Yellow Forest (Pokéwalker)

Yellow Forest (Japanese: きいろのもり Yellow Forest) is an area in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. It was first announced on Pokémon Sunday, exactly forty days before the games' release in Japan.

Yellow Forest きいろのもり
Yellow Forest
Cost: Unlocked by:
0 watts Event
Many Pikachu live in harmony in this forest. Walk through here frequently, and try to find one!

It can be accessed on the Pokéwalker after the player obtains the Route's Route Map from a Wi-Fi event. The only Pokémon that reside in Yellow Forest are Pikachu, some of which are said to know the move Fly. Pikachu captured in the forest can also know moves such as Volt Tackle, Flail, and even Surf.


Group Pokémon Level Steps Required Steps with advantageous type Rarity Held item Moves
A 15 10000 7500 Very Rare
Shuca Berry
Fly Flying
Thunder Electric
Growl Normal
Pikachu Tail Whip Normal
A 14 9500 7125 Very Rare
Lum Berry
Surf Water
Thunderbolt Electric
Thunder Wave Electric
Pikachu Quick Attack Normal
B 12 5000 3750 Very Rare
Sitrus Berry
Volt Tackle Electric
Fake Out Normal
ThunderShock Electric
Pikachu Growl Normal
B 13 2000 1500 Rare
Leppa Berry
Flail Normal
Helping Hand Normal
Shock Wave Electric
Pikachu Thunder Wave Electric
C 10 0 0 Very Common
ThunderShock Electric
Growl Normal
Tail Whip Normal
Pikachu Thunder Wave Electric
C 10 0 0 Very Common
Oran Berry
ThunderShock Electric
Growl Normal
Tail Whip Normal
Pikachu -- --


Item Steps Required Rarity
Light Ball Light Ball 7000+ steps Very Rare
Thunderstone Thunderstone 6000+ steps Very Rare
Miracle Seed Miracle Seed 5000+ steps Very Rare
Big Root Big Root 4000+ steps Very Rare
Aspear Berry Aspear Berry 1000+ steps Common
Rawst Berry Rawst Berry 900+ steps Common
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry 800+ steps Common
Chesto Berry Chesto Berry 700+ steps Common
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry 600+ steps Common
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom 0+ steps Very Common


Game Version Duration
Wi-Fi Specific Locations
Japanese Sept. 18 to Nov. 10, 2009 None
Feb. 16 to Feb. 28, 2010
Korean Feb. 4 to Mar. 31, 2010 Feb. 4 to Mar. 15, 2010*
American Apr. 1 to May 5, 2010 Jul. 21 to Jul. 25, 2010*
PAL None

Wonder Card

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.


コースマップ きいろのもり
ポケウォーカーの とくべつなコース
きいろのもりに でかけよう!
くわしくは オフィシャルサイトへ!
フレンドリィショップで うけとったら
かならず レポートを かいてね。


*이상한 카드
노란 숲 선물
프렌들리숍에서 받으면 반드시 리포트를
작성하세요! 포켓워커로 많은 피카츄가
살고 있는 노란 숲에 가는 자세한 방법은
포켓몬 공식 사이트를 확인해 주세요!


Wonder Card
The Yellow Forest!
Go on a Stroll in the Yellow Forest,
a special Pokéwalker Route where you
can meet lots of PIKACHU! Be sure to
save the game once you pick up the
Route Map at a Poké Mart.


*Carte Miracle
La Forêt Jaune!
Partez en balade dans la Forêt Jaune,
une route spéciale du Pokéwalker,
pour rencontrer plein de PIKACHU!
Récupérez la carte dans une Boutique
Pokémon et sauvegardez.


  • All Surfing Pikachu found here are female, while all Flying Pikachu are male. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Red's Pikachu Pika, a male, knows Surf, and Yellow's Pikachu Chuchu, a female, knows Fly.
  • As seen in the background of the advertisement picture, there is a Pikachu with balloons tied to its back. This is most likely a reference to the Pikachu at the end credits and opening of Yellow.

In other languages

Language Title
Dutch Gele Bos*
French Forêt Jaune
German Goldgelber Wald
Italian Bosco Giallo
Korean 노란 숲 Noran Sup
Spanish Bosque Amarillo

External links


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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.