Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-rxThis article is about an Insectovore in Saban's Masked Rider.

Turtletron is a turtle monster. He can bite, launch its neck and head out to constrict, and shoot sparks out of his mouth.

Turtletron went down to battle Dex Stewart on Earth alongside Double Face. Double Face wanted to test his new "Super Sword" and Count Dregon wanted to make sure Double Face would succeed. When Dex was at a restaurant with his family, he gets a private visit from Combat Chopper who had detected Turtletron by the river. Dex transforms and attacks Turtletron. After a Rider Kick on Turtletron, Double Face arrived to assist causing Dex to retreat. During the second fight, Dex transformed into his Super Blue form and fought Double Face and Turtletron. When Dex's leg was being bitten by Turtletron, he turned into water to escape. Dex then brought out his Blue Saber to disarm Double Face. Double Face retreated ordering Turtletron to finish off Dex. When Turtletron launches his head and neck out to attack, Masked Rider used his Blue Saber to destroy it before using it to finish off Turtletron. He fits the category of Double Face's unit.

See also[]

Saban MR Box icon Saban's Masked Rider US flag icon
Masked Rider
Dex Stewart
Ecto-Accelerator Belt - Electro Saber - Ecto Ray - Blue Saber - Combat Chopper - Magno
King Lexian - Ferbus - Hal Stewart - Barbara Stewart - Molly Stewart - Albee Stewart - Patsy Carbunkle - Herbie - Principal Henry Chalmers - Moon Dude
Power Rangers: Tommy OliverIcon-crosswiki - Rocky DeSantosIcon-crosswiki - Adam ParkIcon-crosswiki - Billy CranstonIcon-crosswiki - Aisha CampbellIcon-crosswiki
Masked Rider Warriors: Masked Rider Warrior Leader - Masked Rider Warrior Commander - V3 - Riderman - Masked Rider X - Amazon - Strongman - Z-Cross - Unnamed Masked Rider Warrior 1 - Unnamed Masked Rider Warrior 2
Dregon's forces
Count Dregon - Nefaria - Cyclopter - Double Face - Gork - Fact - Maggots - Commandoids
Plague Sentry - Plague Patrol - Cogwarts - Destructosphere - Beetletron - Larvatron - Mandible - Mothitron - Crimson Creeper - Robo Rider - Edentada - Termasect - Slimeasect - Recyclotron - Fire Bug - Hydrasect - Robosect - Skull Reapers - Heliotoid - Electrosect - Tentaclon - Blue-Fanged Louse - Cyborsect - Tripron - Turtletron - Liquisect - Water Bug - Fleazoid - Twister Bug - Boulder Beetle - Reptosect - Ultivore - Solarsect - Dregonator - Lavasect - Manosect - Dread Dragon - Cyborgator - Revenator - Parasect - Catatron - Spearavore - Space Monkey - Fluffy - Bananatex - Bruticon - Ocusect - Lobstatron - Predavore - Brain Mite