Ryme City (Japanese: ライムシティ Ryme City) is the setting of the game Detective Pikachu, the game's sequel Detective Pikachu Returns, and the movie based on the game, POKÉMON Detective Pikachu. Its slogan is A Place of Harmony Between Humans and Pokémon.

Ryme City ライムシティ
Ryme City
Artwork of Ryme City from Detective Pikachu
Introduction Detective Pikachu
Professor None
First partner Pokémon None
Regional Villains None
Pokémon League {{{league}}}
League Location {{{location}}}
Pokédex List {{{pokelist}}}
Series {{{series}}}
Season(s) {{{season}}}
Generation VI, VII, IX
Games Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu Returns
Adventures Debut {{{manga}}}

Home to many people and Pokémon, the city is most famous for the annual Pokémon Carnival, its largest festival which attracts world-class ships such as the S.S. Prime Treasure to observe it. It is also connected by a ferry service which runs once a day to Cappucci Island. The Pokémon Comprehensive Laboratory, which researches the abilities of Pokémon and has developed various inventions, is located on a mountain pass to the northwest of the city.

Although its location relative to other regions is unknown, the mention of Pokémon Trainers, Pokémon Rangers, Pokémon Contests, and the Alola region indicate that it is located in the same world as the core series games.

Places of interest

In Detective Pikachu and sequel

Harry's apartment

Tim and Pikachu stay in his father's apartment while he attends Ryme University, while also investigating the disappearance of his father. It is first visited at the beginning of Chapter 2 of Detective Pikachu. Harry's apartment returns in the sequel mostly unchanged, although mother and sister also temporarily reside here while visiting Tim in Ryme City. Harry's apartment is fitted with a dining table, TV, kitchen, a desk, and bed.

Hi-Hat Café

Main article: Hi-Hat Café

The Hi-Hat Café is a café run by Pablo Millan, known for its coffee and live music. In Detective Pikachu, it is located on the first floor of a building south of Tahnti Park, below the Baker Detective Agency, and is first visited at the end of Chapter 2. In the sequel, the Hi-Hat Café has moved to a standalone building west of Fountain Plaza, which is noticeably larger and has a proper stage for performing musicians.

In Detective Pikachu

Tahnti Station

Main article: Vicinity of Tahnti Station

Tahnti Station is an underground train station located outside Tahnti Park. Tim Goodman arrives in Ryme City through Tahnti Station. The first part of Chapter 1 takes place outside of it, above ground.

Tahnti Park

Main article: Tahnti Park

Tahnti Park is a park home to various species of Pokémon located southeast of the central square. The second part of Chapter 1 takes place here.

Baker Detective Agency

Main article: Baker Detective Agency

The Baker Detective Agency is located on the second floor of a building south of Tahnti Park in Ryme City, above the Hi-Hat Café. It is first visited at the end of Chapter 1.

Litwick Cave

Main article: Litwick Cave

Litwick Cave is one of Ryme City's famous spots, popular with tourists as well as with couples. Most of Chapter 2 takes place here.

Fine Park

Main article: Fine Park

Fine Park was an amusement park located in Ryme City. Although it was closed down following an incident a year prior to the events of the game involving a Charizard, a few Pokémon still remain there. Most of Chapter 5 takes place here.


Main article: GNN

GNN is a popular local television station headquartered in Ryme City. Most of Chapter 6 takes place here. Although the GNN headquarters is not visited in the sequel, Emilia Christie does appear on TV for GNN's news program.

Ryme Wharf

Main article: Ryme Wharf

Ryme Wharf is the city's western port, located in the southwest of the city. Goods from all over the world are stored in the many warehouses located around the area. Most of Chapter 7 takes place here.

Central Square

Main article: Central Square

Ryme City's central square is located in the middle of the city. During the city's annual Pokémon Carnival, each of the three routes meet here. Most of Chapter 9 takes place here.

Ryme University

Ryme University (Japanese: ライム大学 Ryme University) is a university mentioned to be located in the eastern part of the city. Having passed its admissions test, Tim plans to attend the university in the fall. One of the routes for the Pokémon Carnival passes through the university.

Ryme Central Station

Ryme Central Station (Japanese: ライム中央駅 Ryme Central Station) is a station mentioned to be the destination of one of the routes for the Pokémon Carnival.

Ryme Botanical Garden

The Ryme Botanical Garden (Japanese: ライム植物園 Ryme Botanical Garden) is a botanical garden mentioned to be located in the northwestern part of the city. One of the routes for the Pokémon Carnival passes through the garden.

