Kingdom Wiki

Binding Wish is the 9th episode of the second season and the 47th episode of the anime Kingdom.


The cavalry pursues the prince and his protectors and soon reaches their carriage. A Mon sacrifices himself to save them time and Kou Shou follows him in this destiny. Ei Sei advances towards the soldiers of Qin who came to help him while Shi Ka is violently murdered to protect him. Ei Sei regains feelings and mourns the death of the only woman who cared for him, while the Qin soldiers managed to eliminate his assailants.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Characters Introduced[]


  • Mitsutaka Noshitani directed the episode while Tsuyoshi Tamai served as the writer and Noriko Otake as the animator.


Eyecatch Shi Ka Anime Season 2

Eyecatch: Shi Ka.

