Kirby Wiki

You set fire to my heart!
— Burning Leo • Kirby Star Allies

Burning Leo (Burnin' Leo or Burnin Leo in Kirby Super Star) is an enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby Super Star. He yields the Fire ability when inhaled, and replaces Hot Head as the default Fire enemy in games featuring Helpers.

Physical Appearance[]

Burning Leo is round in shape and has fire-like hair that he constantly clutches.

As a Helper, he has dark violet-blue skin, green feet, and small blue hands. He wears a green headband which holds a bright red gem in the middle of it. Both the headband and his flaming hair resemble Fire Kirby's hat. As an enemy, Burning Leo is a salmon-pink color with black colored accessories. As a friend in Kirby Star Allies, Burning Leo wears the crowned portion of the Fire Copy Ability.

Burning Leo draws inspiration from lion spirits of traditional Chinese Kabuki. Burning Leo's hair vaguely resembles the hair of a lion spirit, and his name also reflects his relation to them. In addition, the way he twirls his hair while moving is indicative of them.


Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra[]

Burning Leo first appears in Kirby Super Star as an enemy and a Helper, first appearing at Float Islands in Spring Breeze. The enemy version spits out large fireballs that slightly home in on Kirby, and will occasionally spew a small stream of fire. He is weak to the Blizzard element, but resists the Sizzle element. Burning Leo's attacks are weaker than those of other helpers, but his vitality is great. Burning Leo possesses all the attacks Fire Kirby can use. He can perform Fire Breath underwater, albeit with shorter range. In Kirby Super Star Ultra, a green-colored Burning Leo with purple shoes is playable in Helper to Hero.

Kirby Mass Attack[]

Burning Leo cameos in Kirby Brawlball as part of Marx's black hole attack. This Burning Leo seemingly uses the enemy coloration from Kirby Super Star but is a bit more orange-looking. His sprite is also a shrunken and slightly simplified sprite from Kirby Super Star Ultra.

Kirby Star Allies[]

Burning Leo appears as an enemy and also reprises his role as a friend in Kirby Star Allies. A noticeable difference in this title is that Burning Leo, quite relaxed, no longer holds onto his hair as he did in Kirby Super Star and its remake.

In Kirby Manga Mania[]

This section contains information that does not coincide with the main series canon.

Burning Leo's duel with Fire Kirby

WHAAAT?! Kirby's hotter than me?! I can't let that stand. I'm the man on fire, Burning Leo! It'd shame my name!
— Burning Leo • Kirby Manga Mania

Burning Leo appears in the chapter "Scorching Summer Battle?! Kirby vs. Burning Leo!" in Volume 3 of the English-translated compilation books. He appears before Kirby on a very hot summer day, showing disappointment in Kirby's inability to withstand the uncomfortable heat, and challenging Kirby to pass a training course to join the Hotbloods Fire Squad, which is made up of enemies like Hot Head, Flamer and Efreeti. Instead, the disinterested Kirby inhales Burning Leo to get the Fire ability, copying his hot-headed personality along with it. Since this is only making the heat problem worse, King Dedede attacks Kirby out of frustration to get him to drop Fire. However, Kirby only spits out Burning Leo without losing Fire.

The flames are now gone from Burning Leo's head, but he quickly re-ignites them, and the two decide to have a contest to see how hot they can raise the temperature of their fire. Burning Leo's baseline temperature is shown to be 190 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly lower than Fire Kirby's. He eats boiling hot pots to help himself heat up further, while Kirby inhales Superspicy Curry. During the competition, he bonds with Kirby over their shared distaste for King Dedede's bad puns, which Dedede had made in a futile attempt to cool them down. The contest ends with Kirby producing an enormous Crash-like explosion that he names "Flames of Wrath," as it incinerates King Dedede, Rick, Coo, Kine, and Poppy in an infernal blaze. Thoroughly impressed by Fire Kirby's strength, Burning Leo willingly declares him to be the winner, and the two rivals become friends.

Related Quotes[]

Burning Leo, proud of his blazing mane, declares from his heart, “I will go on an adventure and share my flames!” But don’t get carried away. He might burn you!
— Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! description • Kirby Star Allies
A hot-headed foe with a fiery mane, Burning Leo can blaze up walls and even heat up weapons of nearby friends with the Sizzle ability.
— Choose your buddy • Play Nintendo

In Other Languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
Japanese バーニンレオ Translates to Burnin' Leo.
Traditional Chinese 燃燒鬃冠 Translates to Burning Mane Crown.
Simplified Chinese 燃烧鬃冠 Translates to Burning Mane Crown.
German Leo Loder Leo Loder. "Loder" is derived from the German word for "blaze," "lodern."
French Leo Laflam

Léo Laflam
Leo Laflam. "Laflam" is derived from the French word for "blaze" (and including the article), "la flamme."
Italian Fiammelleo Fiammelleo. "Fiammelleo" is a portmanteau of the Italian word for "small flame," "fiammella"; and the name "Leo."
Iberian Spanish Burning Leo Same as English
Latin American Spanish Leo Flama Translates to Leo Flame.




Sprites and Models[]

Other Helper Icons[]
