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Teacher, cook, and amateur film historian.

Articles, files, other contributions


Planned contributions

  • Sterne - Desperately needs to be expanded or translated from the German article
  • I often use Simple English Wikipedia in the ESL classroom, and I hope to contribute more articles in the future.
  • Billy Wilder - Needs some additional sources and biographical info
  • Konrad Wolf - Needs to be significantly expanded. I have some great sources on his life and work, but most are in German, so I'll need to work on translating them, which will take some time using my rusty German.
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Needs to be expanded a bit
  • Lissy (film) - still a work in progress
  • I'd like to add more information about the locations of artworks, since they are very inconsistently labeled, even though that information is considered basic, along with artist's name and year.