- "Oh come on! Even my name should have given it away. Numbuh 30C. 30 Celsius, duh! That is like 80 degrees Fahrenheit or something, you dopes!"
– Numbuh 30C revealing himself to double cross the KND
Numbuh 30 Celsius, or Numbuh 30C for short, is the 2x4 Technology Officer from Sector H that pretended to be an Arctic operative to sabotage Sector V and protect Professor XXXL.
Numbuh 30C was initially seen wearing a heavy coat, goggles and scarf that conceal his entire body. Later, 30C was revealed to wear a Hawaiian attire, with a tropical shirt and a classic Hawaiian garland.
Numbuh 30C appeared a little cold and more of a leader type in his first meet with Sector V. He claimed to have wrestled polar bears and eaten nothing but fish blubber, which were all lies to maintain his false persona as an Arctic operative. He also appeared to take a liking to Numbuh 3, whom he called cute while alone with Numbuh 4. Numbuh 30C did not have any problem betraying his fellow KND operatives to ensure that Professor XXXL's research could continue, and proved to be a capable fighter against Numbuh 4.
At the Kids Next Door 2x4 Technology Convention the following year, he appeared a lot more laid back and relaxed with his own sector. He also changed to address authority figures by description, rather than codename; calling Numbuh 2x4 instead "science dude".
Joining the Kids Next Door[]
Numbuh 30C was recruited into the Cadets Next Door and received training at the Kids Next Door Arctic Base before he graduated into the Kids Next Door. He chose his codename at the graduation ceremony at the Kids Next Door Moonbase and got assigned to Sector H.
Betraying the Kids Next Door[]

Numbuh 30c riding with Sector V

Revealing his betrayal
2x4 Technology Convention[]

Sector H's convention booth
Numbuh 30C brought two teammates of his from Sector H to the annual Kids Next Door 2x4 Technology Convention, where they presented his new invention: the "Summerball Maker". He recorded himself throwing snowballs at his teammate and demonstrated how to use his new machine. The convention judges were not impressed with his invention, remarking how they had seen similar inventions before. Numbuh 30C was not able to let this go and threw a snowball at the back of Numbuh 2x4's head as the judges were walking away (Operation: S.C.I.E.N.C.E.).
- Numbuh 30C's codename is addressed to be 30 degrees Celsius, the equivalent to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which was an indication to his real tropic nature.
- This was not initially planned by Mr. Warburton, but discovered during the storyboard pitch and then incorporated into the story.[2]
- Numbuh 30C very closely resembles Kenny from "Kenny and the Chimp", although his face is not seen even without his extra clothing. This is reinforced by his association with Professor XXXL and both characters being voiced by Tom Kenny.
- He is the first operative outside of Sector V to be shown in the series.
- He is also the first KND Operative whose code name breaks away from the normal number sequence, adding the letter C to it.