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JoJo's Bizarre Wiki

For a similar character, see Part 8 SpoilersYoshikage Kira (JoJolion)
My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

—Yoshikage Kira, Chapter 345

Yoshikage Kira (吉良 吉影 Kira Yoshikage) is the main antagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable.

Unnoticed in Morioh for years and undisturbed all his life, Yoshikage Kira is an abnormal and paraphilic serial killer whose routine is shaken when the ghost of his first victim, Reimi Sugimoto, begs the Joestar Group to look for him and he attracts unwanted attention by killing Shigekiyo Yangu. Kira is a Stand User and wields the powerful Killer Queen which has the ability to create deadly bombs.

Kira is also the protagonist of the short spinoff story Dead Man's Questions and a minor antagonist in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR.

Quick Answers

What is the significance of Yoshikage Kira in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? toggle section
In Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Yoshikage Kira is the main antagonist in the Diamond is Unbreakable arc. He's a serial killer who has remained undetected in Morioh, until the ghost of Reimi Sugimoto, his first victim, asks the Joestar Group to hunt him down. Kira wields a Stand named Killer Queen, capable of creating lethal bombs. His deeds, such as killing Shigekiyo Yangu, attract Josuke and his allies, resulting in several encounters.
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Who is the first victim of Yoshikage Kira in the series? toggle section
Yoshikage Kira's initial victim in the series was Reimi Sugimoto, who was murdered along with her family and pet dog Arnold, fifteen years before Part 4. Post-death, Reimi's spirit stayed in Morioh, striving to halt Kira's murderous activities.
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What is the name of Yoshikage Kira's Stand in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? toggle section
Yoshikage Kira's Stand in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is Killer Queen, prominently featured in JoJolion. Killer Queen possesses unique abilities, including the creation of explosive bubbles and the deployment of a secondary Stand, Sheer Heart Attack.
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How does Yoshikage Kira's routine get disrupted in Diamond is Unbreakable? toggle section
Yoshikage Kira's routine in Diamond is Unbreakable was disrupted when Reimi Sugimoto's ghost pleaded with the Joestar Group to find him, and he drew unwanted attention by killing Shigekiyo Yangu. Kira, a Stand User with the deadly Killer Queen, was tricked by Josuke into detonating a bomb near Yoshihiro's photograph, leading to his demise.
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What role does the Joestar Group play in Yoshikage Kira's storyline? toggle section
In Yoshikage Kira's narrative, the Joestar Group, protagonists in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, are targeted by his father, Yoshihiro Kira. Yoshihiro employs his Stand, Atom Heart Father, and creates multiple Stand users with the Arrow, aiming to eliminate the Joestar Group to safeguard Yoshikage.
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Yoshikage Kira has light, loosely combed back wavy hair with a few strands out of place. He wears a light ValentinoW[6] suit and a dark tie patterned by a column of skull emblems with upright, cat-like ears, similar to those on his Stand, Killer Queen. As a salesman by profession, he wears a similar suit throughout the series, though he usually takes off his jacket at home.

Kira adopts one face other than his original one in Part 4, and a ghostly body resembling his original, with a unique outfit, after this. He remains a man of average height and slim to athletic build.

Kira likes picnics with his "girlfriends" and hates inside-out socks.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.

Skin (Fair)
Hair (Blond)
Eyes (Purple)
(Lavender suit with a yellow-striped light green button-up, and brown shoes. Black/yellow tie.)

The anime marks a shift in Kira's portrayal in promotional materials as most media featuring Kira post-anime will portray him with his anime colors.

Skin (Fair)
Hair (Blond)
Eyes (Blue)
(Light purple suit with a striped cyan button-up, and brown shoes. Navy/violet/tan tie.)

Hair (Blond)
Eyes (Cyan)
(White suit with a white-striped green button-up, and navy shoes. Black/yellow tie.)

Hair (Blond)
Eyes (Cyan)
(Light blue-purple suit with a beige-striped green button-up, and grayish-brown shoes. Purple/yellow tie.)


When Kosaku Kawajiri (川尻 浩作 Kawajiri Kōsaku) is killed, Kira assumes his facial features, including his spiky black hair, thin, large dark irises, and higher cheekbones. He retains his suit, changing only his tie to his normal Skull tie.

After being hit by the Arrow and receiving Killer Queen's third bomb, Kira's hairstyle spontaneously changes, becoming perfectly combed back, light, and striped by black strands (in the anime, he is seen brushing it back in a flashback where he tells Yoshihiro about his new ability, revealing the white strands underneath)

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.

