Boundaries Crossed (TCG)

(Redirected from Freeze Bolt (TCG))
BW7 redirects here, due to a series identifier mismatch between Japanese and English set releases, if you were looking for the Japanese set with this series identifier see Plasma Storm (TCG).
Freeze Bolt redirects here. For the game move that has the Japanese name Freeze Bolt, see Freeze Shock (move).
Cold Flare redirects here. For the game move that has the Japanese name Cold Flare, see Ice Burn (move).
← Dragon Vault
TCG expansions
Plasma Storm →
Boundaries Crossed
フリーズボルト • コールドフレア
Cards in set English: 153
Japanese: 130
Set number English: 54
Japanese: 49
Release date English: November 7, 2012
Japanese: July 13, 2012
Theme Decks

Cold Fire (WaterFireDragon)
Ice Shock (WaterLightningDragon)

Dragon Blast • Dragon Blade
Freeze Bolt • Cold Flare
Plasma Gale

Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Boundaries Crossed (Japanese: フリーズボルト Freeze Bolt and コールドフレア Cold Flare) is the name given to the seventh main expansion of cards from the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the sixth main expansion from the BW Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan. The set continues to feature Generation V Pokémon and Pokémon-EX in the card game.


Legends Revealed. Powers Joined. Boundaries Crossed.

Step into the next dimension of your journey into battle using the might of the Boundary Pokémon... both White Kyurem and Black Kyurem! Harness the powers of more Pokémon-EX like Landorus, Cresselia, and Celebi, and Keldeo makes its debut in the Black & White—Boundaries Crossed expansion as both a Pokémon and a Pokémon-EX, along with the never-before-seen, powerful ACE SPEC Trainer cards, which are so devastating that you can only carry one into battle! Cross over to sweep aside your opponents with one mighty push!


Freeze Bolt • Cold Flare logos

Boundaries Crossed is the name given to the seventh main expansion of the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as the Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare dual expansions that make up the sixth expansion block in the Pokémon Card Game BW Era. It is based on Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, featuring Generation V Pokémon. The English expansion was released on November 7, 2012, while the Japanese expansions were released on July 13, 2012.

Boundaries Crossed introduced ACE SPEC cards, a classification of Item cards. These cards were incredibly powerful that it was limited to 1 ACE SPEC card per deck. ACE SPEC cards have Holofoil on the card border, the name strip, the ACE SPEC text, the ACE SPEC game rule box, and the background of the artwork. The TRAINER or TRAINER'S text was red.

Several new forms of Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 were featured in the expansion. Kyurem appeared in both of its new forms, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem and Keldeo appeared in both its Ordinary Form and Resolute Form. The new Therian Forme of Landorus also appeared in the expansion. Many of the Pokémon included the Pokédex entries from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. Bianca and Cheren sported their Black 2 and White 2 outfits.

Boundaries Crossed was the first expansion for Secret cards to feature golden Holofoil card borders, and they also utilized the special etching featured on Full Art cards.

Starting from this expansion, the word "Black" in the logo has an blue electric effect, and the word "White" has a red fire effect. This reflects the logos for the games Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
3/149 Vileplume Grass Non Holo Ho-Oh Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
13/149 Serperior Grass Cosmos Holo Furious Fists Two Pack Blisters exclusive
20/149 Charizard Fire Cosmos Holo XY Two Pack Blisters, XY Knock Out Collection, and XY Kanto Two Pack Blisters exclusive
26/149 Emboar Fire Cosmos Holo Furious Fists Two Pack Blisters exclusive
31/149 Blastoise Water Non Holo Ice Shock Theme Deck and Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs. Keldeo exclusive
38/149 Delibird Water 1st Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Froakie/Xerneas Season League Challenge promo
38/149 Delibird Water 2nd Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Froakie/Xerneas Season League Challenge promo
38/149 Delibird Water 3rd Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Froakie/Xerneas Season League Challenge promo
38/149 Delibird Water 4th Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Froakie/Xerneas Season League Challenge promo
41/149 Samurott Water Cosmos Holo Furious Fists Two Pack Blisters exclusive
41/149 Samurott Water Non Holo Cold Fire Theme Deck exclusive
49/149 KeldeoEX Water Sheen Holo Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs. Keldeo exclusive
54/149 Electivire Lightning Cosmos Holo Furious Fists Two Pack Blisters exclusive
54/149 Electivire Lightning Non Holo Ice Shock Theme Deck exclusive
63/149 Dusknoir Psychic Cosmos Holo Psychic Gym Collector Pack and Furious Fists Two Pack Blisters exclusive
77/149 Meloetta Psychic Non Holo Ho-Oh Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
94/149 Scizor Metal Cosmos Holo Furious Fists Two Pack Blisters exclusive
100/149 Black Kyurem Dragon Cracked Ice Holo Ice Shock Theme Deck exclusive
101/149 Black KyuremEX Dragon Sheen Holo Battle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem exclusive
102/149 White Kyurem Dragon Cracked Ice Holo Cold Fire Theme Deck exclusive
103/149 White KyuremEX Dragon Sheen Holo Battle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem exclusive
134/149 Skyla Su Mirror Holo Pokémon League Chespin Season (October 2013)

