Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Dr. Albert Krueger from Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger - Ends January 11
  2. Luthic from Dungeons and Dragons - Ends January 11
  3. Odysseus from EPIC: The Musical - Ends January 12

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

None at the moment.


Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki

“ Maybe I come across as an over dramatic idiot and maybe that's true....or maybe it's the five years of acting lessons that Mr. Hood had me take in elementary. „
~ Jane Hood messing with Phoenix Wright.

Jane Hood is a character from the Ace Attorney fangame, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Conflict of Interest. She is the adoptive daughter of Finnegan Hood and who gets caught up with assassin Carlo Luciano.

What Makes Her Magnificent?[]

  • Her personality is very charming as she is an over the top card-carrying-villain who expresses constant wants to commit crimes such as murder and arson. This doesn't make her too sadistic to count as it is never taken seriously 99% of the time and it's implied that her desires aren't even genuine. This is due to the fact that she has an over-the-top performance, has been in acting classes for five years, and despite how she acts, isn't a for-the-evulz villain since she bases her actions based on logic and planning rather than being evil.
  • Her past is pretty tragic. Her father was a murderer who was assassinated by Shelly de Killer. She was later adopted by his attorney, Finnegan Hood who then taught her how to lie and not to trust people.
  • She is skilled at acting and manipulation thanks to Finnegan, teaching her.
  • When she witnessed Carlo Luciano burying the body of Virgil Black, she convinced him to spare her life in exchange for helping him with covering up any future murders. She then immediately came to the conclusion that he might either make her help him for the rest of her life or kill her so she thought of a scheme to get out of his grasp. This shows she has quick thinking.
    • It's important to keep in mind that Luciano is so desperate to keep his tracks hidden that he kills anyone who might be on to him. The fact that she was able to keep him at bay is pretty impressive.
  • She develops a clever scheme to get herself cleared for the murder of Gladys Porter:
    • First she pretends to commit attempted murder on Trucy in order to get herself arrested and land in police custody.
    • When Phoenix visits Jane in the detention center, she lies to him that she killed Gladys Porter which causes Phoenix to doubt her words knowing that he'll also distrust her if she claimed she was innocent.
    • She makes her first testimony in only one sentence. That Phoenix will only have limited things to say which makes it easier for Jane to predict them. That way she can direct Phoenix to what she wants to happen.
    • When the gig is up, she admits that her goal was to clear herself of suspicious for the murder of Gladys Porter so she decided to manipulate Phoenix into defending her for free. That way, she can be proven innocent without paying legal fees.
  • She conspired with Finnegan to point the police towards (who they thought was) Shelly de Killer's direction.
  • Despite acting like she doesn't care about Finnegan, she is implied to care about him more than she lets on. She decided not to tell Finnegan about her encounter with Carlo Luciano as she didn't want him to share her burden implying she does not want him to get hurt. She also encourages him to become a lawyer again in the credits.
  • She succeeded with her goal of escaping Luciano's control and manipulating Phoenix. It's even more impressive when she never lost her control aside from getting knocked out by Trucy.
  • She isn't over-magnificent since while getting arrested was the plan, getting knocked out clearly wasn't as she doesn't remember it. She also shows arrogant traits in the credits and has a warped mindset thanks to Finnegan's teachings.
    • However these arrogant traits are pretty small and they only show after her goal has succeeded.

What Makes Her a Baddie?[]

  • She openly states her desires to do crimes like murder though it's impiled she is only acting and not being genuine.
  • Stabbed Finnegan in the hand with a wine bottle. While he was a crooked attorney, he wasn't bad enough that he deserved it.
  • Conned Phoenix Wright into defending her for free.


  • She is a evil parallel to Trucy Wright:
    • Both were young girls who lost their father at a young age. Whereas Trucy's father abandoned her, Jane's father was killed by Shelly de Killer.
    • Both were adopted by their father's lawyers.
    • Their adoptive fathers molded them into who they are. Both are smart but Trucy is a kind girl who wants to help people whereas Jane is a evil girl who only wants to help herself.
    • Trucy cares a lot about Phoenix while Jane doesn't really care for Finnegan that much (Though it's been implied she cares more then she lets on).


           Ace Attorney Logo Magnificent Baddies

Damon Gant | Calisto Yew | Ashley Graydon | Pierce Nichody | Aura Blackquill

Finnegan Hood | Jane Hood
