For the removed Twisted Treeline icon Twisted Treeline variant, see Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim.

Frost Queen's Claim was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Frost Queen's Claim item
2200 Gold (950 Gold)
Frostfang item
400 Gold (Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

  • Frost Queen's Claim Frost Queen's Claim is 82.8% gold efficient without Tribute.
  • The item becomes gold efficient in 31 minutes and 32 seconds without using Tribute, or after 26 hits against a champion or structure while Tribute is off cooldown (including any time or hits with Spellthief's Edge Spellthief's Edge or Frostfang Frostfang before the upgrade).

Similar Items[]


  • The quest reward can only be obtained after being out of combat for 5 seconds.
  • Unlike Spellthief's Edge Spellthief's Edge and Frostfang Frostfang, Frost Queen's Claim's Frost Queen's Claim's passive cannot be disabled.
  • Each ability (even if Area of effect or Damage over time) will trigger Tribute only once per spell cast (Brand's Brand's Passive Passive will not count as a different ability).
  • Bard's Bard's Meeps Meeps and Lulu's Lulu's Pix Pix attacks count as a single spell, and can trigger Tribute twice with a single basic attack.
  • On-hit effects will not trigger Tribute.
  • If you damage an enemy champion or structure 3 times every 30 seconds,tribute grants 15 Gold per 10.
    • Plus Gold per 10 from the item, you can receive a total of 17 Gold per 10.


  • Upgrading Frostfang Frostfang to Frost Queen's Claim Frost Queen's Claim does not improve its ability to generate gold, other than by removing the passive disable when killing minions.
  • The upgrade from Frostfang Frostfang costs 1350 Gold and grants 1061 Gold worth of AP and CDR. For the upgrade to be worth it, the active and the removal of the passive disabling when killing minions, must be worth 289 Gold. If the active gains or denies one kill, the upgrade was worth it.
  • Brand's Brand's Blaze's Blaze's explosion can create a chain reaction that can trigger the passive multiple times.


Freljord Crest icon

Patch History[]

;V8.2 - Removed
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
  • New Effect: Grants Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit.
  • New Effect: Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit counts toward the quest goal.
  • Quest gold required to upgrade increased to 750 Gold from 650 Gold.
  • Tribute bonus damage increased to 18 from 15.
  • Quest progression VFX displays every third of the way from every fifth of the way toward completion.
  • New Effect: Can only trigger Tribute once every 1.25 seconds.
  • Base mana regeneration reduced to 50% from 75%.
  • Ability power increased to 60 from 50.
  • New Effect: Quest.
    • Quest: Earn 650 Gold using this item.
    • Reward: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.
      • Queen's Tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage, grant 15 Gold and 50% bonus movement speed for 1 second (additional stacks extend duration). This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing enemies revealed by ghosts to also reveal stealthed enemy units they walked over.
  • Base mana regeneration reduced to 75% from 100%.
  • Active cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60 seconds.
  • Ghosts no longer move slightly faster when they can see their target.
  • Mana regeneration reduced to 100% from 150%.
  • Slow duration changed to 2–5 seconds from 4 seconds.
  • Mana regeneration increased to 150% from 50%.
  • Tribute gold increased to 15 Gold from 10 Gold.
  • Cooldown changed to 3 times every 30 seconds from 1 charge every 10 seconds, up to 3.
  • Unique Active: Summons 2 icy ghosts for 6 seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and reduce their movement speed by 40% for 4 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • Gold per 10 seconds reduced to 2 from 4.
  • Recipe cost increased to 515 Gold, up from 315 Gold.
  • Total cost increased to 2200 Gold, up from 2000 Gold.
  • Ability power increased to 50, up from 40.
  • New Recipe: Frostfang Frostfang + Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + 315 Gold = 2000 Gold
  • Ability power reduced to 40 from 50.
  • Now grants +10% cooldown reduction.
  • Passive – Tribute:
    • Gold per hit increased to 10 Gold from Gold.
    • Now triggers up to three times every 30 seconds, from once per 10 seconds per enemy.
    • Now affects enemy structures.
    • Now deals 15 additional damage on abilities and autoattacks. Damage matches the attack's damage type.
    • No longer disabled after killing a minion.
  • Active – Arctic Embrace:
    • No longer requires an enemy to cast.
    • Damage increased to 50 + (5 × level) from 50.
    • Slow increased to 80% from 50%.
    • Slow decays over the duration.
V3.14 Remade
  • Gold per 10 seconds increased to +5 from +4.
  • Total cost reduced to 1600 Gold from 1700 Gold.
  • Mana Warp aura reduced to +5 mana regeneration from +6.
V1.0.0.152 Added
  • Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick Kage's Lucky Pick + Mana Manipulator Mana Manipulator + 535 Gold = 1700 Gold.
  • +45 ability power
  • Unique Aura – Mana Warp: Nearby allied champions gain +6 mana regeneration.
  • Unique Passive – Lucky Shadow: Gain an additional +4 gold every 10 seconds.
  • Unique Active: Surrounds an ally with a blizzard for 4 seconds that slows nearby enemy movement speed by 30%. 60 second cooldown.


List of Items
