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Dhyworth Wikipedya, an godhoniador rydh
Ensampel a skorren dororieth, skorren doronieth Edit this on Wikidata
Klass doronieth fisegel, dyskybeleth akademek Edit this on Wikidata
Rann a geomorphology and regolith and landscape evolution Edit this on Wikidata
Synsys ynno/i lithosfer Edit this on Wikidata
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Dorfurvonieth ew studhyans shapys enep an Norvys. Niver a brocessys a wra an shapys, ow kul tirwedhow dyffrans.

Emesk an chif sortow a dirfurvow studhyes ew:

Possybyl ew dhe studhya tirfurvow war blanettys erel, etho tus a ell studhya tirfurvow kowdelli ha processys erel.

Ma an erthygel ma usya an Furv Skrifys Savonek a-barth Kernowek diwedhes.