"Juliette Is Lost" is an orchestral piece that plays during island exploration and travel sequences. It consists of a repeating five-note motif for various pitched percussion, often accompanied by the chord progression i - V - i - IV above in the strings, synths, or brass.
Main appearance[]
Juliet exits the submarine, still groggy from her sedative. She stands up and gets her first look at the Island. A man comes along the dock and introduces himself as "Benjamin Linus." He tells her he looks forward to working with her.
Full list of appearances[]
- It rains for the first time. On the beach, the survivors hear the monster. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- In a "Previously on Lost" recap, Kate and Jack look at Mars, Sayid speaks to Charlie and Locke tells Walt of backgammon. ("Tabula Rasa")
- Jack brings a group to the caves. Charlie reaches for his stash. ("House of the Rising Sun")
- Locke and Boone go to the Hatch. ("Hearts and Minds")
- Locke leaves Boone tied up. ("Hearts and Minds")
- Locke and Sayid take Jack to the Hatch. ("Born to Run")
- The survivors trek towards the Dark Territory. ("Exodus, Part 1")
- The survivors leave the Black Rock. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- The survivors cross a river on the way out of the Dark Territory. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Hurley brings Rose to the Swan. ("Everybody Hates Hugo")
- The tailies lead Sawyer, Michael and Jin out of the pit and into the jungle. ("Everybody Hates Hugo")
- A Previously on Lost recap revisits the previous scene. ("...And Found")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Jin and Eko see the Others. ("Abandoned")
- The tailies camp at a fresh-water source. ("The Other 48 Days")
- Sawyer and Kate investigate Sun's attack. ("The Long Con")
- Kate, Claire and Danielle journey to the Staff. ("Maternity Leave")
- Later, they return from the Staff. ("Maternity Leave")
- Juliet sees the island for the first time. ("One of Us")
- Ben arrives on the Island for the first time. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
- Ben and Locke leave to go see Jacob. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
- Jack talks to Rousseau about the radio tower. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- After a time flash, the survivors head toward to beach. ("The Little Prince")
- Jin and Danielle's crew hunt for the radio tower. ("This Place Is Death")
- Locke and the survivors reach the Orchid. ("This Place Is Death")
- Sawyer and Miles leave to apprehend a drunken Horace. ("LaFleur")
- Sayid is being held captive by the DHARMA Initiative. ("He's Our You")
- Kate takes Ben out to the sonic fence. ("Whatever Happened, Happened")
- Ben's group reaches the Temple. ("Dead Is Dead")
- Miles and Hurley reach the Orchid. ("Some Like It Hoth")
- Jack, Kate, and Faraday leave DHARMA territory. ("The Variable")
- Jack and the others drive through the jungle. ("The Incident, Part 1")
- Hurley and Jack reach the lighthouse. ("Lighthouse")
- The Man in Black's group come to Sawyer and Jin. ("Recon")
- The Man in Black leads Desmond away from Rose and Bernard. ("The End")
- Ben approaches Glen and Hector and introduces himself. ("The New Man in Charge")
- He lets them each ask him one question. ("The New Man in Charge")
"Juliette Is Lost" shares elements with "Hollywood and Vines".
The theme appears in "Down The Hobbit Hole" and "Early Mourning Mystery". An action variant appears in "Blessings and Bombs" and a different one appears in "Door Jammer".
Title significance[]
The title misspells Juliet's name. During its main appearance, Juliet arrives on the island.