
Ruby Sightstone was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It was exclusive to Summoner's Rift.


Ruby Sightstone item
1600 Gold (400 Gold)
Sightstone item
800 Gold (400 Gold)


Gold Value
  • 500 health = 1333.33 Gold
    • Total Gold Value = 1333.33 Gold

Gold Efficiency

  • Ruby Sightstone Ruby Sightstone is 83.33% gold efficient. Its gold efficiency increases by 4.69% for every Stealth Ward icon Stealth Ward deployed, becoming gold efficient after deploying 4 wards and increasing indefinitely with each ward deployed afterwards.
  • If you're only buying Ruby Sightstone Ruby Sightstone for the wards (although you might want to consider just Sightstone Sightstone instead), it pays for itself in 22 wards:
    • 1600 Gold / 75 = 21.33
  • The raw stats gained from upgrading Sightstone Sightstone into Ruby Sightstone Ruby Sightstone (350 health) are 116.67% gold efficient.



Ruby Sightstone Ruby Sightstone active item cooldown reduction stacked additively with Cosmic Insight Cosmic Insight and Ingenious Hunter Ingenious Hunter, and multiplicatively with Perfect Timing Perfect Timing (which could reduce the cooldown of Stopwatch's Stopwatch's upgrades, before this feature got removed).


;V8.2 - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
  • Total cost reduced to 1600 Gold from 1800 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 400 Gold from 600 Gold.
  • Active item cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%.
  • Combine cost increased to 600 Gold from 400 Gold.
    • Total cost increased to 1800 Gold from 1600 Gold.
  • Health increased to 500 from 400.
  • Grants Unique Passive: Item active cooldowns are reduced by 10%.
  • Grants Unique Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges that refill upon visiting the shop.
    • Ward duration reduced to 150 seconds from 180.
    • No longer grants Ward Refresh or Ghost Ward.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing the upgrade to Ruby Sightstone would render Sighstone's Sighstone's active unusable.
  • Recipe cost increased to 400 Gold from 125 Gold.
  • Total cost increased to 1600 Gold from 1550 Gold.
  • Health increased to 400 from 360.
  • Total cost increased to 1550 Gold from 1300 Gold.
  • Health increased to 360 from 300.
  • Gold reward for Ruby Sightstone wards increased to 25 Gold from 10 Gold.
V1.0.0.152 Added
  • Recipe: Sightstone Sightstone + Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal
  • Item cost: 1300 Gold
  • Combine cost: 125 Gold
  • +300 Health
  • Unique Passive – Ward Refresh: Starts with 5 charges and refills each time you visit your shop.
  • Unique Active – Ghost Ward: Consumes a charge to place an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. You may have a maximum of 3 wards placed from this item at once.


List of Items
