Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-den-oThis article is about a group in Kamen Rider Den-O.

The Negataros Army (ネガタロス軍団, Negatarosu Gundan) was a group appeared in Kamen Rider Den-O & Kiva: Climax Cop.


Negataros Army is a crime group lead by Negataros with the help of human criminals, evil Imagins and multiple Fangires. They labeled themselves as "Evil Organization" (悪の組織, Aku no Soshiki).





Icon-den-o Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Riders
TV Series: Kamen Rider Den-O: (Ryotaro Nogami - Momotaros - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Sieg) - Kamen Rider Zeronos: (Yuto Sakurai - Deneb - Past Man)
Movie-exclusive/Special: Kotaro - Kotaro Nogami - Gaoh - Negataros - Ghost Imagin - Shiro - Kuchihiko - Mimihiko - Reiji Kurosaki - Eve - Anna
Transformation Devices
Den-O Belt - Rider Pass - K-Taros - Zeronos Belt - Zeronos Cards - New Den-O Belt - Gaoh Belt - Master Pass - Den-O Belt (Nega Den-O) - Yuuki Belt - Golden Khakkhara - Pure Silver Metal Stick - G Den-O Belt
Den-O: DenGasher - DenKamen Sword - Momotarosword - Uratarod - Kintaros Ax - Ryuvolver
Zeronos: ZeroGasher - Denebick Buster
New Den-O: Macheteddy - Uratazao - Kintaono - Momotaken - DenGasher
Gaoh: GaohGasher
Nega Den-O: Nega DenGasher
Yuuki: Ghost Imagin's sword - Shiro's Whip - Shiro's Spinning Tops - SavageGasher
Oni Brothers: Golden Khakkhara - Pure Silver Metal Stick
G Den-O: DenGasher (G Den-O)
Rider Machines
Machine Den-Bird - Machine ZeroHorn - Machine GaohStriker - Machine Nega DenBird - Machine New Den-Bird
Time Transports
DenLiner - ZeroLiner - KingLiner - New DenLiner - GaohLiner - Nega DenLiner - Ghost Train - Battleship of Oni
The Ally Imagin and the Support Characters
The Taros: Momotaros - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros
Other: Sieg - Deneb - Teddy
DenLiner: Owner - Naomi - Hana - Stationmaster
Milk Dipper: Airi Nogami - Seigi Ozaki - Isse Miura
The Imagin
Contract holders
Kai - Death Imagin
Bat Imagin - Chameleon Imagin - Crust Imagin - Crow Imagin - Rhino Imagin - Ivy Imagin - Owl Imagin - Whale Imagin - Wolf Imagin - Jelly Imagin - Tortoise Imagin - Scorpion Imagin - Spider Imagin - Bloodsucker Imagin - Molech Imagin - Cobra Imagin - Salamander Imagin - Gecko Imagin - Newt Imagin - Wasp Imagin - Bluebird Imagin - Rabbit Imagin - Anthopper Imagin - Kraken Imagin - Mole Imagin - Leo Imagin - Pandarabbit Imagin - Snail Imagin - Oct Imagin - Armadillo Imagin - Albinoleo Imagin - Snowman Imagin - New Mole Imagin - Pink Rabbit Imagin - Clown Imagin - Ghost Imagin - Phantom Imagin - Shadow Imagin - Piggies Imagin - Mantis Imagin
Other: Gelnewt
Icon-kiva Kamen Rider Kiva
Kamen Riders
TV Series: Wataru Kurenai - Kamen Rider Ixa: (Otoya Kurenai - Keisuke Nago - Yuri Aso - Megumi Aso - Kengo Eritate) - Taiga Nobori - King - Masao Kurenai
Movie/Special-exclusive: Takato Shiramine - Takashi Sugimura/Lord - Unnamed boy
Kivat-Bat the 3rd - Kivat-Bat the 2nd - Kivat-Bat the 4th - Rey Kivat - Arc Kivat
Sentient Allies
Demon Imperial Dragon Tatsulot - Castle Doran - Shoodoran - Zanvat Sword - Machine Kivaa - Sagarc
The Arms Monsters: Jiro - Ramon - Riki
Transformation Items: Kivat Belt - Tatsulot - Ixa Belt - Sagarc Belt - Dark Kivat Belt - Rey Kivat Belt - Arc/Mecha Kivat Belt
Driver-Compatible Transformation Devices: Fuestles - Ixa Knuckle - Jacorder
Weapons: Garulu Saber - Basshaa Magnum - Dogga Hammer - Zanvat Sword - Ixa Calibur - Ixariser - Jacorder - Gigantic Claw - Arc Trident - Anti-Fangire Rifle
Rider Machines: Machine Kivaa - Demon Statue Buroon - Ixalion - Powerd Ixer
The Wonderful Blue Sky Organization
2008: Mamoru Shima - Keisuke Nago - Kengo Eritate - Megumi Aso
1986: Otoya Kurenai - Yuri Aso
The Fangires
The Checkmate Four
1986: Bishop - Rook - Queen I - King I
2008: Bishop - Rook - King II - Queen II
Pawns: Horse Fangire - Octopus Fangire - Moth Fangire - Sheep Fangire - Ryo Itoya - Prawn Fangire - Frog Fangire - Earwig Fangire - Rhinoceros Fangire - Seastar Fangire - Ladybug Fangire - Chameleon Fangire - Grizzly Fangire - Shark Fangire - Crab Fangire - Cicada Fangire - Warthog Fangire - Tortoise Fangire - Moose Fangire - Horsefly Fangire - Rat Fangire - Mantis Fangire - Seamoon Fangire - Sungazer Fangire - Silkmoth Fangire - Polar Bear Fangire
Takato Shiramine - Takashi Sugimura
Mummy Legendorga - Medusa Legendorga - Mandrake Legendorga - Gargoyle Legendorga - Antlion Legendorga