EX Ruby & Sapphire (TCG)

(Redirected from ADV Expansion Pack (TCG))
This article is about the Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion. For the core series games, see Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions.
← Skyridge
TCG expansions
EX Sandstorm →
EX Ruby & Sapphire
Cards in set English: 109
Japanese: 55
Set number English: 16
Japanese: 18
Release date English: June 18, 2003
Japanese: January 31, 2003
Theme Decks

Ruby (FightingFire)
Sapphire (WaterGrass)

Split Earth • Mysterious Mountains
Expansion Pack
Miracle of the Desert

Pokémon-e TCG: EX Ruby & Sapphire (Japanese: 拡張パック Expansion Pack) is the name given to the first main expansion of cards from the EX Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the ADV Era in Japan). The set is the first to feature Generation III Pokémon and Pokémon-ex in the card game.


Calling All Pokémon Trainers!

Capture and train more than 40 brand-new Pokémon, liven up your battles with new Poké-Powers and new 2-on-2 Battles, and become the Pokémon Champion of a whole new world!


EX Ruby & Sapphire is the name given to the first main expansion of the EX Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Expansion Pack, the first expansion in the Pokémon Card Game ADV Era. It is based on Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, featuring Generation III Pokémon. The English expansion was released on June 18, 2003, while the Japanese expansion was released on January 31, 2003.

EX Ruby & Sapphire introduced Pokémon-ex, a type of Pokémon. Pokémon-ex are significantly stronger Pokémon. When a Pokémon-ex is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one. Pokémon-ex have Holofoil borders.

EX Ruby & Sapphire also introduced an updated card design, which included numerous changes. The border on the left returned to normal, while the border on the bottom remained thicker to retain the necessary space for the Dot-Code strip (only the Pokédex entry was displayed when scanned). There were several circles on the left of the card. The artwork window and Evolution box were changed from gold to silver. The Evolution box, Stage and illustrator information were moved below the artwork window. The Energy symbols for attacks were smaller and were presented linearly. The copyright information moved to the center on the bottom of the card, so did the unique ID number. For EX Ruby & Sapphire, the text for attacks, Poké-Powers, or Poké-Bodies was now displayed in a new line, separate from the name. For Expansion Pack, the left and bottom borders returned to normal and were changed to silver.

At the time of this expansion's release, numerous rule changes in the Pokémon Trading Card Game took place. Retreating was limited to once per turn; previously, retreating could be performed as often as a player liked during their turn. A Confused Pokémon would put 3 damage counters on itself if it tried to attack and the coin flip was tails, instead of doing 20 damage to itself (affected by Weakness and Resistance). If a player took a mulligan, the opponent now could only draw 1 card, instead of 2, for each mulligan. The opening coin flip was now performed after setup, and if it was heads, the player that flipped the coin was required to go first. During that player's first turn, they were not allowed to draw a card at the beginning or play a Supporter card.[1]

EX Ruby & Sapphire was the first expansion to be distributed by Nintendo of America. In Japan, this was the first expansion to have pre-constructed Half Decks released alongside it.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
3/109 Blaziken Fire Non Holo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
3/109 Blaziken Fire Holo (without e-Reader logo) EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
7/109 Gardevoir Psychic Non Holo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
7/109 Gardevoir Psychic Holo (without e-Reader logo) EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
21/109 Seaking Water No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
29/109 Delcatty Colorless No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
33/109 Hariyama Fighting No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
34/109 Kirlia Psychic No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
46/109 Swellow Colorless No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
55/109 Goldeen Water No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
57/109 Makuhita Fighting No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
61/109 Numel Fire No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
72/109 Taillow Colorless No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
73/109 Torchic Fire No Dot Code EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
85/109 Oran Berry T [PT] Winner e-League (March 2004)
89/109 Professor Birch Su No e-reader logo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
90/109 Energy Search T No e-reader logo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
93/109 Darkness Energy Darkness E Cosmos Holo e-League (December 2003)
93/109 Darkness Energy Darkness E Winner Cosmos Holo e-League (December 2003)
94/109 Metal Energy Metal E Cosmos Holo e-League (January 2004)
94/109 Metal Energy Metal E Winner Cosmos Holo e-League (January 2004)
104/109 Grass Energy Grass E Professor Program 2004-2005
105/109 Fighting Energy Fighting E Professor Program 2004-2005
105/109 Fighting Energy Fighting E No e-reader logo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
106/109 Water Energy Water E Professor Program 2004-2005
106/109 Water Energy Water E No e-reader logo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
107/109 Psychic Energy Psychic E Professor Program 2004-2005
107/109 Psychic Energy Psychic E No e-reader logo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
108/109 Fire Energy Fire E Professor Program 2004-2005
108/109 Fire Energy Fire E No e-reader logo EX Battle Stadium Deck exclusive
109/109 Lightning Energy Lightning E Professor Program 2004-2005

