Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Dr. Albert Krueger from Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger - Ends January 11
  2. Luthic from Dungeons and Dragons - Ends January 11
  3. Odysseus from EPIC: The Musical - Ends January 12

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

None at the moment.


Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki

“ Let me bring you up to speed. The name's Corazon! Captain of the Sigwada and Mercenary Extraordinaire! In the flesh. „
~ Corazon introducing herself.

Corazon Tea is a major antagonist of Freedom Planet 2. She is a thief and a mercenary who worked for Merga with her goals.

She was voiced by Lindsay Jones.

What makes her magnificent?[]

  • Effortlessly stole Pangu and tricked Carol and co. with a dummy by falling down.
  • Is a skilled fighter and thief.
  • She refused to harm her sister, but have others to do so.
  • Managed to drive Carol away from her with sleeping gas, put her on a boat and fed her raisins.
  • After being defeated inside the BFF bot, her defeat look is the least humiliating.
  • At the end, she quitted working with Merga, and saved Carol from the latter who tried to kill Carol.
  • Accepted to work with the community service and spending time with her sister. While there are moments of her being teased by Carol, it was not detracting due to the fact she still cared for her sister and just being annoyed and jerkish.

What makes her a baddie?[]

  • She is a pirate that steals a lot of artifacts including Pangu.
  • Tried to kill Lilac and co.
  • Worked with Merga that could result in a mass murder.