Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Needs More Votes: Bok-su from Married in Red - Ends January 26th
  2. Jafar from Aladdin - Ends January 27th
  3. Robot Claus from Futurama = Ends January 28th

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

None at the moment.


Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki

MBs who are cruel, savage, and seek to achieve their goals through physical force mainly. Although villains of this type almost never qualify as Magnificent Baddies due to their hotheaded and violent natures, which also often lead them to be too vile, sadistic or petty, these characters retain a high level of intelligence and lack the qualities that would undermine their magnificence.

Note: MBs in this category cannot be portrayed as too sadistic, destructive, or simple-minded. Even though there were moments of barbarity, they should balance this with Evil Is Cool, Laughably Evil moments, display dignity (or at least a pragmatic nature) and meet the other criteria of this Wiki..

All items (30)