Set lists

Boundaries Crossed
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/149 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
2/149 Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
3/149 Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
4/149 Bellossom Grass Rare Promotion
5/149 Tangela Grass Common Promotion
6/149 Tangrowth Grass Rare Holo Promotion
7/149 Scyther Grass Common Promotion
8/149 Heracross Grass Uncommon Promotion
9/149 CelebiEX Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
10/149 Shaymin Grass Rare Promotion
11/149 Snivy Grass Common Promotion
12/149 Servine Grass Uncommon Promotion
13/149 Serperior Grass Rare Holo Promotion
14/149 Cottonee Grass Common Promotion
15/149 Whimsicott Grass Rare Promotion
16/149 Petilil Grass Uncommon Promotion
17/149 Lilligant Grass Rare Promotion
18/149 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
19/149 Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
20/149 Charizard Fire Rare Holo Promotion
21/149 Numel Fire Common Promotion
22/149 Camerupt Fire Rare Promotion
23/149 Victini Fire Rare Promotion
24/149 Tepig Fire Common Promotion
25/149 Pignite Fire Uncommon Promotion
26/149 Emboar Fire Rare Holo Promotion
27/149 Darumaka Fire Common Promotion
28/149 Darmanitan Fire Uncommon Promotion
29/149 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
30/149 Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
31/149 Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
32/149 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
33/149 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
34/149 Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
35/149 Golduck Water Rare Promotion
36/149 Marill Water Common Promotion
37/149 Azumarill Water Uncommon Promotion
38/149 Delibird Water Uncommon Promotion
39/149 Oshawott Water Common Promotion
40/149 Dewott Water Uncommon Promotion
41/149 Samurott Water Rare Holo Promotion
42/149 Ducklett Water Common Promotion
43/149 Swanna Water Uncommon Promotion
44/149 Frillish Water Common Promotion
45/149 Jellicent Water Rare Promotion
46/149 Cryogonal Water Uncommon Promotion
47/149 Keldeo Water Rare Holo Promotion
48/149 Keldeo Water Rare Promotion
49/149 KeldeoEX Water Rare Holo ex Promotion
50/149 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
51/149 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
52/149 Electrode Lightning Uncommon Promotion
53/149 Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
54/149 Electivire Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
55/149 Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
56/149 Blitzle Lightning Common Promotion
57/149 Zebstrika Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
58/149 Wobbuffet Psychic Uncommon Promotion
59/149 Spoink Psychic Common Promotion
60/149 Grumpig Psychic Rare Promotion
61/149 Duskull Psychic Common Promotion
62/149 Dusclops Psychic Uncommon Promotion
63/149 Dusknoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
64/149 Croagunk Psychic Common Promotion
65/149 Croagunk Psychic Uncommon Promotion
66/149 Toxicroak Psychic Rare Promotion
67/149 CresseliaEX Psychic Rare Holo ex Promotion
68/149 Munna Psychic Uncommon Promotion
69/149 Musharna Psychic Rare Promotion
70/149 Woobat Psychic Common Promotion
71/149 Swoobat Psychic Rare Promotion
72/149 Venipede Psychic Common Promotion
73/149 Whirlipede Psychic Uncommon Promotion
74/149 Scolipede Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
75/149 Gothita Psychic Common Promotion
76/149 Gothorita Psychic Uncommon Promotion
77/149 Meloetta Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
