All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 is the sequel to the 2D Beat 'Em Up Sidescoller video game, All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation, published by Bandai Namco. It was released on August 2, 2012 for the Nintendo DS and PSP.
to be added
- The Riders from the previous game are joined by new additions, including a wide array of secondary riders, and the latest leading Rider, Kamen Rider Fourze.
- Rider 1
- Rider 2
- V3
- Riderman
- X Rider
- Amazon
- Stronger
- Skyrider
- Super-1
- ZX
- Black
- ShadowMoon (New)
- Black RX
- Shin
- ZO
- J
- Kuuga
- Agito
- Gills (New)
- G3-X (New)
- Ryuki
- Knight (New)
- Zolda (New)
- Ouja (New)
- Odin (New)
- Faiz
- Kaixa (New)
- Blade
- Garren (New)
- Chalice (New)
- Leangle (New)
- Hibiki
- Ibuki (New)
- Zanki (New)
- Todoroki (New)
- Kabuto
- Gatack (New)
- KickHopper (New)
- PunchHopper (New)
- Den-O
- Zeronos (New)
- New Den-O (New)
- Kiva
- IXA (New)
- Decade
- Diend (New)
- Kiva-la (New)
- W
- Accel (New)
- Skull (New)
- Eternal (New)
- Birth
- Birth Prototype (New)
- Fourze (New)
- Meteor (New)
- Wizard (Secret Character unlocked with password: M4J5D3SX )
Regular Enemies[]
- Destron soldiers
- G.O.D. Warfare Agents
- Black Satan Soldiers
- Dogma Fighters
- Roaches
- Jellyfish Yummy
- Dustards
- Spider Man
- Granzyrus
- N Daguva Zeba
- Nazca Dopant
- Libra Zodiarts
- Virgo Zodiarts
- Scorpio Zodiarts
- Leo Zodiarts
- Kamen Rider Gaoh
- Elasmotherium Orphenoch
- Kamen Rider Ouja
- Kamen Rider Odin
- Kamen Rider Punch Hopper and KickHopper
- Kamen Rider Eternal
- King Dark
- Kamen Rider Core
- Doctor Maki/Dinosaur Greeed
- Stolas and Agares (original creation)
- Goura (original creation)