Formula:Data Asteroidum 0000

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Haec formula tabularia data asteroidum a 1 ad 999 (secundum Unionem Astronomicam Internationalem) censet. |
This formula contains data for asteroids which have been numbered 1 through 999 by the International Astronomical Union.
Usage: {{Data Asteroidum 0000|number|parameter name}} where number is the asteroid number (with no leading zeroes) and parameter name is one of the following:
- nomen: the name
- designatio: the primary provisional designation
- genus: the type of asteroid as determined by JPL
- epocha: the epoch (YYYY-MM-DD) at which the orbital data is given
- axis semimaior: the semimajor axis (AU) of the orbit
- eccentricitas: the eccentricity of the orbit
- perihelion: the perihelion (AU) of the orbit
- aphelion: the aphelion (AU) of the orbit
- periodus: the orbital period (y)
- anomalia media: the mean anomaly (deg) of the orbit
- inclinatio: the inclination (deg) of the orbit
- omega: the longitude of the ascending node (deg) of the orbit
- argumentum: the argument of the perihelion (deg) of the orbit
- diametrum: the mean diameter (km)
- periodus rotationis: the rotation period (h)
- spectrum tholen: the Tholen spectral type
- spectrum smass: the SMASS spectral type
- magnitudo: the absolute magnitude
- albedo: the albedo
- repertum: the discovery date (YYYY MM DD)
If the numbered asteroid is not present, or the data for a numbered asteroid is not present, then the return value will be -.
{{Data Asteroidum 0000|12|nomen}} = Victoria
{{Data Asteroidum 0000|176|inclinatio}} = 22.58191
{{Data Asteroidum 0000|176|feles}} = —
{{Data Asteroidum 0000|1112|nomen}} = —Documentatio pristina transclusa est ex Formula:Data Asteroidum 0000/doc. (recense | historiam inspice)
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