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“ Mark: I just came to say, uh... well done. You did something terrible that needed to be done. I understand what that costs. May he rot in hell.

June: Praise be.
Mark: Don't let the bastards grind you down.

~ Mark speaking to June following her murder of Fred Waterford.

Mark Tuello is a major protagonist in the Hulu series The Handmaid's Tale, the television adaptation of the novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood.

He is the representative of the U.S. government-in-exile that works against Gilead following its takeover of America. He is instrumental in the arrests of Fred and Serena Waterford, tricking them into coming onto Canadian territory. He also works closely with June Osborne following her escape to Canada, helping her in the efforts to save her daughter Hannah and many other children trapped in Gilead.

He is portrayed by Sam Jaeger.

What Makes Him Love Exalted?[]

  • During Fred and Serena's visit to Canada, Mark encourages Serena to leave Gilead and seek asylum in America, also offering to help make her fertile again due to America finding solutions for the fertility crisis.
  • When Serena claims that she isn't willing to betray Gilead as it is her country, Mark points out that she already had betrayed her country by aiding in the takedown of America.
  • During Serena's second visit to Canada to see Nichole, he once again makes the offer for her to leave Gilead, and even though she refuses he gives her a phone to contact him if she changes her mind.
  • Fred and Serena eventually take Mark's offer in order to potentially get Nichole back, but in reality it was all a ploy from Mark to lure them onto Canadian territory where he arrests them both for war crimes.
  • He offers Serena immunity if she cooperates with the International Criminal Court, citing the fact that her actions during the Ceremony were something she could not refuse as it would mean execution, however, once he finds out that Serena forced June and Nick Blaine to have sex outside of the Ceremony he arrests her anyways and takes Nichole from her permanently.
  • He contacts Nick and has him work as a contact within Gilead, even offering him the asylum deal which Nick declines.
  • He agrees to drop the charges against Fred in exchange for having him testify the innerworkings of Gilead. This leads to June freaking out and threatening to kill him, but Mark doesn't arrest her as he likely realizes that June was experiencing a mental breakdown due to the prospect of her rapist being free.
  • When June confronts him about Fred being free, Mark says he doesn't know how else to help her. She proposes using Fred as a prisoner exchange in Gilead, something Mark agrees to do, and successfully exchanges Fred for twenty-two captured women.
  • After June murders Fred, Mark congratulates her, stating that what she did was horrible but needed to be done.
  • Once Serena is released from U.S. custody, Mark urges her to seek asylum in Canada, although she again does not listen to him.
  • He spearheads a mission to send U.S. soldiers into Gilead and try to save as many children as possible, including June and Luke's daughter Hannah. When the mission fails and the soldiers are killed, he holds a public memorial for them.
  • As the Gilead support in Canada rises and a man named Thorpe tries to kill June, she and Luke realize they are no longer safe in Canada. They attempt to flee by plane, but Mark stops them, stating that because Luke killed Thorpe to save June's life he is now considered a flight risk, and Mark instead helps them get on a train to escape Canada and reach Alaska, one of the two states still under U.S. control.

External Links[]


           The Handmaid's Tale intertitle Love Exalted

Inside Gilead
Janine Lindo | Moira Strand | Rita Blue

Outside Gilead
Luke Bankole | Mark Tuello