Skin (Fair)
(Black, light green with black streaks when "matured")
Eyes (Black)
(Lavender suit with a yellow-striped light green button-up, and brown shoes. Black/yellow tie.)

The anime marks a shift in "Kosaku"'s portrayal in promotional materials as most media featuring "Kosaku" post-anime will portray him with his anime colors.

Skin (Fair)
(Black, white with black streaks when "matured")
Eyes (Black)
First Outfit
(Violet-tinted white suit with a pink-striped magenta button-up, and brown shoes. Teal/aqua/tan tie.)
Second Outfit
(White suit with a striped lavender button-up, and olive green shoes. Black/green/white tie.)

Hair (Purple-gray with black streaks)
Eyes (Black)
(White suit with a white-striped blue button-up, and grayish-green shoes. Green/white tie.)

Hair (Gray-beige with black streaks)
Eyes (Black)
(Light blue-purple suit with a beige-striped green button-up, and gray shoes. Indigo/yellow tie.)


Shortly after he dies, as a ghost, he retains Kosaku's features for a few moments before reverting to his original appearance, which he retains in Dead Man's Questions.

Henceforth, he adopts an elaborate outfit consisting of a dark bowler hat with an upturned brim and a tie, both patterned by concentric squares, and a shirtless, dark, lapelless suit.


I really want to reveal Yoshikage Kira's true nature to that girl on the right. I'd like to reveal my deep desires to her. I really want to touch her thin neck with my hands... and strangle her to death.

Kira is a serial killerW, characterized as highly egocentricW and psychopathicW, with a few obsessive-compulsiveW tendencies. He is also a hand fetishistW.

Beautiful Duwang

Kira enjoying his lunch time

Kira longs for a peaceful and quiet life, safe from any worry, and does not wish for it to be interrupted. Whenever that life seems assured, Kira adopts a jolly and confident demeanor.[7][8] Although he is highly intelligent and possesses many talents, this yearning shows in his dislike of coming in first, and Jotaro theorizes from his many trophies that he even made it a point to never rank better than 3rd in any competition so as not to stand out.[9] Since his youth, Kira has been avoiding standing out, living a healthy life and following a strict regimen.[10] He becomes bothered when someone disrupts his habits and goes to extreme lengths to get them back. As his father pointed out, this will to stay in the background was so bad that if bullied, or denied his favorite toy, Kira would bite his nails until they bled, being the only way he's found to express his frustration.[11]

The Fetish

Kira's hand fetish begins to grow.

However, beneath his façade of a simple, humble salaryman who works where all the villas are, Kira is very abnormal. The most abnormal characteristic of Kira is his frequent and periodic murderous impulses. Kira targets women, or, more specifically, women with beautiful hands. Kira possesses a hand fetish, which he discovered when he found himself aroused by the Mona LisaW's hands.[12] However, his desire has never extended to the rest of the female person and he otherwise shuns their presence.[7] This results in murdering random women, not caring in the least how they look like or behave, in order to acquire their (severed) hands as "girlfriends", acting as if the severed hands were actually sentient and conversing with them, even offering them various gifts.[13] When one "girlfriend" begins to decay, he disposes of it and goes off in search of a replacement.[7] Kira is an opportunistic killer, his modus operandi being spotting a potential victim, following her to her house, and murdering her when both are isolated.[14][15] With his Stand erasing any proof, these murders are actually reported as missing persons. Moreover, Kira has expressed various other similarly violent impulses such as the desire to choke his victims to death[16] and has horribly scarred at least Reimi Sugimoto.[17]

Kira pummeling Koichi

Kira slamming Koichi's face into the pavement

Apart from his murders, Kira is particularly violent when someone threatens his way of life or publicly humiliates him. Since Kira doesn't want to be noticed, he will try everything to solve his problems without facing anyone directly. However, if he doesn't have any other choice, he will instantly try to kill whoever discovers his true nature.[10] Kira is quick to drop his polite demeanor, rudely insulting his foes or violently beating them before killing them. After Koichi's Echoes ACT 3 results in Kira making a fool of himself in public and attracting unwanted attention, Kira went on his way to torture and humiliate Koichi, putting his shoe into his mouth and slamming his face against the ground.[18] Kira has a hard time controlling these impulses, as seen when Hayato Kawajiri threatened to blackmail him. Kira lost his calm attitude and murdered him despite knowing he couldn't afford such a mistake.[11]

Kira is also afflicted with a number of other quirks. Apart from his wish for a monotonous and tranquil life, Kira's OCD (which stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) also makes him very meticulous and thorough. Kira has sophisticated tastes, notably buying his lunch at the best store in town[7] as well as wearing Valentino suits.[6] He doesn't tolerate any imperfection and is even willing to lose time fixing Koichi's socks, becoming agitated when he sees them being worn inside-out.[18] Furthermore, during his time as Kosaku Kawajiri, Kira made sure to perfectly mimic his new identity in every way, notably Kosaku's hand-writing,[16] which he trained himself to do conscientiously. Kira's solitary nature is partially stemmed from his disgust of people who don't behave as properly as he does.

