KND Code Module
KND Code Module
"Operation: P.I.A.N.O."
Season 1, Episode 11
Mission: 022
Production Code: 11a
Airdate: February 21, 2003
Writer(s): Mr. Warburton
Mo Willems
Storyboards by: Matt Peters
Episode Guide
Previous Mission
"Operation: C.H.A.D."
Next Mission
"Operation: Z.O.O."

Pesky Instrument Advances New Operative

"Operation: P.I.A.N.O." is the first story in the eleventh episode of Season 1 of Codename: Kids Next Door. It aired on February 21, 2003 on Cartoon Network.



Sector V embarks on a mission to destroy a truckload of pianos in order to prevent adults from forcing children to play them. After a bold stratagem leaves Numbuh 4 injured, he is replaced with a hamster, and soon plots to ruin the temporary KND operative's new strategy - a scheme that ultimately incapacitates the remainder of his home Sector...


The Sector V KND operatives set off in the S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. to intercept a truckload of "Type P" kid torture devices (pianos) before they can be delivered to adults and then forced upon their children. While Numbuh 5 is unconvinced but Numbuh 4 tells her his mom ordered one of these for him, causing him to cry. The initial plan is for Numbuh 2 to grab the pianos slowly using the S.K.Y.C.L.A.W.'s retractable claw, then destroy them inside the aircraft. Unimpressed by this slow procedure, Numbuh 4 attempts to open the door of the trailer to speed up the process through gravity pushing the remaining pianos out, which counts as a good plan to help him destroy all of them. This plan backfires after the truck begins ascending a hill, leading to numerous pianos squishing and injuring him.

At the Sector V Treehouse, a frustrated Numbuh 1 explains that despite Numbuh 4's “strategy” to get all of the pianos, there is still one item on the truck: a solid gold piano destined for Numbuh 4 himself, being the last one aboard. He unveils a hamster as Numbuh 4's replacement, who quickly wins over the other operatives - much to Numbuh 4's dismay.

Back on the interstate, the temporary "Numbuh 4"'s master plan is revealed: he feigns being injured from being hit by a car to distract the truck driver while the other KND operatives infiltrate the stopped truck, and attempt to destroy the gold piano, but believe that Numbuh 4 is right when pianos are heavy. Before they can succeed however, Numbuh 4 appears and completely ruins the hamster's cover story, which suddenly fails, as he thinks the driver will fall for his fake stories about getting injured and hurt, distracting him long enough for the rest of the team to climb into the back of the truck, and forbidding him to see them destroy the last piano. Much to his surprise of Numbuh 4 telling them the truth, the truck driver realizes that the hamster has made fake stories and giggles nervously, just in time for the truck driver to yell that he trusted him and throw him away into a ditch, leaving him dizzy. As the operatives attempt to devise a plan to bring the piano down, the truck driver, blue in the face, angrily sets off, and says that it's the last time he'll open up his heart and soul to some strange apparently near-death hamster, but ends up leading to the piano falling off the opened trailer and onto the remainder of Sector V, who wonder how they will get it down, but fail to dodge it, and scream, and end up being squished and injured like Numbuh 4 is, during his strategy, which manages to get most of the pianos of the truck.

Back at the Treehouse, Numbuh 4 gloats about being able to spend time with the rest of the now-injured Sector V as a full set of replacement hamsters (displaying the mannerisms of the other KND operatives) set off to destroy a shipment of violins.

Picture 46

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KND Operatives




2x4 Technology

Villain Technology




  • This episode shows that the Kids Next Door refer to pianos as "Type-P torture devices." However, there are a few appearances in the series where they have pianos converted into control panels.
  • While he struggles to leave the mission control room, Numbuh 4 grumbles "kiwi, marsupial, koala, wallaby," which are references to his Australian origin. However, kiwis are actually from New Zealand whereas the other two are from Australia.
  • This episode parodies how most children dislike being subjected to piano lessons due to the repetition and sheer boring nature.
  • This episode reveals that Numbuh 5 is good at playing piano as she plays the opening notes to Chopin's Funeral March.
  • Numbuh 3 appears to know flag semaphore. What she actually signalled to Numbuh 2 was; "J P J".
  • The claw from the S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. ship is a parody of the claw used in arcade claw machines.
  • In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, Numbuh 4's hamster substitute is actually capable of speaking human language, but nobody on Sector V seems to notice.
  • This marks the first time Numbuh 4 cries.

Series Continuity[]

Pop Culture References[]

  • Numbuh 5 played the opening notes to Chopin's Funeral March on a piano.


  • Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 5 change places in the running formation in the opening of the episode between shots.
  • Numbuh 4 continues to look to his right and pointing to the ship while yelling "move, move, move", even though Numbuhs 1, 2, 3, and 5 have already gone past him to the left.
  • The S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. is positioned with its back to the numbered doors when it takes off, but had them on its left seconds ago when Sector V arrived.
  • The Piano Truck appears to be a "95-wheeler", despite that being an odd number of wheels.

Voice Credits[]


Codename: Kids Next Door Episodes
Season One Episodes

1. Operation: C.A.K.E.D./Diseasy Does It/No P in the Ool
2. Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M./Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.
3. Operation: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H./Operation: T.E.E.T.H.
4. Operation: P.I.R.A.T.E./Operation: C.O.W.G.I.R.L.
5. Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P./Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F.
6. Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E./Operation: A.R.C.T.I.C.

