A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In Trial and Tribulation!, Officer Jenny drove Ash to Iki Town for his grand trial battle with Hala. After Ash emerged victorious, he was about to receive a Fightinium Z from Hala as a reward for defeating him, but at the last second, Tapu Koko switched it with an Electrium Z, which Hala ended up giving Ash instead.
In Full Moon and Many Arms!, Hala was shown there, paying respects to the Blinding One as a part of the Manalo Festival. Tapu Koko was also seen nearby, watching the sunrise. In Securing the Future!, Hala led the people and Pokémon gathered at the site into sharing their light with Necrozma through an Ultra Wormhole so it could return to its true form.
In The Secret Princess!, Ash and his classmates visited Hala in Iki Town again to learn about Mohn's Z-Ring and receive Hala's approval for Lillie to keep and use it for the time being. Despite Lillie and Snowy being unable to successfully perform Subzero Slammer during their first attempt at using a Z-Move, Hala still gave Lillie his blessing and allowed her to keep using the Z-Ring.
Iki Town first appeared in Pokémon Move Specialist Professor Kukui. There, Hala hosted an exhibition battle between Olivia and Nanu in order to prepare a stage that would be used in an upcoming festival. The next day, Hala hosted a tournament taking place in the festival. Sun, Moon, Hau, Gladion, the Masked Royal, and Grunt A each competed against each other in the tournament, with Sun having taken Lillie's place by her request, as she had been registered as a participant by mistake without her meaning to enter. In the middle of the event, Guzma knocked out Grunt A and took his place in the tournament. The tournament ended with Sun defeating Gladion in the final round, earning him an island challenge amulet and sending him on a journey to appease the enraged guardian deities.
In Thieving and Boss Crabominable, the island kahunas met at Hala's house, where they unanimously voted to make Hapu the next kahuna of Poni Island, though they acknowledged that Tapu Fini's approval was required to make her position official. Soon afterwards, they were attacked by a Kartana and a Buzzwole. Hala stayed behind to battle them while Olivia and Nanu escaped to return to their respective islands and protect them from the Ultra Beast invasion.
In the TCG
The following is a list is of cards mentioning or featuring Iki Town in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
Related cards Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format. Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.