Set lists

EX Ruby & Sapphire
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/109 Aggron Metal Rare Holo Promotion
2/109 Beautifly Grass Rare Holo Promotion
3/109 Blaziken Fire Rare Holo Promotion
4/109 Camerupt Fire Rare Holo Promotion
5/109 Delcatty Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
6/109 Dustox Grass Rare Holo Promotion
7/109 Gardevoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
8/109 Hariyama Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
9/109 Manectric Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
10/109 Mightyena Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
11/109 Sceptile Grass Rare Holo Promotion
12/109 Slaking Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
13/109 Swampert Water Rare Holo Promotion
14/109 Wailord Water Rare Holo Promotion
15/109 Blaziken Fire Rare Promotion
16/109 Breloom Grass Rare Promotion
17/109 Donphan Fighting Rare Promotion
18/109 Nosepass Fighting Rare Promotion
19/109 Pelipper Water Rare Promotion
20/109 Sceptile Grass Rare Promotion
21/109 Seaking Water Rare Promotion
22/109 Sharpedo Water Rare Promotion
23/109 Swampert Water Rare Promotion
24/109 Weezing Grass Rare Promotion
25/109 Aron Metal Uncommon Promotion
26/109 Cascoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
27/109 Combusken Fire Uncommon Promotion
28/109 Combusken Fire Uncommon Promotion
29/109 Delcatty Colorless Uncommon Promotion
30/109 Electrike Lightning Uncommon Promotion
31/109 Grovyle Grass Uncommon Promotion
32/109 Grovyle Grass Uncommon Promotion
33/109 Hariyama Fighting Uncommon Promotion
34/109 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon Promotion
35/109 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon Promotion
36/109 Lairon Metal Uncommon Promotion
37/109 Lairon Metal Uncommon Promotion
38/109 Linoone Colorless Uncommon Promotion
39/109 Manectric Lightning Uncommon Promotion
40/109 Marshtomp Water Uncommon Promotion
41/109 Marshtomp Water Uncommon Promotion
42/109 Mightyena Darkness Uncommon Promotion
43/109 Silcoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
44/109 Skitty Colorless Uncommon Promotion
45/109 Slakoth Colorless Uncommon Promotion
46/109 Swellow Colorless Uncommon Promotion
47/109 Vigoroth Colorless Uncommon Promotion
48/109 Wailmer Water Uncommon Promotion
49/109 Aron Metal Common Promotion
50/109 Aron Metal Common Promotion
51/109 Carvanha Water Common Promotion
52/109 Electrike Lightning Common Promotion
53/109 Electrike Lightning Common Promotion
54/109 Koffing Grass Common Promotion
55/109 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
56/109 Makuhita Fighting Common Promotion
57/109 Makuhita Fighting Common Promotion
58/109 Makuhita Fighting Common Promotion
59/109 Mudkip Water Common Promotion
60/109 Mudkip Water Common Promotion
61/109 Numel Fire Common Promotion
62/109 Phanpy Fighting Common Promotion
63/109 Poochyena Darkness Common Promotion
64/109 Poochyena Darkness Common Promotion
65/109 Poochyena Darkness Common Promotion
66/109 Ralts Psychic Common Promotion
67/109 Ralts Psychic Common Promotion
68/109 Ralts Psychic Common Promotion
69/109 Shroomish Grass Common Promotion
70/109 Skitty Colorless Common Promotion
71/109 Skitty Colorless Common Promotion
72/109 Taillow Colorless Common Promotion
73/109 Torchic Fire Common Promotion
74/109 Torchic Fire Common Promotion
75/109 Treecko Grass Common Promotion
76/109 Treecko Grass Common Promotion
77/109 Wingull Water Common Promotion
78/109 Wurmple Grass Common Promotion
79/109 Zigzagoon Colorless Common Promotion
80/109 Energy Removal 2 T Uncommon Promotion
81/109 Energy Restore T Uncommon Promotion
82/109 Energy Switch T Uncommon Promotion
83/109 Lady Outing T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
84/109 Lum Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
85/109 Oran Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
86/109 Poké Ball T Uncommon Promotion
87/109 Pokémon Reversal T Uncommon Promotion
88/109 PokéNav T Uncommon Promotion
89/109 Professor Birch T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
90/109 Energy Search T Common Promotion
91/109 Potion T Common Promotion
92/109 Switch T Common Promotion
93/109 Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare Promotion
94/109 Metal Energy Metal E Rare Promotion
95/109 Rainbow Energy Rainbow E Rare Promotion
96/109 Chansey ex Colorless Rare Holo ex Promotion
97/109 Electabuzz ex Lightning Rare Holo ex Promotion
98/109 Hitmonchan ex Fighting Rare Holo ex Promotion
99/109 Lapras ex Water Rare Holo ex Promotion
100/109 Magmar ex Fire Rare Holo ex Promotion
101/109 Mewtwo ex Psychic Rare Holo ex Promotion
102/109 Scyther ex Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
103/109 Sneasel ex Darkness Rare Holo ex Promotion
104/109 Grass Energy Grass E Common Promotion
105/109 Fighting Energy Fighting E Common Promotion
106/109 Water Energy Water E Common Promotion
107/109 Psychic Energy Psychic E Common Promotion
108/109 Fire Energy Fire E Common Promotion
109/109 Lightning Energy Lightning E Common Promotion

