KND Code Module

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KND Code Module

Numbuh 59 is a male KND pilot who piloted Prison Transport Delta and was tasked with bringing Numbuh 206 to the Moonbase to be decommissioned, along with Numbuh 58.


When Numbuh 206 escaped, Numbuh 86, who considers boys inferior by default, blamed him for the escape and not Numbuh 58 because he is male. Numbuh 59 and Numbuh 58 appeared in Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E., Operation: C.A.N.Y.O.N., and Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S..

It is revealed in the mid-credit scene in Operation: O.U.T.B.R.E.A.K. that Patient C is his sister.



Numbered Kids Next Door Operatives
Numbuhs 0 ā€¢ 0.1 ā€¢ 0.2 ā€¢ 0.3 ā€¢ 0.4 ā€¢ 0.5 ā€¢ 1/4 Note ā€¢ 1 ā€¢ 1-2 ā€¢ 1-2-3 ā€¢ 1-Love ā€¢ 2 ā€¢ 2x4 ā€¢ 3 ā€¢ 3-2-1 ā€¢ 4 ā€¢ 5 ā€¢ 6 ā€¢ 008 ā€¢ 8 (8A & 8B) ā€¢ 8 by 10 ā€¢ 9 ā€¢ 10 ā€¢ 10-Speed ā€¢ 11 ā€¢ 11-Teen ā€¢ 12 ā€¢ 13 ā€¢ 14 ā€¢ 15 ā€¢ 16 ā€¢ 16 ā€¢ 17 ā€¢ 18 ā€¢ 19 ā€¢ 19th Century ā€¢ 20 ā€¢ 20/20 ā€¢ 22 ā€¢ 23 ā€¢ 24 ā€¢ 26 ā€¢ 28 ā€¢ 30C ā€¢ 31 ā€¢ 34 ā€¢ 35 ā€¢ 36 (36A & 36B) ā€¢ 37 ā€¢ 40 to Life ā€¢ 41 ā€¢ 42 ā€¢ 43 ā€¢ 44 (44A & 44B) ā€¢ 45 ā€¢ 46 ā€¢ 47 ā€¢ 48 ā€¢ 48 Flavors ā€¢ 49 ā€¢ Temporary 49 ā€¢ 58 ā€¢ 59 ā€¢ 60 ā€¢ 63 ā€¢ 65.3 ā€¢ 66 ā€¢ 67 ā€¢ 68 ā€¢ 69 ā€¢ 70 ā€¢ 71 ā€¢ 71.562 ā€¢ 73 ā€¢ 74.239 ā€¢ 76 ā€¢ 78 ā€¢ 80 ā€¢ 83 ā€¢ 84 ā€¢ 85 ā€¢ 86 ā€¢ 87 ā€¢ 88 ā€¢ 92 ā€¢ 93 ā€¢ 99 ā€¢ 100 ā€¢ 101 ā€¢ 105 ā€¢ 128 ā€¢ 142 ā€¢ 143 ā€¢ 144 ā€¢ 149 ā€¢ 161 ā€¢ 168 ā€¢ 173 ā€¢ 191 ā€¢ 202 ā€¢ 206 ā€¢ 222 ā€¢ 222.2 ā€¢ 227.2 ā€¢ 252 ā€¢ 256 ā€¢ 274 ā€¢ 275 ā€¢ 300cc ā€¢ 311 ā€¢ 342 ā€¢ 357 ā€¢ 362 ā€¢ 363 ā€¢ 370 ā€¢ 406 ā€¢ 407 ā€¢ 408 ā€¢ 409 ā€¢ 410 ā€¢ 411 ā€¢ 411 ā€¢ 413 ā€¢ 420 ā€¢ 421 ā€¢ 422 ā€¢ 440 ā€¢ 512 ā€¢ 513 ā€¢ 515 ā€¢ 516 ā€¢ 518 ā€¢ 519 ā€¢ 555 ā€¢ 619 ā€¢ 666 ā€¢ 686 ā€¢ 700 ā€¢ 710 ā€¢ 747 ā€¢ 786 ā€¢ 888 ā€¢ 900 ā€¢ 911 ā€¢ 999 ā€¢ 1086 ā€¢ 1313 ā€¢ 2212 ā€¢ 2400 ā€¢ 12292 ā€¢ 20000 ā€¢ 256k ā€¢ 1207416 ā€¢ 8675309 ā€¢ 50 Million B.C. ā€¢ $1.50 an Hour ā€¢ Bajillion and One ā€¢ Between 1 and 20 ā€¢ Change for a 20 ā€¢ D20 ā€¢ Eleventy Billion ā€¢ Ezekiel ā€¢ F-14 ā€¢ Half Past 12 ā€¢ Hang 10 ā€¢ Infinity ā€¢ Jebediah ā€¢ Ouch ā€¢ Rebecca ā€¢ Skatey 8 ā€¢ T ā€¢ Ten to Midnight ā€¢ VO5 ā€¢ Numbuhless
Alternate Future Numbuhs 1350 ā€¢ 1600 ā€¢ 3400 ā€¢ 5000 ā€¢ 6655
Operatives with unknown Numbuhs
Allejandra ā€¢ Arctic Base Operatives ā€¢ Bowler Hat Boy ā€¢ Cadets Next Door Operatives ā€¢ Caped Operatives ā€¢ Debbie ā€¢ Decom Agents ā€¢ Deke Mullet ā€¢ Female Sector F 2x4 Technology Officer ā€¢ F.S.A. Agents ā€¢ Hamson Bros ā€¢ High Command Operatives ā€¢ Hooves ā€¢ KND Doctor with Black Hair ā€¢ KND Doctor with Blond Hair ā€¢ KND Doctor with Brown Hair ā€¢ KND Hair Surgeon ā€¢ KND Nurse with Blond Hair ā€¢ KND Nurse with Brown Hair ā€¢ KND Scientists ā€¢ Male Sector F 2x4 Technology Officer ā€¢ McGuinn ā€¢ McGuire ā€¢ McMann ā€¢ McMurphy ā€¢ McMurray ā€¢ Olivia ā€¢ Operative A ā€¢ Operative B ā€¢ Operative C ā€¢ Operative D ā€¢ Oren Kaunfer ā€¢ Pauley Marcus ā€¢ Police Constable Boy ā€¢ Pretzel Operative ā€¢ Sector J Smoothie Waitress ā€¢ Scotty Vincent ā€¢ "Snowy" Ferguson