Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Needs More Votes: Cyrus Wadel from S.W.A.T. - Ends January 25th
  2. Needs More Votes: Bok-su from Married in Red - Ends January 26th
  3. Jafar from Aladdin - Ends January 27th
  4. Robot Claus from Futurama = Ends January 28th

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

None at the moment.


Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki

“ Now for your second lesson. Do not place too much trust in other people, especially the living. All day long my advisors have been providing information about this land we journey through, but I worry that I have grown to rely on them too much. I need you to go forth and bring me your own impressions of our situation. Discover how powerful our enemies are, how many troops they have, and what kind of magic they use. The last four towns I encountered were quite easy to defeat, but I do not wish to fall into the trap of being over-confident. I need a fresh pair of eyes to appraise what lies before us. Now go! „
~ Sandro to Vidomina.

Sandro is one of the main antagonists of the Heroes of Might and Magic series, particularly in Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death. He was a legendary, famous warlock and later, a lich.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Magically disguising himself as a living human wizard, he tricks Gem and Crag Hack into obtaining two necromantic artifacts for him, emptily promising them a sum of gold and giving them the impression that he wants to destroy the artifacts for good.
  • Once possessing the two artifacts, the Cloak of the Undead King and the Armor of the Damned, he becomes virtually unstoppable and wipes out the large armies of his former master Ethric and his allies.
    • In addition, with the power of necromancy he gathers more troops into his undead armies through each battle.
  • Along with Finneas Vilmar, he defeats the lords opposing his takeover and overthrows the King of Deyja, before putting Finneas on the throne as a puppet ruler and becoming the one to pull the strings.
  • He had his subordinates poison the vampire lord Vayarad, who murdered and posed as Lord Falorel of AvLee and was becoming a potential threat to his power.
  • He drives off an invasion led by Gem, Gelu, Crag Hack and Yog.
  • Even after being defeated by the four aforementioned heroes in a following battle and losing the artifacts, he manages to escape and hatch a new plot of world conquest.
  • He creates an alliance with Nighon and Eeofol for an invasion of Erathia.
  • Although he is tricked by Finneas into assaulting an innocent lord and thrown in prison, the impending war occurs exactly as he planned and it is also implied he arranged for Vilmar to be killed by the lich King Nicolas Gryphonheart.
  • He essentially came close to conquering all of Antagarich twice.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He attempts world domination and in the process causes countless deaths, even resurrecting his victims as undead and forcing them to join his army.
  • He manipulated Gem and Crag Hack into helping him assemble two evil artifacts without holding up his end of the bargain. In the latter's case, he also tricked Crag Hack into killing some innocents and taking artifacts that they rightfully owned.
  • He killed Lord Fayette and a Deyja Border Lord, also resurrecting the former as a death knight, to prevent them from discovering he was behind the assassination of Vayarad-as-Falorel.
  • He allegedly kidnapped and violated the daughter of Jabarkas years before The Shadow of Death.
  • He has a few Bad Boss moments, such as decapitating a soldier who simply reported bad news for him and killing a skeleton warrior for gossiping about his affection for his apprentice Vidomina.
  • He conspires with Lord Haart in the assassination of King Gryphonheart.
  • He is responsible for the start of the Restoration Wars.
  • He participates in the burning of Tatalia alongside Lord Haart and his necromantic cult.


  • Sandro is the only Magnificent Baddie from the Might and Magic franchise.
  • If his rumored crimes against Jabarkas' daughter indeed happened, it would disqualify Sandro from MB. However, as they have no impact on the story and Sandro has never committed such acts on-screen, it has not been confirmed to be true.

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