Winner's Path (Pokéwalker)

Champ Road redirects here. For other uses, see Champion Road.

Winner's Path (Japanese: チャンプのみち Champ's Path) is a course for the Pokéwalker. It can be unlocked by the player downloading the course from an event.

Winner's Path チャンプのみち
Champ's Path
Cost: Unlocked by:
0 watts Event
If you're aiming to be Champion, you'll want to walk this Route! You'll meet strong Pokémon!

The Pokémon found in Winner's Path know moves which they wouldn't usually learn by level-up, such as TM or Move Tutor moves, with one exception. Within Generation IV, this course is the only way Munchlax can have the move Selfdestruct.


Group Pokémon Level Steps Required Steps with advantageous type Rarity Held item Moves
A 5 8000 6000 Rare
Shuca Berry
Take Down Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic
Iron Head Steel
Beldum Iron Defense Steel
A 5 8000 6000 Very Rare
Metronome Normal
Tackle Normal
Defense Curl Normal
Munchlax Selfdestruct Normal
B 5 3000 2250 Common
Dragon Scale
Bubble Water
SmokeScreen Normal
Muddy Water Water
Horsea -- --
B 5 3000 2250 Common
Reaper Cloth
Leer Normal
Night Shade Ghost
Imprison Psychic
Duskull -- --
C 5 0 0 Very Common
Wacan Berry
Splash Normal
Bounce Flying
-- --
Magikarp -- --
C 5 0 0 Very Common
Occa Berry
Tackle Normal
Confusion Psychic
Trick Room Psychic
Bronzor -- --


Item Steps Required Rarity
Focus Sash Focus Sash 10000+ steps Very Rare
Choice Scarf Choice Scarf 9000+ steps Very Rare
Choice Band Choice Band 8000+ steps Very Rare
Choice Specs Choice Specs 7000+ steps Very Rare
Power Herb Power Herb 6000+ steps Very Rare
White Herb White Herb 5000+ steps Very Rare
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry 2000+ steps Rare
Lum Berry Lum Berry 1000+ steps Rare
Persim Berry Persim Berry 500+ steps Common
Chesto Berry Chesto Berry 0+ steps Very Common


Game Version Duration
Wi-Fi Specific Locations
Japanese Jan. 13 to Jan. 27, 2010 Oct. 17 to Dec. 27, 2009
American May 6 to June 25, 2010 None
Korean Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, 2010 Jun. 1 to Jul. 25, 2010

Wonder Card


コースマップ チャ���プのみち
ポケウォーカーの とくべつなコース
チャンプのみちに でかけよう!
くわしくは オフィシャルサイトへ!
フレンドリィショップで うけとったら
かならず レポートを かいてね。


Wonder Card
The Winner's Path!
Go on a Stroll in the Winner's Path,
a special Pokéwalker Route where you
can meet strong Pokémon for battle!
Be sure to save the game once you
pick up the Route Map at a Poké Mart.


*Carte Miracle
Le Chemin Victoire!
Baladez-vous sur le Chemin Victoire,
une route spéciale du Pokéwalker,
pour rencontrer de puissants Pokémon!
Récupérez la carte dans une Boutique
Pokémon et sauvegardez.


Wonder Card
Via dei Campioni!
Passeggia sulla Via dei Campioni,
lo speciale Percorso del Pokéwalker
popolato da Pokémon forti! Ricorda di
salvare dopo avere ottenuto la mappa
del Percorso in un Pokémon-Market.


*이상한 카드
특별한 코스맵 챔프의 길
포켓워커의 특별한 코스맵
챔프의 길로 외출 해봅시다!
프렌들리숍에서 받으면
리포트를 작성해주세요.

In other languages

Language Title
French Chemin Victoire
German Siegerstraße
Italian Via dei Campioni
Korean 챔프의 길 Chaempeu'ui Gil
Spanish Vía Campeón

External links


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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.