Kira prepares the final bomb

Kira utterly determined to preserve his "peaceful life"

Kira is also an egocentric and selfish man, akin to a spoiled child. He doesn't care that his lifestyle involves murder, nor the suffering of his victim's relatives. He only seeks to satisfy his basic instincts. In addition, Kira is determined to preserve his lifestyle, and being set back only increases his determination. Kira is also quick to shift the blame to someone else for his troubles, notably the Joestar group, for ruining his life.[16] Kira possesses a twisted pride in having managed to mix his tranquil lifestyle and his serial murders for so long, and categorically refused to flee the town and live in fear, preferring to maintain a shaky façade of normal life with the Kawajiri's.[11]

In addition, while normally a very cautious meticulous man who ensures he leaves no evidence behind, there are a few occasions where he becomes overconfident and lets his guard down, and each time has led him to a confrontation with the Joestar group or defeat at their hands. He once put his "girlfriend" in a sandwich bag and failed to notice Shigechi's presence as he came to take the sandwich bag, thinking it was his.[7] This would lead him to his first confrontation with the Joestar Group. In addition, he left his jacket to a tailor at Centipede shoes and left his real name, forcing him to confront them.[19] He was overconfident in his Sheer Heart Attack, believing it was invincible and leaving the scene[20] but was forced to return to the scene of his crime when Koichi managed to subdue Sheer Heart Attack. In addition, he let his guard down near a wounded Jotaro, allowing Jotaro the opportunity to beat him. Finally, when he was overconfident he had beaten Hayato Kawajiri in his attempt to stop him, he blurted out his real name in front of Josuke by mistake, which Hayato had planned.[21]

Kira believes that he has luck and fate on his side, exposing a superstitious façade, claiming that whenever faced with an obstacle he will be able to make it through with a combination of hard work and opportunity. He measures and collects his own fingernail clippings, using them to predict his murdering luck off of their length.[9]

Kira matures

After getting Bites the Dust, Kira becomes extremely confident

When Kira was pierced with the Arrow, his demeanor became much more relaxed and prone to elation due to his newfound power, which guaranteed that anyone approaching Hayato would be killed. Ecstatic to possess a power which would dispose of anyone who investigated him, Kira allowed himself one loud boast, which caused his downfall as Josuke overheard him claiming to be "Yoshikage Kira".[21]

During his confrontation with the Stand Stray Cat, Kira expressed a desire to protect his "wife", Shinobu Kawajiri, and even showed relief at her safety. A feeling that confused him, and Kira rationalized it as him merely not wanting to arouse suspicion. Whether these feelings were genuine or not is left unanswered.[22]

As a ghost, Kira lost all memory of his previous life and has thus lost his temptation to kill. However, his desire for a peaceful existence and his latent brutality remained.[23]



Main article: Killer Queen
Killer queen c345

Killer Queen

Kira's Stand, Killer Queen, is a humanoid, short-range Stand with the unique ability to cleanly, and completely, wipe out objects and people alike with targeted explosions. This ability takes three forms that Kira names Bomb #1, #2, and #3.

  • Bomb #1 (Bomb transmutation): By touch, Killer Queen may charge any object with explosive energy, which is then transferred into the first person to touch it. The Stand can then manually detonate the energy with a gesture, creating explosions of variable size and power.
  • Bomb #2 (Sheer Heart Attack): An autonomous entity that detaches from the Stand's left hand. It tracks and destroys targets with infrared homing. It's virtually indestructible, and can not be destroyed by ordinary means.
  • Bomb #3 (Bites the Dust): Developed with the touch of the Arrow, this ability is a booby trap that, when triggered, it allows Kira to loop time, resetting for up to one hour in order to outmaneuver attempts to investigate him.

Air Bomb Transmutation ("Stray Cat")

Main article: Stray Cat
Killer Queen Air Bomb

Killer Queen changes an air bubble into a primary bomb

After developing Bomb #3, Kira keeps Stray Cat in Killer Queen's abdomen. With Killer Queen's Primary Bomb charging Stray Cat's condensed air bubbles, Kira may create invisible, speedy air bombs (空気弾 Kūki-dan) to use as projectiles. Although he cannot see these bombs, he is skilled in determining their trajectory using basic mathematical skills.


