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Blastocoele mammalium[1]
Schematicum blastocystis diagramma embryoblastum et laminam trophoblasti monstrat, cum superficie endometrii.[2]

Blastocoele (a Graeco: βλαστός 'germen' et κοῖλος 'cavus') est cavum fluido impletum quod in hemisphaerio animale primorum embryonum amphibiorum et echinodermatum, atque inter epiblastum et hypoblastum embryonum avium, reptilium, et mammalium stationis blastodermis formatur.

Nexus interni

  1. Gilbert 2010.
  2. Gilbert 2010.


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  • Kalt, Marvin R. 1971. The relationship between cleavage and blastocoel formation in Xenopus laevis. I. Light microscopic observations. Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology 26(1):37–49. PMID 5565077. Abstractum.
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  • Wiley, Lynn M. (1984). "Cavitation in the mouse preimplantation embryo: and the origin of nascent blastocoele fluid". Developmental Biology 105 (2): 330–42 

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