Danone Pokémon Stadium Tip Cards

Danone Pokémon Stadium Tip Cards were distributed in packages with Pokémon cards of Danone Go yogurt products in Canada in the year 2000 to promote the release of Pokémon Stadium. There were a total of 48 collectible cards. Each card featured anime artwork of the Pokémon on the front. On the back, various stats are given such as a vulnerability chart, information on a useful move that the Pokémon can learn in the games, and a suggested team ("the invincibles") to use with the Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium. Occasionally, a party list for a specific Trainer in the game (and that specific Pokémon's moveset) will be given instead of "the invincibles".

The 3 different holo versions of Mewtwo next to eachother, error, silver & gold

All cards in the set are fully bilingual in English and French, Canada's two official languages.

Of those 48 different cards different versions exist, with 40 nonholo cards, 1 error nonholo mewtwo card, 8 silver holo cards and 8 gold holo cards. The silver and gold cards are hard to distinguish from eachother, but the gold cards are much darker than the silver ones.

Collecting summary

Set Example front No. of cards
Non holo 40 cards + 1 error holo card
Silver holo 8 cards
Gold holo 8 cards

List of cards

Regular cards

Set # Front Pokémon Backside
1 Charmander Charmander
2 Spearow Spearow
3 Pikachu Pikachu
4 Raichu Raichu
5 Sandshrew Sandshrew
6 Paras Paras
7 Diglett Diglett
8 Growlithe Growlithe
9 Abra Abra
10 Kadabra Kadabra
11 Gastly Gastly
12 Haunter Haunter
13 Drowzee Drowzee
14 Voltorb Voltorb
15 Electrode Electrode
16 Hitmonlee Hitmonlee
17 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan
18 Horsea Horsea
19 Staryu Staryu
20 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime
21 Scyther Scyther
22 Jynx Jynx
23 Tauros Tauros
24 Lapras Lapras
25 Vaporeon Vaporeon
26 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl
27 Snorlax Snorlax
28 Articuno Articuno
29 Dratini Dratini
30 Mewtwo Mewtwo
31 Squirtle Squirtle
32 Vulpix Vulpix
33 Poliwag Poliwag
34 Bellsprout Bellsprout
35 Geodude Geodude
36 Seel Seel
37 Exeggcute Exeggcute
38 Rhyhorn Rhyhorn
39 Magikarp Magikarp
40 Eevee Eevee
error Mewtwo Mewtwo

Shiny cards

In addition to the regular cards, a special set of eight separately numbered holographic cards was also available. These holographic cards were available in both a silver holo and gold holo version, although they are very hard to distinguish.

Set # Front silver Front gold Pokémon Backside
1 Venusaur Venusaur Venusaur
2 Charizard Charizard Charizard
3 Blastoise Blastoise Blastoise
4 Meowth Meowth Meowth
5 Psyduck Psyduck Psyduck
6 Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
7 Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu
8 Mewtwo Mewtwo Mewtwo


  • Gengar is misspelled as 'Genger' on Snorlax's card.
  • Selfdestruct is written as 'Self Destruct'.
  • The Pikachu silver holo card has gold lettering, just like the gold holo card.


This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.