Despite the power of his Stand, Killer Queen, Kira's passivity led to an overreliance on its powers to the detriment of actual mastery.

I've Won

With the Help of "Bites the Dust" Yoshikage Declares victory

Up until his appearance, Kira has avoided fighting at all, leading to a laissez-faire approach to Stand battles. Although he did personally kill Shigekiyo Yangu and knows a great deal about the subtleties of Killer Queen, he then let Sheer Heart Attack take care of two Stand Users, leading to an unexpected defeat and almost leading to his capture. He then became overconfident in Bites the Dust's invincibility, again leaving ample opportunity for Hayato to seek a loophole. Kira's tendency to hide and avoid instead of confronting his foes has left him no time to show any imagination in using his Stand.

However, thanks to his intellect and "lucky" meeting with Stray Cat, Kira could sublimate Killer Queen's power to create a deadly long-range combination of Stand abilities.


SPOILER WARNING: Part 4 Spoiler details may follow.

Early life

Nobody can find me, nobody knows me, nobody knows I am the murderer.

—Yoshikage Kira

Family photo

Kira family photo

Yoshikage Kira was born on January 30, 1966, in Morioh Town within Japan's M Prefecture in S city. He lived a relatively normal childhood, making sure he never stood out by having mediocre grades, and in any competition he was in, Kira made sure to never rank above 3rd place. According to his neighbors, he seemed to be close with his parents[4], however, in truth Kira was in an abusive relationship with his mother who was overprotective of him[1] while his father Yoshihiro Kira, turned a blind eye to it. At a young age Kira discovered he had a hand fetish when he found himself aroused by the Mona LisaW's hands in an artbook, cutting them off to look at in private.[12]

Kira committed his first murder on August 13, 1983, at the age of 18.[24] Starting his spree on Reimi Sugimoto and her entire family , including their dog Arnold. From that point on he would continue his spree of murders by stabbing his victims so viciously that they were left with horrific back wounds.

Kira's Stand, Killer Queen, came as a result of his father, Yoshihiro Kira, giving him a Stand arrow that he himself received from Enya and DIO.[1] Killer Queen manifested from his desire to leave no evidence from his killings behind, developing an ability to make its victims disintegrate completely. Due to his parents, already being old when he was born, his father died from cancer when Kira was 21 and his mother passed away peacefully shortly after.

After gaining Killer Queen, it was able to disintegrate Kira's victims completely at an unknown point, Kira dubbed his Stand. He now lets Killer Queen annihilate his victims (except for his "girlfriends" hands), letting everyone else think that the victims have simply gone missing. Though the number of missing people would eventually attract attention, no one would have any reason to suspect that Yoshikage Kira was involved due to his simple demeanor and lifestyle.

Kira graduated from D University in 1988 with a literature degree, then moved to S city for a job at Kameyu's corporate office. He eventually transferred to the Morioh-cho branch in 1993.[4] Kira would go on to kill 46 women for their hands before the beginning of the plot.[12]

Diamond is Unbreakable

Rohan Kishibe's Adventure

Kira in a car

Kira's first apperance

Yoshikage Kira is first seen when Josuke stops Koichi from walking into the road as he's driving. He stops, but then continues driving, returning home with the severed hand of a recent victim.

Yoshikage Kira Wants to Live Quietly

Formally introduced in this arc, Kira is seen shopping for lunch while on break to deliver documents, having the hand of another woman with him. He has lunch in the park after buying from a sandwich shop, marveling the day, but hides the hand of his girlfriend inside the bag he received when startled by a dog. After intimidating the dog, Kira continues his peaceful lunch and overhears Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu with a sandwich from the same shop arguing with Josuke Higashikata and Okuyasu Nijimura about money. While writing down the IOU the two high-schoolers promise, the dog makes off with Shigechi's sandwich, causing Shigechi to mistake Kira's for his.

Kira is quick to make the discovery but can't stop Shigechi in time, and out of fear he may be discovered due to the hand wearing a ring he recently bought, he begins to follow Shigechi to yank the bag from him. He eventually follows the group to Shigechi's school, and after nearly being found on three occasions, manages to retrieve his bag.


Kira and Killer Queen fend off Harvest

However, Shigechi catches on and, under the assumption it's his stolen sandwich bag, rips it open with Harvest on accident, revealing the hand. As a result of being found, Kira retaliates, revealing his Stand and successfully killing Shigechi without much of a fight by exploiting Harvest's weakness of bringing money back to Shigechi. However, Harvest manages to grab one of Kira's coat buttons and delivers it before he fully passes on.