78/149 Sandshrew Fighting Common Promotion
79/149 Sandslash Fighting Uncommon Promotion
80/149 Gligar Fighting Common Promotion
81/149 Gliscor Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
82/149 Makuhita Fighting Common Promotion
83/149 Trapinch Fighting Common Promotion
84/149 Dwebble Fighting Common Promotion
85/149 Crustle Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
86/149 Mienfoo Fighting Common Promotion
87/149 Mienfoo Fighting Uncommon Promotion
88/149 Mienshao Fighting Uncommon Promotion
89/149 LandorusEX Fighting Rare Holo ex Promotion
90/149 Purrloin Darkness Common Promotion
91/149 Liepard Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
92/149 Vullaby Darkness Common Promotion
93/149 Mandibuzz Darkness Uncommon Promotion
94/149 Scizor Metal Rare Holo Promotion
95/149 Skarmory Metal Uncommon Promotion
96/149 Skarmory Metal Uncommon Promotion
97/149 Klink Metal Uncommon Promotion
98/149 Vibrava Dragon Uncommon Promotion
99/149 Flygon Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
100/149 Black Kyurem Dragon Rare Promotion
101/149 Black KyuremEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
102/149 White Kyurem Dragon Rare Promotion
103/149 White KyuremEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
104/149 Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
105/149 Raticate Colorless Uncommon Promotion
106/149 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
107/149 Farfetch'd Colorless Uncommon Promotion
108/149 Ditto Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
109/149 Snorlax Colorless Uncommon Promotion
110/149 Togepi Colorless Common Promotion
111/149 Dunsparce Colorless Common Promotion
112/149 Taillow Colorless Common Promotion
113/149 Skitty Colorless Common Promotion
114/149 Delcatty Colorless Uncommon Promotion
115/149 Spinda Colorless Common Promotion
116/149 Buneary Colorless Common Promotion
117/149 Lopunny Colorless Uncommon Promotion
118/149 Patrat Colorless Common Promotion
119/149 Watchog Colorless Uncommon Promotion
120/149 Lillipup Colorless Common Promotion
121/149 Herdier Colorless Uncommon Promotion
122/149 Stoutland Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
123/149 Pidove Colorless Common Promotion
124/149 Tranquill Colorless Uncommon Promotion
125/149 Unfezant Colorless Rare Promotion
126/149 Audino Colorless Rare Promotion
127/149 Aspertia City Gym St Uncommon Promotion
128/149 Energy Search I Common Promotion
129/149 Great Ball I Uncommon Promotion
130/149 Hugh Su Uncommon Promotion
131/149 Poké Ball I Common Promotion
132/149 Potion I Common Promotion
133/149 Rocky Helmet I Uncommon Promotion
134/149 Skyla Su Uncommon Promotion
135/149 Switch I Common Promotion
136/149 Town Map I Uncommon Promotion
137/149 Computer Search I Rare Ace Promotion
138/149 Crystal Edge I Rare Ace Promotion
139/149 Crystal Wall I Rare Ace Promotion
140/149 Gold Potion I Rare Ace Promotion
141/149 CelebiEX Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
142/149 KeldeoEX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
143/149 CresseliaEX Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
144/149 LandorusEX Fighting Rare Ultra Promotion
145/149 Black KyuremEX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
146/149 White KyuremEX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
147/149 Bianca Su Rare Ultra Promotion
148/149 Cheren Su Rare Ultra Promotion
149/149 Skyla Su Rare Ultra Promotion
150/149 Golurk Psychic Rare Secret Promotion
151/149 Terrakion Fighting Rare Secret Promotion
152/149 Altaria Dragon Rare Secret Promotion
153/149 Rocky Helmet I Rare Secret Promotion