West Building

The West Building (Japanese: ウェストビル West Building) is a building mentioned to be located in the western part of the city. One of the routes for the Pokémon Carnival passes by the building.

In Detective Pikachu Returns

Fountain Plaza

Fountain Plaza

Fountain Plaza (Japanese: 噴水広場 Fountain Square) is a small square which is the location of the medal ceremony held by Howard Myers to commemorate the efforts of Tim and Pikachu and their investigation into R. A Slowpoke statue is located at the center of the plaza, and several vendors dot the outer parts of the plaza. Fountain Plaza leads to the Hi-Hat Café and the police station to the west, and the Denis Residence and Serenity Park to the east.

The Slowpoke statue is damaged during the chapter Detainee Pikachu in an attempt to frame Pikachu.

Back Alley

Back Alley

The Back Alley (Japanese: 路地裏 Back Alley) is a small side street situated in the back of Fountain Plaza. Larry's Cramorant can be found hiding here during the events of the chapter The Missing Jewel.

2nd Avenue

2nd Avenue

2nd Avenue (Japanese: 2番街 2nd Street) is a longer street situated behind Fountain Plaza which loops towards the police station. Several shops including a burger shop, the parking lot of the police station, and several houses can be found along the avenue. Tim and Rachel speak to the residents of the avenue to investigate Pokémon-related incidents in Ryme City during the chapter Detainee Pikachu.

Denis Residence

Main article: Denis Residence

The Denis Residence (Japanese: デニス邸 Denis Residence) is the abode of Sanjeev Denis and his family, where the events of The Missing Jewel chapter take place. The theft of the Aurora Drop occurs in this mansion. It is located east of Fountain Plaza.

Serenity Park

Main article: Serenity Park

Serenity Park (Japanese: 憩いの公園 Relaxation Park) is a park located east of the Denis Residence. Tim and Pikachu investigate the theft of the Aurora Drop by interviewing Pokémon in this park.

Ryme City Police Station

Main article: Ryme City Police Station

The Ryme City Police Station (Japanese: ライム警察署 Ryme Police Station) is located to the west of Fountain Plaza. Pikachu is wrongfully detained at the station after being framed with damage to a Slowpoke statue during the chapter Detainee Pikachu.


In Detective Pikachu Returns

Fountain Plaza









Manectric (Brad's)









Corviknight (Unitas's)


West of the plaza

Alolan Exeggutor









Back Alley



Cramorant (Larry's)

2nd Avenue

Beedrill (Unitas's)









Toucannon (quiz professor's)



Local concerns

Local concerns are featured in Detective Pikachu Returns. These are small optional tasks which locals will ask for assistance from Tim and Pikachu.

Local concern Description Solution
Find a practice partner for the soccer boy The soccer boy is looking for a partner to practice with. Find a Pokémon that knows how to play soccer. Find a Raboot in Serenity Park to practice soccer with the boy
Find the Gossifleur choir members Find the two members of the Gossifleur choir that haven't returned. They might be playing somewhere in the city. One Gossifleur can be found near the police station, while the other is in Fountain Plaza
Find Berries for Pignite Pignite is too hungry to move. Help out by finding some Berries! Berries can be found in Berry trees in Fountain Plaza
Take the quiz professor's Pokémon quiz The quiz professor is quizzing you about Pokémon. Search for Pokémon that match her hints. Answers
Retrieve the wedding ring from the gap between the buildings A man is in distress because he dropped his wedding ring between two buildings. Find a Pokémon that can squeeze into the gap. Furret can be found in 2nd Avenue who can help retrieve the wedding ring
Retrieve the ball for the man's children A man's kids got their ball stuck on the roof. Is there a Pokémon somewhere that’s good at climbing up buildings? Aipom can be found in 2nd Avenue who can retrieve the ball for the children
Find the truth behind the mysterious voice A mysterious cry has been heard near Fountain Plaza. Find the source of the sound. Investigating a tree in Fountain Plaza will reveal a Taillow as the source of the noises

In the movie

Ryme City in Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Ryme City is the main setting of POKÉMON Detective Pikachu. Ryme City was founded by Howard Clifford as a utopia where humans and Pokémon could live and work together side by side. Unlike other regions, Pokémon do not live in the wild, and being a Pokémon Trainer, taking part in a Pokémon battle, and using Poké Balls are prohibited.

