The Bloom Mail (Japanese: ブルームメール Bloom Mail) is a type of Mail exclusive to the Generation IV games.
Bloom Mail ブルームメール Bloom Mail
Bloom Mail
Introduced in Generation IV
Generation IV
In the core series games
Held item
It contains a message with up to three sentence slots which can be filled with words and phrases using the predefined list from the easy chat system. For instance, the player can select the sentence "I love ______________!" and insert the word "BULBASAUR". This was designed to be readable in games of any language.
The player writes the message when giving this item to be held by a Pokémon. The message can be sent to other games of the same generation by trading the Pokémon holding this item.
The message remains available as long as this item is held by a Pokémon or stored in the Mailbox. This item is unable to have any message when stored in the Bag or in the Item Storage System, but there is the option to delete any existing message when storing this item in these places. Once the message is deleted from this item, the player is able to reuse it with a new message. A Pokémon holding this item cannot be placed in the PC or in the Pokémon Day Care. The message is not readable in Pokémon Battle Revolution or in My Pokémon Ranch. As with other held items, a Pokémon holding this item cannot be transferred into Generation V games through the Poké Transfer or Relocator.
This item can be removed by Knock Off. However, it cannot be stolen by Covet or Thief, it causes Fling to fail when used by the holder, and causes Switcheroo or Trick to fail when used by or on the holder.
Stationery featuring a print of pretty floral patterns. Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery.
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