto, Ganymede and Europa as followers for his goals.
- As the leader of the Moon Revolution, Titan treats many of his followers and minions with respect and kindness no matter their sizes and is sure to maintain that.
- He initially allows the Moon to leave the Revolution and although he allows Callisto and Io to stop him, it is only due to the fact that the Moon may tell the Earth and is clearly upset when hearing of his presumed death.
- In order to gather the moons of the Solar System, Titan has Ganymede and Europa take the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, Calisto and Io to gather the moons of Neptune, and himself and the moons of Mars to find the moons of Uranus to the cause. The plan goes incredibly well with him gathering hundreds of moons to his cause.
- When convincing the moons of Uranus to follow him, Titan provides an incredibly convincing speech to the moons of Uranus that makes many of them believe in the ideals of the Revolution despite originally being mocked. While Titania initially disallows it, that changes when Uranus and Neptune come, encouraging the moons to join Titan.
- Titan immediately notices that Ganymede didn't factor the Sun into his plan and decides to create a new one to account for the Star and attack the Earth
- When the Moon shows up again in order to try and stop the brutality of the Revolution, Titan quickly comes up with a brilliant Gambit to capture the moon as a hostage to bait and attack the Earth. Titan's plan works for numerous reasons.
- The Sun was unable to attack the moons in the asteroid belt since it was very far.
- Many of the other rocky planets were incapacitated and unable to stop him.
- Despite Phobos and Deimos informing the Earth of the plan, it doesn't prevent Titan's goals since the Earth still came.
- Even if the Earth didn't come, Titan's beliefs would've been further validated, giving him more support.
- Despite being blindsided by Callisto, allowing the moon to escape, Titan quickly recovers and takes back the Moon for his gambit.
- When the Earth apologizes for how he treated the moon and how foolish he was, Titan calls off the attack before realizing that Ganymede and Europa will attack anyways.
- Titan defends the Earth from a meteorite bombardment and acknowledges his mistakes while roasting Ganymede in the process.
- When another swarm of asteroids hits the Earth, Titan uses his own gravity to aim them at Ganymede, giving the egotistical moon cathartic karma for his role in the revolution. Titan then holds with Ganymede in a physical fight, delaying him until Pluto and Charon break up the battle.
- Titan ends the Saga by giving a speech on how the Revolution can still continue when the moons are back at their planets.
- Overall, despite being mocked by Ganymede for being only the second largest moon while being named after the Titans, Titan far surpasses his mythological namesakes. The moon constantly machinates new plans whilst making memorably momental monologues which constantly provides him more and more support across the Solar System, gaining hundreds of followers in such a short period of time that even impresses the Moon. He is constantly contrasted with Ganymede who is hypocritical, egotistical, short-tempered, petty and detestable overall while Titan is notably genuine, humble, composed and pragmatic, adding to his magnificence. Even when he was sort of an Unwitting Pawn to the manipulations of Ganymede and Europa, he later goes against the two selfish moons when realizing the Revolution went too far and never has such moments again. Even at his cruelest, Titan is always looking for ways to further his own goals and cause. As the leader of the Moon Revolution, he was able to serve as an unprecedented threat to the rocky planets with his mind and followers. On his own, Titan himself constantly makes better and better plans which will only continue to further his goals as he ensured support from the rocky planets and is likely to find success with the gas giants.
What Makes Him a Baddie?[]
- Titan forces Astrodude to find life on his surface and was generally apathetic about the situation, only freeing him when being threatened by the Moon.
- He tries to gaslight the Moon into believing that the Earth doesn't see him as a friend in order to get him off his back.
- While it was out of good intentions, Titan still plotted to attack the Earth which would've certainly ruined humanity.
- He forcibly captured the Moon as a hostage for his plan to work.
- So far, Titan is the only character in SolarBalls to be a Magnificent Baddie. Other characters however, such as SAR, could also qualify.
External Links[]
- Titan at the SolarBalls Wiki