Jungle Juice (Webtoon) Wiki

Cinderella plays a key role in the story of the Jungle Juice webcomic. It is a sought after item for all the students that attend NEST university as it cures the effects of Jungle Juice.


Cinderella is an antidote to Jungle Juice. The effects of Cinderella are the opposite of Jungle Juice. It reverses the effects of it but it can only revert some parts of the Insect Human at a time since in Episode 3, when Gayeon Sin drank it, her stinger still remained and she continued attending NEST to get more.


This drink was created by NEST by decomposing the insect DNA in the infected human body which allowed the human who drank it to be restored to their original state. It encourages students to enroll and train at NEST with the hope they'll e able to be cured,

However, the only way to obtain Cinderella is to be valedictorian of one of the three different classes at NEST, practical combat with insects, study of genetically modified humans, and understanding NEST protection.

at least that's the version NEST believes in but the truth is it was developed by the co-founder of petshop Carl Davidson (who also crippled petshop before vanishing to found the stray dogs.) but he didn't create it to be kind in fact he willingly and gladfully picked test subjects for breeder to mutate.

but after his daughter was mutated then killed herself he thought he destroyed all traces of jungle juice and cinderella but somehow petshop & NEST got fragments of the recipes although a bit incomplete given how NEST doesn't know its secret ingredient nor are they capable of creating a purified dosage of it


  • Cinderella is the name of the classic fairy-tale character. It is likely a reference to Cinderella's transformation from being a slave to her own family to becoming a princess. Cinderella (the drink) transforms an insect-human that is in a bad situation back to a regular human where they can be normal again.
  • since the version NEST uses can only partially reverse the mutation its clear they don't have a pure extract of it given how the original serum could restore the corrupted DNA completely so NEST is missing a MAJOR item