About me
Hi dere, hows it going? :3 I've been obsessed with Pokémon for about a decade by now, I started playing the games and got hooked into the series when I was about 8 or so years old and I bought the old Pokemon Red and Blue games for the Gameboy Color [1] The Gameboy Color was the first ever system that I bought on my own when I was young, and the first game that I bought was Pokémon Blue. I then later received Red as an Easter Present. The games were addicting and it instantly provided me something to keep playing throughout the years even to this day. After I bought the Blue version, I happened to somehow stumble across the Anime [2] Personally I loved the Pokémon: Indigo League, Adventures in the Orange Islands, Johto Journeys, & Johto League Champions series. Later on the Gold and Silver versions arrived and thus I played many hours of the games as well.
Unless, the games don't really provide a way of an improvement that I don't like I have a feeling that I'll be obsessed with them for years to come. I honestly don't want to count the hours that I've spent playing the games. For me, it would just be wise to not even attempt to count them since I have at least 200+ hours for each time that I've played the games which includes; screwing around with a Gameshark/Action Replay [3] [4] After a while, my interest for whatever reason in Pokémon started to wane. My interest was then re-newed when I bought a FireRed and LeafGreen game from GameXchange[5], and this was also the time when I started to only really buy one out of the two/three remake/gen games that were released at the time. Towards sometime while I was in High School, I bought a Ruby and Sapphire game. After a while, my Gameboy Advance [6] became useless since the Left and Right buttons on the D-pad [7] would not move the character correctly in any game that I owned at the time. Since then, I did not play any other Pokemon game other than in a ROM form [8] on my Computer/Laptop [9] [10] After I had my laptop for roughly 3-4 months, I heard that there was going to be a new Pokémon to be released. I then thought about if I really wanted to buy the game or not. After hearing a little about it in some internet forums [11] on random sites, I decided to go ahead and buy the game as well as a DS [12]. At the time, the new game was Pokémon Platinum. Honestly, I was a bit surprised at how much that they've change, but I was a little disappointed by the Pokémon themselves. I'm not going to give out any real personal information (such as age, where I live, etc..), so deal with it stalker V: That's it for now and remember to go see Gwen Stafani so she can teach you how to spell B-a-n-a-n-a-s
Joined Bulbapedia
To do:
- Make a list of what is currently on my team
- Make a list of what is in the lab
- Make a list of Pokemon that I can remember that I've given away.
- Provide appropriate links to my Pokemon related stuff
- Have a random/other section
Random/Other Section
Pokémon Games
This user likes to mess with glitches in the Pokémon games.
This user can read Unown writing!
This user spends too much time on the computer.