Freeze Bolt
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/059 Oddish Grass C Promotion
002/059 Gloom Grass C Promotion
003/059 Vileplume Grass R Promotion
004/059 Bellossom Grass U Promotion
005/059 Heracross Grass C Promotion
006/059 Combee Grass C Promotion
007/059 Vespiquen Grass U Promotion
008/059 Cottonee Grass C Promotion
009/059 Whimsicott Grass U Promotion
010/059 Charmander Fire C Promotion
011/059 Charmeleon Fire C Promotion
012/059 Charizard Fire R Promotion
013/059 Darumaka Fire C Promotion
014/059 Darmanitan Fire U Promotion
015/059 Marill Water C Promotion
016/059 Azumarill Water C Promotion
017/059 Swinub Water C Promotion
018/059 Piloswine Water U Promotion
019/059 Mamoswine Water U Promotion
020/059 Delibird Water C Promotion
021/059 Frillish Water C Promotion
022/059 Jellicent Water U Promotion
023/059 Blitzle Lightning C Promotion
024/059 Zebstrika Lightning R Promotion
025/059 Spoink Psychic C Promotion
026/059 Grumpig Psychic U Promotion
027/059 CresseliaEX Psychic R Promotion
028/059 Munna Psychic C Promotion
029/059 Musharna Psychic U Promotion
030/059 Venipede Psychic C Promotion
031/059 Whirlipede Psychic C Promotion
032/059 Scolipede Psychic R Promotion
033/059 Meloetta Psychic R Promotion
034/059 Gligar Fighting C Promotion
035/059 Gliscor Fighting R Promotion
036/059 Trapinch Fighting C Promotion
037/059 Lunatone Fighting U Promotion
038/059 Mienfoo Fighting C Promotion
039/059 Mienshao Fighting C Promotion
040/059 LandorusEX Fighting R Promotion
041/059 Purrloin Darkness C Promotion
042/059 Liepard Darkness R Promotion
043/059 Vibrava Dragon U Promotion
044/059 Flygon Dragon R Promotion
045/059 Black KyuremEX Dragon R Promotion
046/059 Rattata Colorless C Promotion
047/059 Raticate Colorless U Promotion
048/059 Buneary Colorless C Promotion
049/059 Lopunny Colorless C Promotion
050/059 Pidove Colorless C Promotion
051/059 Tranquill Colorless C Promotion
052/059 Unfezant Colorless U Promotion
053/059 Audino Colorless U Promotion
054/059 Escape Rope I U Promotion
055/059 Town Map I U Promotion
056/059 Hugh Su U Promotion
057/059 Virbank City Gym St U Promotion
058/059 Gold Potion I R Promotion
059/059 Crystal Wall I R Promotion
060/059 CresseliaEX Psychic SR Promotion
061/059 LandorusEX Fighting SR Promotion
062/059 Black KyuremEX Dragon SR Promotion
063/059 Cheren Su SR Promotion
064/059 Golurk Psychic UR Promotion
065/059 Rocky Helmet I UR Promotion

