Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Dr. Albert Krueger from Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger - Ends January 11
  2. Luthic from Dungeons and Dragons - Ends January 11
  3. Odysseus from EPIC: The Musical - Ends January 12

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

None at the moment.


Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki

“ Psst. Got a ship that needs, uh, improvements? Worried about getting caught? At Slim Cognito's your secret is safe with us, whether it's weapons, shielding or a new hyperspace module. We'll hook you up, quickly, cheaply and, most importantly, quietly. So next time you're in the market for some, uh, legally ambiguous refashioning: remember the name: Slim Cognito's. The only inspections we pass are yours. „
~ Slim Cognito's ad for ship mods.

Slim Cognito is a supporting character of Ratchet and Clank, He is a shady black market weapons dealer in Bogon Galaxy who is never seen in person, as only his eyes are ever visible. He sells black market merchandise to Ratchet and Clank throughout their adventures, including weapon modifications, Megacorp weapons, and upgrades for the Star Explorer in his ship shack. In addition to bolts, Slim also trades in Raritanium and platinum bolts.

He is voiced by James Horan

What makes him Magnificent?[]

  • He will always hide in the shadow with only his eyes showing, implying to keep his identity a secret even when he is in prison.
  • He is very charismatic as seen in his ads which help him gets more customers.
  • He helped Ratchet and Clank in their quests by selling Weapons and Upgrades to them with a trade of Raritanium and bolts.
  • In Going Commando, He places buttons all around the planets for Ratchet to call him in case he needed some help from him.
  • In Up Your Arsenal, He escapes from Bogon Galaxy and into Solana Galaxy, then hides in bellow Aquatos after selling a Suck Cannon upgrade to a child, although it is not out of cowardice or any flaws as it was only a slip up.
  • He manages to reveal the Unreleased 5th Qwark vid-comic with him as the announcer exposing Captain Qwark on how big of a coward he is, indirectly helped Ratchet and Clank find where he's hiding.
  • In Secret Agent Clank, after he was imprisoned, he contacted Clank and had Ratchet find the password to help Clank get in the casino.

What makes him a Baddie?[]

  • He is a Black-market weapons dealer who sold dangerous weapons and upgrades to people not caring about the consequences they will bring.
    • This also lead to a few in prison wanting to hurt him very badly.
  • He once sold a Suck Cannon upgrade to a child who he thought "looked eighteen", showing that he had no problems selling dangerous weapons to kids.


  • He along with Neftin Prog are the only Ratchet and Clank characters to be Magnificent Baddies.

External Links[]
