Evelyn "Evie" Holloway is one of the main characters appearing in Criminal Case: Mysteries of the past. She's the archivist at the Concordian Flying Squad and the most good member aboard.
What Makes Her Love Exalted?[]
- She's just a good person in general and has no corrupting qualities.
- Except for Vittorio Capecchi, Evie forgives every and all Criminals for their crimes.
- She saved Cyote Gorge from Mass Murder by walking infront of Vittorio, taking a bullet to save others.
- She's really selfless, she'd help everyone before she would help herself.
- Evie sees herself as weak, and that's one of the things and motivates her to help Concordia.
- It's said that she donates money to a lot of charities, she has the money because of her work at Pistols and Petticoats.
- She helped clear Diego's name after everyone thought that he was a forger again.
- She makes sure that people find their true love as she found hers.
- She helps the Concordian Flying Squad save Concordia everyday.
- After Katherine goes missing, she wastes no time in trying to find her.
- With her archivist Skills, she helped the team defeat Justin Lawson.
- It's said that Evie and Amy Young are the two most good Criminal Case Heroes as both have no real corrupting qualities.