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Kinnikuman Wiki

Giant Natsuko is the twenty-third chapter of the Kinnikuman manga.


Kinkotsuman and Iwao turn Natsuko Shono into a giant.


Kinkotsuman laments that Meat, Terryman, and Kinnikuman have defeated him so often. [1] They proceed to knock down Kinkostuman's flying spaceship, inspiring Kinkotsuman - and Iwao - to attack their greatest weakness: Natsuko Shono. While Natsuko attends a movie shoot, Iwao sneaks in and blasts her with a ray that makes her grow to a giant size. Natsuko, now giant and without her mind, proceed to destroy Tokyo, and Kinkotsuman uses Bazoogara to shoot Kinnikuman with milk, which stops him from intervening to help.

Terryman tries to make Natsuko come to her senses, but she holds him so that he cannot escape, while Bazoogara aims an attack to kill Terryman (who is too afraid of hurting Natsuko to break free from her hold). Kinnikuman tackles Bazoogara, which gives Terryman a clear shot to shoot and kill Bazoogara. Natsuko shrinks back to her normal size and returns to her right mind. Kinkotsuman and Iwao lament that they are defeated yet again. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Chapter 23

