Poké Kid (Trainer class)

A Poké Kid (Japanese: ポケモンごっこ Make-believe Pokémon) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that debuted in the Generation IV games. They are little kids in Pokémon costumes.

Poké Kid
ポケモンごっこ Make-believe Pokémon

VS model from Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Other names
Introduced in Generation IV
Appears in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver
Sword and Shield, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Masters EX
Gender Both
Counterpart {{{counterpart}}}
Notable members Eve, Petey
Animated debut
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut {{{manga}}}

In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Poké Kids appear as little girls that are possibly the children of male Poké Fans. Outside of battle, they appear to be just an ordinary Pikachu; this is used to mess with the player on multiple occasions, including a Poké Kid hidden amongst several regular Pikachu. They exclusively use Pikachu, and in Platinum, Pichu and Raichu.

In Sword and Shield, male Poké Kids were introduced, who take on the appearance of Pikachu, while girls wear Eevee costumes instead. Unlike before, they do not exclusively use Pikachu.


Sprites and models

In the core series

Beta sprite from
Diamond and Pearl
Sprite from
Generation IV*
VS models from
Sword and Shield
VS model from
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Overworld sprite from
Generation IV*
Y-Comm profile images from
Sword and Shield
Overworld model from
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In other games

Overworld models from
Masters EX
VS models from
Masters EX

Trainer list

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

See more: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl/Poké Kid

Pokémon Platinum

See more: List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV/Poké Kid

Pokémon Sword and Shield

See more: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Sword and Shield/Poké Kid

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

See more: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl/Poké Kid

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main articles: Eve (Masters) and Petey (Masters)

Poké Kid Eve and Petey form sync pairs with Eevee and Pikachu, respectively, in Pokémon Masters EX. Eve became a playable sync pair on November 17, 2023, while Petey became a playable character on February 2, 2024.

Dex Trainer NDex Pokémon Type Weakness Role EX role Base potential Availability
#189 Poké Kid
#0133 Eevee
★★★ Story Event
Let's Go In Search of Wonder
#194 Poké Kid
#0025 Pikachu
★★★ Special Sync Pair Event

In the manga

A Poké Kid in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

A Poké Kid was seen exploring the Safari Zone Gate with her mother in Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down.

Diamond & Pearl arc

In Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu I, a Poké Kid makes a cameo while the main characters visit Veilstone City. Her friend was supposed to challenge Maylene but she mixed the Poké Kid and her friends with the three main characters, due to the main characters possessing an item that made landing attacks easier she had heard the kids talking about.

The Poké Kid and his friend appeared briefly in Stunning Staravia & Stinky Skuntank II, noticing the impact from the cannon.

In Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia V, the Poké Kid and his friends were teleported to the Jubilife Grand Hotel due to the distortion of time and space.

Platinum arc

The Poké Kid from above, together with her friends, is seen entering the Battle Frontier in Deprogramming Porygon-Z.


Poké Kid's Pichu

The Poké Kid from Veilstone City was revealed to own a Pichu, which was seen walking with its Trainer to the Battle Frontier.

None of Pichu's moves are known.

In the TCG

Poké Kid in the TCG
Main article: Poké Kid (Sword & Shield 173)

Poké Kid was introduced as a Supporter card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Sword & Shield Series (the Japanese Sword & Shield Era). It was first released in the Japanese V Starter Sets before debuting in English in the Sword & Shield expansion, with artwork by Hitoshi Ariga. It allows the player to search their deck for a Pokémon, reveal it to their opponent, then shuffle their deck.


  • In Pokémon Platinum, Poké Kid Ariel can be found in these Pokémon Center locations around Sinnoh:
Sunday, Monday, Thursday: Floaroma Town
Tuesday, Friday: Solaceon Town
Wednesday, Saturday: Resort Area
  • In Pokémon Platinum, there is data for a battle with Poké Kid Ariel with three level 3 Pichu, but it is completely inaccessible.[1]
  • Poké Kid Ariel says "Pi-Pikachu!" before battle. Ash's Pikachu says the same after many of Ash's various victories (winning a Badge, catching a Pokémon, and so on).

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 寶可夢小朋友 Pokémon Síupàhngyáuh
Mandarin 寶可夢小朋友 / 宝可梦小朋友 Pokémon Xiǎopéngyǒu
French Poké Enfant
German Poké-Kind
Indonesian Kostum Pokémon
Italian Poké Bimba ()
Poké Bimbo ()
Korean 포켓몬놀이 Pokémon Nol-i
Brazilian Portuguese Poké Criança
Spanish Pokéchica ()
Pokéchico ()


Related articles

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Rising StarScientistSightseerStreet ThugSwimmerTeam Aqua GruntTeam Flare Grunt
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This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.