The aesthetics of Ryme City are based on a mixture of the real world cities of London, New York City, Tokyo, and Shanghai.[1]


  • In the Pokémon Today newspaper given away for free in Japan, Ryme City is romanized as "Lime City".


In other languages

Language Name Origin
German, Spanish, French, Italian,
Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian,
Norwegian, Brazilian Portuguese
Romanian, Slovak, Swedish
Ryme City Same as its Japanese and English name
Korean 라임시티 Ryme City Transcription of its Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 萊姆市 / 莱姆市 Láimǔ Shì Transcription of its Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 萊姆市 Lòihmóuh Síh* Mandarin-based transcription of its Japanese name
瑞美市 Seuihméih Síh* Mandarin-based transcription of its Japanese name
Arabic رايم سيتي Ryme City Transcription of its English name
Basque Ryme hiri From its English name
Bulgarian Райм Сити Raym Siti Transcription of its English name
Greek Πόλη Ράιμ Póli Ráim
Πόλη Ραϊμ Póli Raïm
Transcription of its English name
Hebrew ראים סיטי Raim Siti Transcription of its English name
Indonesian Kota Ryme From its English name
Khmer ក្រុង Ryme krong Ryme From its English name
Lithuanian Raim Miestas Transcription of its English name
Malaysian Bandar Ryme From its English name
Polish Miasto Ryme From its English name
European Portuguese Cidade de Ryme From its English name
Russian Райм-Сити Raym-Siti Transcription of its English name
Serbian Rajm Siti Transcription of its English name
Thai ไรม์ ซิต���้ Ryme City Transcription of its English name
Turkish Ryme Şehri From its English name
Ukrainian Рима-сіті Ryma-siti From its English name
Vietnamese Thành phố Ryme From its English name

Related articles

Locations in the Detective Pikachu series
Detective Pikachu Ryme City (Baker Detective AgencyHi-Hat Café)
Vicinity of Tahnti Station/Tahnti ParkLitwick CavePokémon Comprehensive LaboratoryCappucci IslandFine ParkGNNRyme WharfS.S. Prime TreasureCentral Square
Detective Pikachu Returns Ryme City (Hi-Hat CaféDenis ResidenceSerenity ParkPolice station)
Southern RuinsBamboo BoroughPokémon Unity Lab
POKÉMON Detective Pikachu
Characters Tim GoodmanDetective PikachuLucy StevensLt. Hide YoshidaHoward CliffordRoger CliffordDr. Ann LaurentSebastianJackMewtwoHarry Goodman
Locations Ryme CityHi-Hat CaféRyme WharfPokémon Comprehensive Laboratory
Other RBerserk Gene
Soundtrack and score Soundtrack
Adaptations ComicNovel (UK)
TCG TCG expansion • Detective Pikachu (Detective Pikachu 10, SM Promo 190, SM Promo 194, S-P Promo 99) • Charizard-GXMewtwo-GXGreninja-GXBulbasaurPsyduckSnubbull
Case File (Special) • Charizard-GX Case File (Special) • Mewtwo-GX Case FileGreninja-GX Case File (Special)
Collector ChestTwo Pack BlisterTinsCafé Figure CollectionOn the Case Figure CollectionUltra Pro accessories
Special Jumbo Card Pack (Charizard-GX, Mewtwo-GX) • Deck case and sleeves
Pokémon TCG Card Dex (Special unlockable features)
Merchandise The Art and Making of Pokémon Detective PikachuCase Files guide bookMovie Journal activity bookSticker Activity BookSuper Sleuth reader
2019 Burger King promotional Pokémon toysHi-Hat Cafe CollectionRyme City CollectionPokémon Shape Sugar CookiesMega Construx Pokémon
Software Playground: Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Tie-in media Who's that Pokémon? segments
Event distributions GO Detective Pikachu and Raichu

Regions in the Pokémon world
Core series Kanto (Sevii Islands) • JohtoHoenn
Sinnoh (HisuiBattle Zone) • Unova (Blueberry Academy)
KalosAlolaGalar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra)
Side series White CityOrre
Animated series Orange IslandsDecolore Islands
Spin-off games FioreAlmiaObliviaPokémon IslandMintale Town
Ryme CityPasioRanseiFerrumLental
Mystery Dungeon worldPokéParkTCG Islands
Carmonte IslandTumblecube IslandAeos Island
Mythical Island
TCG Southern IslandsPuzzle ContinentHolon
Parallel Worlds
Sovereign states in
the Pokémon world
Ranger UnionGuyana
Lucario KingdomMirage KingdomRota
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.