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Spell has been removed.
EffectsReveals an area of the map for 5 seconds.
Cooldown60 seconds
Cast RangeGlobal
Breaks StealthNo
Game Info Wikiwiki.leagueoflegends.com


Clairvoyance was a 'targeted' Summoner spell. It is mainly used for scouting, aiming skills, avoiding enemy ganks and setting up ganks of your own. It can't detect invisible units, but it can see into brush. Unlike wards, Clairvoyance does not need to be "placed" into a specific patch of brush, but instead reveals all of the map within its range.

Clairvoyance is not available on Summoner's Rift and Howling Abyss.


  • Clairvoyance is generally taken by a support champions, such as SonaSquareSona or SorakaSquareSoraka, so that carries may choose more self-serving Summoner Spells.
  • On Summoner's Rift, use Clairvoyance early on the enemy fountain (between 5 and 15s) to see starting items and lane setup of the opposing team.
  • Revealed champions will have their items updated on the summary window (Tab or O).
  • Clairvoyance is primarily used to check for the enemy jungler's progress, and prevent ganks from the jungler or laners that are "MIA."
  • If you know the enemy jungler is invading your jungle, cast Clairvoyance at their probable location to help counter their presence.
  • You can use Clairvoyance during a team fight near brush to prevent your team from losing line of sight.


  • If Clairvoyance only extends over half of a brush patch, an enemy unit can remain unseen in the other half.
  • The "eye" that is placed at the Clairvoyanced area can be seen by the enemy, even if it is in the fog of war.
  • Clairvoyance will reset the markers for neutral monster camps on the minimap.
  • Casting Clairvoyance does not interrupt a Recall channel.
  • The "eye" (green by ally and red by enemy) of the effect indicates its duration.


  • Clairvoyance and Smite have the shortest cooldown of all the summoner spells.

Patch History[]


no tears, only dreams

Simply put, these Summoners were caught in a space where they'd either never be picked or be too powerful to not pick, given the tuning (hint: it was always the former). As such, keeping these spells around served as a trap for those poor, unfortunate souls who took them, so we're laying them to rest. Say hey to Fortify, Promote and Surge for us.

The following Summoner Spells have been removed from Summoner's Rift:

  • Clairvoyance Clairvoyance
  • Clarity Clarity


  • Duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
  • Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds from 70
  • Radius reduced to 1200 from 1400
  • Improved Clairvoyance now maintains sight on units revealed by Clairvoyance for 5 seconds instead of extending the duration by 2 seconds


  • Fixed a bug where Clairvoyance would disappear if the caster died


  • Cooldown increased to 70 seconds from 55
  • Improved Clairvoyance increases duration by 2 seconds, down from 4 and no longer reduces the cooldown


  • Creep camp minimap icons are now more consistent; Clairvoyance and wards will now properly update the map icons


  • Can now be used without breaking stealth


  • Mystical Vision (Clairvoyance Talent) now properly adjust Clairvoyance cooldown
  • Willpower (Cleanse Talent) no longer affects Clairvoyance cooldown


  • Cooldown reduced from 60 to 55


  • Mystical Vision's vision duration bonus on Clairvoyance has been increased from 3 seconds to 4


  • Increased duration from 4 seconds to 6
  • Mystical Vision mastery increases duration by 3 seconds (up from 2)

v0.9.22.16 REMAKE

  • Now reveals a location of the map for 4 seconds


  • Sight range reduced from 2,000 to 1,800
  • Clairvoyance talent vision is now blocked by line of sight


  • Mastery bug fixed causing it to not work


  • Stealth detection duration increased from 15 seconds to 30
  • Increased total timer form 15 second bonus to 30

June 26, 2009 Patch

  • Reduced cooldown from 2.5 minutes to 2

June 19, 2009 Patch

  • With the recent nerf to clairvoyance being restricted by terrain, we have decided to keep them indestructible and see if they are still too powerful
  • Increased sight radius from 1,650 to 2,000

June 12, 2009 Patch REWORK

  • Decreased cooldown from 180 to 150 seconds
  • Can no longer be cast inside of terrain or see over terrain
  • Can now be destroyed by casting on top of opposing Clairvoyances

May 23, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed a bug with Clairvoyance that caused it to remain post duration ending

May 15, 2009 Patch

  • Added a new particle which will allow you to see Clairvoyance above terrain (so no more hiding them in the terrain)

May 9, 2009 Patch

  • Cooldown increased from 90 to 180

April 25, 2009 Patch Reduced duration of sight ward from 8 minutes to 6 minutes

Alpha Week 6

  • Cast range increased to 1,100 from 800, and sight radius decreased to 1,650 from 1,800

Alpha Week 4

  • Cooldown decreased to 90 seconds from 2 minutes, and sight range increased to 1,800 from 1,500
