Left 4 Dead Wiki

"To anyone who can hear this..."
Welcome to the Left 4 Dead Wiki! Please enjoy your stay here!
Can't find what you're looking for? Why not join the community and help out by editing an article or two!

We'd also like to remind our readers that any news of Left 4 Dead 3 is currently either false or unconfirmed speculation.
We like to maintain a reliable and factual resource for our readers. Thank you.

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Left 4 Dead Wiki
"To anyone who can hear this..."
Welcome to the Left 4 Dead Wiki! Please enjoy your stay here!
Can't find what you're looking for? Why not join the community and help out by editing an article or two!

We'd also like to remind our readers that any news of Left 4 Dead 3 is currently either false or unconfirmed speculation.
We like to maintain a reliable and factual resource for our readers. Thank you.

Recent Changes | About Us | Admins | How to Edit | Forum

Welcome to the Left 4 Dead Wiki
The wiki about the co-operative survival horror/shooter games Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 that anyone can edit. As our purpose is to provide complete detailed information, some pages may contain spoilers.

340 articles since May 2008

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Blog Post

September 17, 2020

The Last Stand Free Weekend

Left 4 Dead 2: The Last Stand Community Update is shipping September 24th, and we're celebrating with a free weekend!
Grab your friends and tackle the zombie horde in over twenty new survival arenas, four new scavenge arenas, and a campaign based on The Lighthouse survival map. New achievements, melee weapons, animations, dialog, competitive balance adjustments, and other surprises round out this official update for Left 4 Dead 2 created by the community, for the community.
(See more...)

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  • Report problems on articles by clicking Report a problem with this page at the end of pages, or even fix them.
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Featured Campaign

Hard Rain
"Get some gas for Virgil's boat, but be careful on your way back. Come hell and high water."
For other campaigns, see the campaigns.

Featured article

"City's gone to HELL. Let's use the sugar mill as a holdout"

Graffiti is found all over the five campaigns of Left 4 Dead, most commonly within the safe rooms. The graffiti is left by other Survivors who had been through the area. This graffiti generally includes messages, tips, and warnings for loved ones, other Survivors, or simple comments, such is the case with the infamous Chicago Ted. Graffiti tells the story of the game, without cutscenes. Some pieces of graffiti seem to be conversing back and forth.(more...)

Featured Image

The Lighthouse as seen in Left 4 Dead where the Survivors hold out to the end.


Left 4 Dead
No Mercy Crash Course Death Toll Dead Air Blood Harvest The Sacrifice The Last Stand
Left 4 Dead 2
Dead Center The Passing Dark Carnival Swamp Fever Hard Rain The Parish Cold Stream

Left 4 Dead Wiki poll

For previous polls, see the poll archive.

Featured Media

Official teaser for Left 4 Dead 2's The Last Stand

For previous featured media, see the featured media archive.

See more media: Videos and Trailers


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