Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-555This article is about a set of transformational implements in Kamen Rider 555.

Mission Memories (ミッションメモリー, Misshon Memorī) are small metallic card keys which stores the information of the Kamen Rider Gear created by the Smart Brain corporation with the means for their nefarious purposes.

These cards were first created with the three belts: the SB-555B Faiz Driver, the SB-913B Kaixa Driver, and the SB-333B Delta Driver, with the means to protect the Orphnoch King, who was known for his ability to repair the genetic breakdown that most Orphnoch suffered.

Later in Kamen Rider 555: Lost World and Kamen Rider 555: Paradise Lost, the Delta Driver was destroyed and created into the two Emperor's Belts: the SB-315B Psyga Driver and the SB-000B Orga Driver, along with their respective Mission Memories. The information of the Delta Mission Memory are also inherited to the two respective Mission Memories. As such, Psyga possess the blue-colored Photon Blood and Orga inherits the black armor of Kamen Rider Delta.

List of Mission Memories[]

Rider Mission Memory Location Description
Faiz KR555-Mission Memory (Faiz) SB-555P Faiz Phone It is where Faiz's armor design comes form, which is used to store mission data. When this card key is inserted into Faiz's devices, it turns them into powerful weaponry. It also allows the weapon to perform an “Exceed Charge” after pressing Enter on the Faiz Phone.
KR555-Mission Memory (Faiz Axel) SB-555W Faiz Axel It is stored in the Faiz Axel Watch. When this card key is inserted into the Faiz Phone, it initiates the transformation into Axel Form.
Kaixa KR555-Mission Memory (Kaixa) SB-913P Kaixa Phone It is where Kaixa's armor design comes form, which is used to store mission data. When this card key is inserted into Kaixa's devices, it turns them into powerful weaponry. It also allows the weapon to perform an “Exceed Charge” after pressing Enter on the Kaixa Phone.
Delta KR555-Mission Memory (Delta) SB-333B Delta Driver It is where Delta's armor design comes form, which is used to store mission data. When this card key is inserted into the Delta Blaster, it turns the device into a powerful weapon. It also allows the weapon to perform an “Exceed Charge” after Delta verbally enters the code "Check" into the Delta Phone.
Psyga KR555-Mission Memory (Psyga) SB-315P Psyga Phone It is where Psyga's armor design comes form, which is used to store mission data. When this card key is inserted into the Psyga Tonfa Edge, it turns the device into a powerful weapon. It also allows the weapon to perform an “Exceed Charge” after pressing Enter on the Psyga Phone.
Orga KR555-Mission Memory (Orga) SB-000P Orga Phone It is where Orga's armor design comes form, which is used to store mission data. When this card key is inserted into the Orga Stlanzer, it turns the device into a powerful weapon. It also allows the weapon to perform an “Exceed Charge” after pressing Enter on the Orga Phone.


KRZiO-Faiz Shot Shot
  • In Kamen Rider Zi-O, Kamen Rider Geiz utilizes the FaizArmor and by extension, gaining access to copies of Faiz's original two weapons, the Faiz Pointer Pointer and the Faiz Shot Shot. As demonstrated, the slot where the Mission Memory is supposed to be inserted is occupied with a similarly-shaped attachment where its circular component bears the Katakana Kamen (カメン) as opposed to a Smart Brain Rider's face.


Icon-555 Kamen Rider 555
Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Faiz: Takumi Inui - Yuji Kiba - Akai - Naoya Kaido - Itsuro Takuma - Masato Kusaka
Kamen Rider Kaixa: Masato Kusaka (Android) - Kouta Takamiya - Kiyotaka Nishida - Takahisa Shindo - Saeko Kageyama - Yuji Kiba - Keitaro Kikuchi (Paradise Lost) - Higashino (Manga) - Nishijima (manga) - Mayu (manga) - Kaixa Corps (manga) - Nozomi Munemiya (manga)
Kamen Rider Delta: Syuji Mihara - Saya Kimura - Kitazaki - Masato Kusaka - Takumi Inui - Rina Abe - Kyouji Murakami - Kyosuke Tokumoto - Ken Arai - Yuki Kawachi - Kikyou Nonomura (manga) - Smart Queen (Outsiders) - Hisao
Kamen Rider Muez: Rena Kurumi - Nozomi Kitazaki
Riotrooper - Leo - Yuji Kiba
Stageshow-exclusive: Kamen Rider Alpha - Kamen Rider Beta - Kamen Rider Gamma - Dark Rider - Dark Slasher
Rider Gear
Mission Memories - Smart Pad
Faiz (Φ): Faiz Driver - Faiz Phone - Faiz Pointer- Faiz Shot - Faiz Edge - Faiz Axel - Faiz Blaster - Faiz Sounder - Faiz Driver NEXT - Faiz Phone 20 Plus
Kaixa (Χ): Kaixa Driver - Kaixa Phone - Kaixa Pointer - Kaixa Blaygun - Kaixa Shot - Kaixa Phone XX - Kaixa Crosslasher
Delta (Δ): Delta Driver - Delta Phone - Delta Mover
Riotroopers (O): Smart Buckle - Axelaygun - Flying Attacker (Decade)
Psyga (Ψ): Psyga Driver - Psyga Phone - Psyga Tonfa Edge - Flying Attacker
Orga (Ω): Orga Driver - Orga Phone - Orga Stlanzer
Muez (Μ): Muez Driver - Muez Phone - Muez Edge
Concept Systems
Kamen Rider Neo-Alpa (α) - Kamen Rider Seeda (ϑ) - Kamen Rider Pyron (π)
Auto Vajin - Side Basshar - Jetsliger - Gyro Attacker
Mari Sonoda - Keitaro Kikuchi - Yuka Osada - Naoya Kaido - Jotaro Kikuchi
Ryusei School
Hanagata - Masuda - Saya Kimura - Rina Abe - Kyosuke Tokumoto - Syoji Inukai - Kiyotaka Nishida - Takahisa Shindo - Haruko Kamijyo - Kouta Takamiya - Asami Ito - Ken Arai - Yuki Kawachi - Shingo Ota
Smart Brain
Wirepullers of Smart Brain
Kyouji Murakami - Smart Lady - Eiichi Toda
Orphnoch King: Arch
Lucky Clover: Saeko Kageyama - Itsuro Takuma - Kitazaki - Mr. J - Aki Sawada
Main: Goat - Wolf - Wildcat - Horse - Crane - Snake - Rose
Minor: Stingfish - Elephant - Ox - Mantis - Cactus - Squid - Owl - Scarab - Snail - Equisetum - Flyingfish - Armadillo - Toadstool - Scorpion - Dolphin - Worm - Seacucumber - Rabbit - Frog - Stinkbug - Swordfish - Rhinocerosbeetle - Stagbeetle - Octopus - Pigeon - Barnacle - Okra - Sloth - Frilledlizard - Crab - Bat - Coral - Butterfly - Giraffe - Longhorn - Pelican - Wild Boar - Slug - Mole - Moose - Lion - Lion (II) - Elasmotherium - Mosquito - Gecko - Kuina
Decade-exclusive: Tiger