Stray dogs is an organization led by Carl Davidson. It is made up of many insect humans who have endured feeding and are successfully weaned off feed training so that they are safe to be around. however because they carry the stench of feed training on them N.E.S.T thinks that the Stray Dogs are a part of Pet Shop.
Carl Davidson grand poohbah of the stray dogs insect complex tiger beetle and patient ZERO for mastery training. it should be noted it ain't clear whether or not tiger beetle is his first complex or his mutant complex but what is known is he's insanely strong and incredibly fast. he also goes on solo missions to scoop out possible BREEDING STATIONS and meet with sensitive spies in NEST
Bom Baek right hand of their leader one of their strongest fighters and patient ONE for mastery training insect complex is earthworm she can make soil unstable or can stabilized it but her mutant complex is the pink dragon millipede. when Carl Davidson ain't around she's in charge.
Woochang Kang second best fighter of the stray dogs patient TWO for mastery training like others who survived the training he has a mutate complex his original complex is five horned stag beetle his blackout complex is huntsmen spider it was releveled his parents sold him to a breeding station his only friend was killed and he was tricked into eating him but using that power up he busted himself out and via sheer luck was found by stray dogs as they were coming to raid that very station he joined their ranks becoming their youngest member at only 14 years old but he took the longest in mastering it and only succeeded in doing so at 24 years of age.
Haemin Kwon patient THREE for mastery training complex is Nairobi Fly which he uses to hurl scolding hot poison at his foes but he only uses his blackout complex if there's no other choice for unlike the others his mutant complex is devil's mantis given time he can conjure one made entirely of fire but he has a time limit if he goes past it his flames will burn him hence why his arms are wrapped in thick bandages.
Nanami patient FOUR of mastery training she currently has five hulking bodyguard's with her she controls them with her complex gossamer winged butterfly her body secretes a perfume that bends all ant complexes to her will but she can also produce a massive orb of honeydew but afterwards her body is drained of energy for a few days.
Hansung Lee patient FIVE of mastery training he completed the training in one year while others struggled with it his regular complex potter wasp his blackout complex is honey bee using it he can produce massive amounts of beeswax to wall off an entrance or trap someone he was the second youngest member of stray dogs.
- This group first appears in Season 2, when they break Suchan Jang out of prison and have him join them. its reveled that each and every one of them was kidnapped by pet shop and mutated with the purpose of becoming feed trained tools but thru luck and willpower they resisted the feeding and bided their time to break out.
- after gaining mastery of their feed training they tattooed their insect complex on their bodies and took their revenge by destroying pet shop locations and unknowingly helping nest bring them down.
- they have contacts inside nest (insect humans they saved from pet shop) who help them spy and hide since nest associates them with pet shop via both were feed trained and kill any feed test subjects that can't be saved NEST calls it murder but they view it as a mercy kill.
- their spies tell them nearly everything including the false imprisonment of suchan from there they staged his rescue and they keep them in the loop so NEST can't find them.