Metagross (Japanese: メタグロス Metagross) is a Grade 5 Pokémon Mezastar tag. It is part of the third Super Tag set.
Metagross メタグロス Metagross

 Front art
 Back art
This Pokémon can Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross when selected to attack.
This Pokémon can use its Z-Move when selected to attack.
This Pokémon starts the battle in its Crowned Sword form.
This Pokémon can Dynamax when selected to attack.
Miracle Go First Chance! If the opposing Pokémon would attack first, Go First Chance! will always trigger.
Double Move This Pokémon can use an additional move after using its first.
Chain Attack This Pokémon can chain its attack with the player's other usable Pokémon.
This Pokémon can Terastallize into a Grass-type Tera Pokémon when selected to attack.
Pokémon Mezastar tag 2-3-025
Tag data
HP 147
Attack 148
Defense 142
Sp. Attack 105
Sp. Defense 100
Speed 79
Pokédex entry
Formed from the fusion of two Metang, its four brains are said to be superior to a supercomputer.
2ひきの メタングが がったいして うまれた。 4つの のうは スーパーコンピューターよりも すぐれているといわれる。
Tag partner
This Pokémon can attack together with Pikachu if successful during Tag Attack Chance!
Meteor Mash is a move that Metagross can learn in the games.