Expansion Pack
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/055 Koffing Grass Common Promotion
002/055 Weezing Grass Rare Promotion
003/055 Sceptile Grass Rare Holo Promotion
004/055 Wurmple Grass Common Promotion
005/055 Silcoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
006/055 Beautifly Grass Rare Holo Promotion
007/055 Cascoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
008/055 Dustox Grass Rare Holo Promotion
009/055 Shroomish Grass Common Promotion
010/055 Breloom Grass Rare Promotion
011/055 Blaziken Fire Rare Holo Promotion
012/055 Numel Fire Common Promotion
013/055 Camerupt Fire Rare Holo Promotion
014/055 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
015/055 Seaking Water Rare Promotion
016/055 Swampert Water Rare Holo Promotion
017/055 Wingull Water Common Promotion
018/055 Pelipper Water Rare Promotion
019/055 Carvanha Water Uncommon Promotion
020/055 Sharpedo Water Rare Promotion
021/055 Wailmer Water Uncommon Promotion
022/055 Wailord Water Rare Holo Promotion
023/055 Electabuzz ex Lightning Rare Holo ex Promotion
024/055 Electrike Lightning Common Promotion
025/055 Manectric Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
026/055 Mewtwo ex Psychic Rare Holo ex Promotion
027/055 Ralts Psychic Common Promotion
028/055 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon Promotion
029/055 Gardevoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
030/055 Hitmonchan ex Fighting Rare Holo ex Promotion
031/055 Phanpy Fighting Common Promotion
032/055 Donphan Fighting Rare Promotion
033/055 Makuhita Fighting Common Promotion
034/055 Hariyama Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
035/055 Nosepass Fighting Rare Promotion
036/055 Chansey ex Colorless Rare Holo ex Promotion
037/055 Zigzagoon Colorless Common Promotion
038/055 Linoone Colorless Rare Promotion
039/055 Taillow Colorless Common Promotion
040/055 Swellow Colorless Rare Promotion
041/055 Slakoth Colorless Uncommon Promotion
042/055 Vigoroth Colorless Rare Promotion
043/055 Slaking Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
044/055 Skitty Colorless Uncommon Promotion
045/055 Delcatty Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
046/055 Sneasel ex Darkness Rare Holo ex Promotion
047/055 Poochyena Darkness Common Promotion
048/055 Mightyena Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
049/055 Aron Metal Uncommon Promotion
050/055 Lairon Metal Rare Promotion
051/055 Aggron Metal Rare Holo Promotion
052/055 PokéNav T Uncommon Promotion
053/055 Lady Outing T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
054/055 Professor Birch T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
055/055 Oran Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion


