Team Flare (Trainer class)

Team Flare (Japanese: フレア団 Team Flare) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that first debuted in the Generation VI games. This class comprises all the high-ranking members of Team Flare which battle the player, notably their leader Lysandre in certain battles, as well as the team's scientist administrators. In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the class is used exclusively by Lysandre during his appearance in Episode RR.

Team Flare
フレア団 Team Flare

Art of Lysandre from Pokémon X and Y
Other names
Introduced in Generation VI
Appears in X and Y
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Gender Both
Counterpart {{{counterpart}}}
Notable members Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Lysandre, Mable, Xerosic
Animated debut Mega Evolution Special I
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut X-actly What They Wanted (Adventures)


Sprites and models

Aliana's VS model from
X and Y
Bryony's VS model from
X and Y
Celosia's VS model from
X and Y
Mable's VS model from
X and Y
Aliana's overworld model from
X and Y
Bryony's overworld model from
X and Y
Celosia's overworld model from
X and Y
Mable's overworld model from
X and Y
Xerosic's VS model from
X and Y
Lysandre's VS model from
X and Y
Lysandre's VS model from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Xerosic's overworld model from
X and Y
Lysandre's overworld model from
X and Y
Lysandre's overworld model from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Trainer list

Pokémon X and Y

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In animation

As an entity, Team Flare debuted in From A to Z!, including its five scientists, Celosia, Mable, Aliana, Bryony, and Xerosic. However, Lysandre first appeared in Mega Evolution Special I as a mysterious benefactor assisting Alain on his quest in exchange for information on Mega Evolution. Lysandre and Team Flare eventually went on to become the main antagonists of the XY & Z arc of Pokémon the Series: XY.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

The Team Flare Scientist appeared early on in the X & Y arc, observing Xerneas and Yveltal's battle in Vaniville Town and attempting to steal X's Mega Ring. Lysandre debuted soon after, observing a video of the aforementioned battle at Professor Sycamore's laboratory. Team Flare as a whole served as the major antagonists of the chapter.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 閃焰隊的 Símyihm Déui-dīk
Mandarin 閃焰隊的 Shǎnyàn Duì-de*
闪焰队 Shǎnyàn Duì*
French Team Flare
German Team Flare
Italian Team Flare
Korean 플레어단 Flare-dan
Spanish Team Flare

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This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.