Destruction's victory in the first match of the first round of "A" block in the Superhuman Olympics. Pri-Clun was defeated within 13 minutes and 43 seconds. The match ended with the Avalancher crush. Match took place in the Fukuoka Dome.
Destruction - from Block A - is placed alongside Pri-Clun for their first match, in the Fukoka Dome. [2] Destruction makes his entrance by parachuting into the arena just after Pri-Clun. [3]
Pri-Clun begins the match by enticing Destruction to take a photograph, which is a lead-in to his Smackdown Picture technique, but hurls him into a double-arm suplex before the photograph can be taken. [4] It is then Pri-Clun performs his Smackdown Picture, but accidentally takes a picture of the fans and kills them. [4] They exchange in a series of violent blows, which bloody Pri-Clun, and Pri-Clun eventually forces Destruction into a Smackdown Picture, but - when the picture is developed - he cannot see Destruction's head on the film (despite Destruction appearing headless in real-life). [5]
Destruction hid his head within his body to avoid the attack, and captures Pri-Clun in an Avalancher Crush attack. [6] He then slices Pri-Clun into three pieces, thus ending the match and defeating Pri-Clun within 13 minutes and 43 seconds at the Fukuoka Dome. [7]