English Sceptile pack
English Mightyena pack
English Lairon pack
English Manectric pack
Japanese Expansion Pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The ADV Expansion Pack set is released in both Japanese and Korean. The Japanese set was available in both 1st and unlimited edition, and the Korean set was only printed in 1st edition. The EX Ruby & Sapphire set is released in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, with cards also available as Reverse Holos. The non-holo Uncommons in the Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese sets are available with two different codes at the bottom-left; the non-holo Commons in the Japanese set are available with four different codes at the bottom-left; and the non-Holo Commons in the English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese sets have three different codes available. The Korean cards only had a single code available for all the cards. The purpose of these different codes is still unknown, but occurred throughout the first half of the EX era.

In other languages

Language Title
French EX Rubis & Saphir
German EX Rubin & Saphir
Italian EX Rubino & Zaffiro
Korean 제1탄 확장 팩 Je 1-tan Hwakjang Pack
Portuguese EX Rubi e Safira
Spanish EX Rubí & Zafiro

External links


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
EX Series
Nintendo Black Star Promos
EX Ruby & Sapphire: RubySapphireTreecko Illustrated BookletTorchic Illustrated BookletMudkip Illustrated BookletRalts Illustrated Booklet
EX Sandstorm: CaravanOasis
EX Dragon: FireFangWindBlast
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua: Team MagmaTeam Aqua
EX Hidden Legends: Forest GuardianWish Maker
EX Trainer KitPoké Card Creator Pack
EX FireRed & LeafGreen: FireRedLeafGreen
POP Series 1EX Battle Stadium
EX Team Rocket Returns: JessieJames
EX Deoxys: StarchargeJetstream
EX Emerald: HydrobloomWildfire
POP Series 2
EX Unseen Forces: Golden SkySilvery Ocean
EX Delta Species: BreakthroughSteeplechase
EX Legend Maker: GroundbreakerShadowquake
Exploud Illustrated BookletRayquaza Illustrated BookletEX Trainer Kit 2POP Series 3
EX Holon Phantoms: FireMistFloodRush
Ho-Oh Illustrated BookletLugia Illustrated BookletPOP Series 4
EX Crystal Guardians: Green CycloneStorm SurgeEarth Shower
EX Dragon Frontiers: Shadow BlazePower Wave
EX Power Keepers: Dark BlastMind Game
POP Series 5Golem Illustrated BookletOmastar Illustrated BookletMachamp Illustrated BookletGengar Illustrated Booklet
ADV-P Promotional cardsPLAY Promotional cards
Expansion Pack: Treecko Constructed Starter DeckTorchic Constructed Starter DeckMudkip Constructed Starter Deck
Miracle of the Desert
Rulers of the Heavens: Flygon Constructed Starter DeckSalamence Constructed Starter Deck
Movie Commemoration VS PackMagma VS Aqua: Two AmbitionsMagma Deck KitAqua Deck KitGift Box
Undone Seal: Metagross Constructed Starter Deck
PCG-P Promotional cards
Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise Random Constructed Starter Decks
Flight of Legends
Clash of the Blue Sky: Deoxys Constructed Starter DeckRayquaza Constructed Starter Deck
Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sky-Splitting Deoxys
Rocket Gang Strikes Back: Black Deck KitSilver Deck Kit
Gift Box EmeraldQuick Construction PacksMeganium Constructed Starter DeckTyphlosion Constructed Starter DeckFeraligatr Constructed Starter DeckPokéPark Premium Files
Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean
Mirage Forest: Mirage's Mew Constructed Starter Deck
Master KitMovie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's LucarioHolon Research Tower Fire Quarter DeckHolon Research Tower Water Quarter DeckHolon Research Tower Lightning Quarter Deck
Holon Research Tower
Gift Box Mew • Lucario
Holon Phantom
Miracle Crystal: Earth's Groudon ex Constructed Starter DeckOcean's Kyogre ex Constructed Starter Deck
Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends: Shockwave! Tyranitar ex Constructed Standard DeckImprison! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck
Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy
World Champions Pack