7. Operation: L.I.C.E./Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E.
8. Operation: T.H.E.-F.L.Y./Operation: P.O.I.N.T.
9. Operation: C.A.B.L.E.-T.V./Operation: C.A.M.P.
10. Operation: T.O.M.M.Y./Operation: C.H.A.D.
11. Operation: P.I.A.N.O./Operation: Z.O.O.
12. Operation: Q.U.I.E.T./Operation: R.A.I.N.B.O.W.S.
13. Operation: G.R.O.W.-U.P.

Kids next door s1

Season Two Episodes

1. Operation: C.A.T.S./Operation: P.O.P.
2. Operation: S.P.A.N.K./Operation: D.A.T.E.
3. Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T./Operation: T.A.P.I.O.C.A.
4. Operation: M.O.V.I.E./Operation: F.A.S.T.-F.O.O.D.
5. Operation: S.H.A.V.E./Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H.
6. Operation: F.L.A.V.O.R./Operation: K.I.S.S.

7. Operation: G.H.O.S.T./Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E.
8. Operation: T.H.E.-S.H.O.G.U.N./Operation: C.O.L.L.E.G.E.
9. Operation: R.E.P.O.R.T./Operation: B.R.I.E.F.
10. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.W.O./Operation: S.P.A.C.E.
11. Operation: B.E.A.C.H./Operation: U.N.D.E.R.C.O.V.E.R.
12. Operation: D.O.G.F.I.G.H.T./Operation: T.R.I.P.
13. Operation: E.N.D.

Kids next door s2

Season Three Episodes

1. Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.
2. Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T./Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R.
3. Operation: U.T.O.P.I.A./Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S.
4. Operation: F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N.
5. Operation: B.U.T.T./Operation: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G.
6. Operation: A.R.C.H.I.V.E./Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R.

7. Operation: P.I.N.K.E.Y.E./Operation: K.A.S.T.L.E.
8. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.H.R.E.E./Operation: L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N.
9. Operation: H.U.G.S./Operation: J.E.W.E.L.S.
10. Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S.
11. Operation: T.R.I.C.K.Y./Operation: U.N.C.O.O.L.
12. Operation: P.R.E.S.I.D.E.N.T./Operation: H.O.S.P.I.T.A.L.
13. Operation: S.P.R.O.U.T./Operation: H.O.U.N.D.

Kids next door s3

Season Four Episodes

1. Operation: R.A.B.B.I.T./Operation: F.L.U.S.H.
2. Operation: F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E./Operation: C.L.U.E.S.
3. Operation: N.U.G.G.E.T./Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I.
4. Operation: P.O.O.L.
5. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R.
6. Operation: S.I.T.T.E.R./Operation: S.A.T.U.R.N.

7. Operation: C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E./Operation: M.A.T.A.D.O.R.
8. Operation: L.U.N.C.H./Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S.
9. Operation: K.N.O.T./Operation: C.L.O.S.E.T.
10. Operation: S.N.O.W.I.N.G.
11. Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E.
12. Operation: L.O.V.E./Operation: C.O.U.C.H.
13. Operation: D.O.D.G.E.B.A.L.L./Operation: F.E.R.A.L.

Kids next door s4

Season Five Episodes

1. Operation: N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.
2. Operation: E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N.S.
3. Operation: D.U.C.K.Y./Operation: D.I.A.P.E.R.
4. Operation: B.U.L.L.I.E.S./Operation: F.I.S.H.Y.
5. Operation: B.R.E.A.K.U.P./Operation: S.A.F.A.R.I.
6. Operation: V.I.R.U.S./Operation: O.U.T.B.R.E.A.K.

7. Operation: C.A.N.Y.O.N./Operation: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.
8. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.I.V.E.
9. Operation: R.E.C.R.U.I.T./Operation: D.A.D.D.Y.
10. Operation: C.L.O.W.N./Operation: S.P.A.N.K.E.N.S.T.I.N.E.
11. Operation: H.O.T.S.T.U.F.F./Operation: M.I.S.S.I.O.N.
12. Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E./Operation: H.O.M.E.
13. Operation: I.T.

Kids next door s5

Season Six Episodes

1. Operation: S.A.F.E.T.Y.
2. Operation: E.N.G.L.A.N.D./Operation: A.W.A.R.D.S.
3. Operation: R.E.C.E.S.S./Operation: H.A.M.S.T.E.R.
4. Operation: W.H.I.T.E.H.O.U.S.E.
5. Operation: S.P.I.N.A.C.H./Operation: M.E.S.S.A.G.E.
6. Operation: B.R.I.D.G.E./Operation: S.I.X.
7. Operation: T.R.I.C.Y.C.L.E.

8. Operation: C.R.I.M.E./Operation: P.A.R.T.Y.
9. Operation: D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E./Operation: P.L.A.N.E.T.
10. Operation: S.C.I.E.N.C.E./Operation: A.M.I.S.H.
11. Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D.
12. Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L./Operation: M.O.O.N.
13. Operation: T.R.E.A.T.Y.

Kids next door s6

Movies and Specials

1. Operation: Z.E.R.O.
2. The Grim Adventures of the KND

3. Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.
4. The Lost Cases of the Tree House

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Movies and Specials