Looney Tunes Wiki

Roughly Squeaking is a 1946 Looney Tunes short directed by Chuck Jones.


The title is a play on the 1945 Warner Bros. film Roughly Speaking.


Cheese-chasing mice Hubie and Bertie shave Claude Cat and try to convince him that he's a lion, and if he's a lion, there are other things to hunt than mice. And that the mean bulldog in the backyard is really a moose. Eventually, they convince the dog he's a gazelle, then a pelican. Meanwhile, a bystanding bird witnesses this absurd chain of events and progressively loses his sanity as we watches both the cat and dog, to the point that he pulls his feathers out and imagines himself a Thanksgiving turkey by the ending.




  • Beginning from this cartoon, both Hubie and Bertie receive their final redesigns to look more anthropomorphic and cartoony with bigger eyes, larger noses, longer upper jaws and with visible buck teeth on one of them in later appearances, though their respective fur colors would occasionally swap between appearances. This final design of Hubie and Bertie previously debuted on an unnamed mouse resembling them in Chuck Jones' one-shot cartoon "From Hand to Mouse" two years earlier.
  • In this cartoon, Hubie is voiced by Dick Nelson and while Bertie is voiced by Stan Freberg. In their next appearance in "House Hunting Mice" the following year, Stan Freberg voices both Hubie and Bertie.
    • This is also the first known Warner Bros. cartoon to feature the voice of Stan Freberg.
  • The unnamed cat from this cartoon resembles Claude Cat who would later officially debut with his new redesign in "Mouse Wreckers" two years later.
  • As late as 2008, a 35mm print of this cartoon with its original titles was known to exist.[3]
    • However, for the recent home media releases, the Blue Ribbon titles were restored instead.
  • This cartoon was originally intended to be included on the The Man I Love Warner Archive Collection Blu-ray release as a bonus feature, but was swapped out with "Crowing Pains" at last minute.[4]