Cold Flare
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/059 Tangela Grass C Promotion
002/059 Tangrowth Grass R Promotion
003/059 Scyther Grass C Promotion
004/059 CelebiEX Grass R Promotion
005/059 Sewaddle Grass C Promotion
006/059 Swadloon Grass C Promotion
007/059 Leavanny Grass U Promotion
008/059 Petilil Grass C Promotion
009/059 Lilligant Grass U Promotion
010/059 Numel Fire C Promotion
011/059 Camerupt Fire U Promotion
012/059 Squirtle Water C Promotion
013/059 Wartortle Water C Promotion
014/059 Blastoise Water R Promotion
015/059 Psyduck Water C Promotion
016/059 Golduck Water U Promotion
017/059 Ducklett Water C Promotion
018/059 Swanna Water U Promotion
019/059 KeldeoEX Water R Promotion
020/059 Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
021/059 Electivire Lightning R Promotion
022/059 Joltik Lightning C Promotion
023/059 Galvantula Lightning U Promotion
024/059 Duskull Psychic C Promotion
025/059 Dusclops Psychic U Promotion
026/059 Dusknoir Psychic R Promotion
027/059 Croagunk Psychic C Promotion
028/059 Toxicroak Psychic U Promotion
029/059 Woobat Psychic C Promotion
030/059 Swoobat Psychic U Promotion
031/059 Sandshrew Fighting C Promotion
032/059 Sandslash Fighting C Promotion
033/059 Solrock Fighting U Promotion
034/059 Timburr Fighting C Promotion
035/059 Gurdurr Fighting U Promotion
036/059 Conkeldurr Fighting U Promotion
037/059 Dwebble Fighting C Promotion
038/059 Crustle Fighting R Promotion
039/059 Scizor Metal R Promotion
040/059 Skarmory Metal C Promotion
041/059 White KyuremEX Dragon R Promotion
042/059 Ditto Colorless R Promotion
043/059 Dunsparce Colorless C Promotion
044/059 Whismur Colorless C Promotion
045/059 Loudred Colorless C Promotion
046/059 Exploud Colorless U Promotion
047/059 Skitty Colorless C Promotion
048/059 Delcatty Colorless U Promotion
049/059 Patrat Colorless C Promotion
050/059 Watchog Colorless C Promotion
051/059 Lillipup Colorless C Promotion
052/059 Herdier Colorless C Promotion
053/059 Stoutland Colorless R Promotion
054/059 Bicycle I U Promotion
055/059 Ether I U Promotion
056/059 Skyla Su U Promotion
057/059 Aspertia City Gym St U Promotion
058/059 Computer Search I R Promotion
059/059 Crystal Edge I R Promotion
060/059 CelebiEX Grass SR Promotion
061/059 KeldeoEX Water SR Promotion
062/059 White KyuremEX Dragon SR Promotion
063/059 Bianca Su SR Promotion
064/059 Terrakion Fighting UR Promotion
065/059 Altaria Dragon UR Promotion


English Landorus pack
English Black Kyurem pack
English White Kyurem pack
English Keldeo pack
Japanese Freeze Bolt pack
Japanese Cold Flare pack
Japanese Freeze Bolt
booster box
Japanese Cold Flare
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare sets are released in Japanese and Korean. The Japanese set is available in both 1st and unlimited edition, and the Korean set is only available in unlimited edition. The Boundaries Crossed set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Frontières Franchies
German Überschrittene Schwellen
Italian Confini Varcati
Korean 프리즈볼트 Freeze Bolt
콜드플레어 Cold Flare
Brazilian Portuguese Fronteiras Cruzadas
Russian Новые Горизонты Novyye Gorizonty
Spanish Fronteras Cruzadas

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Black & White Series
BW Black Star Promos
Black & White: Green TornadoRed FrenzyBlue Assault
McDonald's CollectionBlack & White Trainer Kit
Emerging Powers: Power PlayToxic Tricks
Noble Victories: Fast DazeFurious Knights
Next Destinies: Explosive EdgeVoltage Vortex
Dark Explorers: ShadowsRaiders
McDonald's Collection 2012
Dragons Exalted: DragonSpeedDragonSnarl
Dragon Vault
Boundaries Crossed: Ice ShockCold Fire
Plasma Storm: Plasma ClawPlasma Shadow
Plasma Freeze: Frost RayPsy Crusher
Plasma Blast: Mind WipeSolar Strike
Red Genesect CollectionMcDonald's Collection 2013
Legendary Treasures
BW Era
BW-P Promotional cards
Journey PartnersBeginning Set
Black CollectionWhite Collection
Battle Strength DecksBattle Theme Deck: Victini
Red Collection
Psycho DriveHail Blizzard
Reshiram-EX Battle Strength DeckZekrom-EX Battle Strength DeckBattle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus
Dark Rush
Dragon Selection
Dragon BlastDragon Blade: Hydreigon Half DeckGarchomp Half Deck
Keldeo Battle Strength DeckNational Beginning Set
Freeze BoltCold Flare
Plasma Gale: Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck
Master Deck Build Box EXBlack Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckWhite Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckTeam Plasma Battle Gift SetEveryone's Exciting Battle
Spiral ForceThunder Knuckle
Shiny Collection
Megalo Cannon: Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle BoostMewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit