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Please remember to always sign your comments. You can sign your comments with 4 tildes (~) or clicking the signature stamp () on the top of the edit box. It should also be noted that once your comment has been marked as unsigned, you cannot replace it with your signature as it will give off the wrong time stamp. Thank you for taking your time to read this message, have a good day. --ForceFire 08:08, 9 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

The Preview Button

Instead of editing a page several times in a row, try using the preview button to make sure your edit looks the way you want it to. It's right next to the Save Page button. Please try it out, so as not to clog up the Recent Changes. Also, if you want to edit multiple sections of the page, make sure that you click "edit this page" at the top of the page rather than editing it by section. Thanks! --Landfish7 08:12, 21 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

How exactly did you get a Chansey with Heal Bell in SV?

I saw you uploaded this picture, yet as far as I'm aware, Chansey can't learn Heal Bell in SV because Pokemon Home removes the moves upon transfer to SV. ¿¡Unowninator?! (talk) 05:37, 7 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

  • Chansey is programmed to learn Heal Bell through breeding in SV, I bred it onto the Chansey in BDSP. I was able to teach it Heal Bell in SV through Home because HOME allows you to teach Pokemon moves they've learned in other games as long as they can learn the move in that game. I also used this to get a Psyduck with Simple Beam. PinkYoshiGaming (talk) 03:08, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Is that right? Well then, I guess I better undo my edits then. Thanks. ¿¡Unowninator?! (talk) 03:37, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply


Hey! It's so awesome that you're updating the available parents, it's a very tedious job, and I couldn't find the strength to do it myself, so kudos. Could you put the finished versions on the evolutions' pages as well? I usually do it myself, but it feels weird to copy your work. Oneofthosedf (talk) (contribs) 13:36, 14 October 2023 (UTC)Reply