Sheer Heart Attack

Kira brings his suit to the tailor and finds that Jotaro Kujo and Koichi Hirose are investigating him. As a result, he sics Sheer Heart Attack after them in order to buy time to escape, managing to get as far as a cafe without being seen. Koichi awakens Echoes Act 3 and traps Sheer Heart Attack in place, transferring the same effect onto Kira. Kira returns in person and, heavily wounded, surprises Koichi by using Killer Queen and withdrawing Sheer Heart Attack. He attacks Koichi personally as revenge for unintentionally humiliating him in public, but stops after a punch from Killer Queen knocks off one of Koichi's shoes and reveals his socks are inside out.

Kira hesitates and proceeds to fix Koichi's sock, allowing time for Jotaro to get back up. Star Platinum attempts to attack Kira, but due to Jotaro being severely wounded, Killer Queen blocks the punch on time. Kira would then make fun of Jotaro by telling him that his stand right then was very weak, and then Killer Queen would attempt to attack Jotaro, but Star Platinum attacks Killer Queen off guard, and starts beating him. After Star Platinum wounds Kira, Josuke and Okuyasu arrive on the scene. Impatient to escape, Kira asks Josuke to 'fix' him as he fixed Jotaro and Koichi while posing as an innocent bystander, only to unwittingly reveal to Josuke that he can see Stands and thus show he's the enemy. Cornered, Kira cuts his own hand off to release Sheer Heart Attack from Echoes Act 3's ability and flees.

Kosaku up close

Kira stealing Kosaku's identity using Aya's Stand.

Josuke uses Crazy Diamond's ability to make the severed hand chase after him. Kira escapes by forcing Aya Tsuji and her Stand Cinderella to switch his face and fingerprints with Kosaku Kawajiri's, then killing Aya with his first bomb, successfully stalling the protagonists' chase.

Yoshikage Kira's New Situation

With his new identity and his hand reattached, Kira tries to assume Kosaku Kawajiri's life and blend into his household. Fortunately, Kawajiri wasn't the kindest man, something Kira wasn't aware of - as a result, he accidentally provokes romantic emotions in the formerly estranged Shinobu Kawajiri by doing simple things like apologizing and making dinner.

However, Kosaku's son, Hayato, sees there's something not right about his father, as he normally spies on his parents, and wonders why his father has two pairs of shoes that are different sizes as well as why his father would practice writing his own name over and over again.

The Cat Likes Yoshikage Kira

After Shinobu Kawajiri kills the cat Tama, Kira finds it resurrected as the Stand Stray Cat, and after a fight, he gives it a home in the household attic. Unbeknownst to Kira however, Hayato Kawajiri finds the cat in the attic and grows even more suspicious of him.

My Dad Is Not My Dad

After fending off the urge to kill for some time, Kira finally kills two people who annoy him on the train and prepares to take the hand of his female victim back with him. As he does so, he notices Hayato Kawajiri fleeing the scene with a video camera, and realizes he has been seen. He vaporizes the hand for his own safety.

Another One Bites the Dust


Bites The Dust

Kira corners Hayato in the bath, hoping to get his hands on the videotape. Hayato reveals that he has backups hidden in a number of places, and warns Kira not to harm him or his mother. Kira loses his temper and kills the boy, then realizes he has made a mistake. He bites his nails to the point that they started to bleed, which his father says Kira has done since he was a little boy. In his desperation, the Arrow in his father's portrait pierces him on its own, granting Kira a new ability called Bites the Dust, an ability that manifested from his desire not to be caught. Kira revives Hayato by planting Bites the Dust in him and begins the next day with new confidence.

Josuke and company attempt to pursue their new lead, only to be trapped in the time loop created by Bites the Dust. However, Hayato manages to take advantage of the time loop and cause Kira to expose himself by gloating about his victory despite Hayato's efforts. Josuke and Okuyasu, arriving on time thanks to a call from Hayato, hear Kira gloating and immediately attack him, forcing him to call back Bites the Dust and cancel the time loop.

Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable

Kira combines Stray Cat's aerokinesis with Killer Queen's explosive charges to produce invisible air bombs. After defeating Okuyasu, he charges Okuyasu's body to explode on contact, forcing Josuke into a dilemma, but is again foiled by Hayato, who allows himself to be blown up by touching Okuyasu, only to have Josuke heal him.

Yoshihiro's death

Yoshihiro is killed by Kira

When Josuke and Hayato escape into a nearby house, Kira continues to attack them from a distance with the help of his father, who is hidden in Hayato's pocket and relaying their location to him. He is eventually tricked into blowing up the photograph containing Yoshihiro. Josuke then uses Crazy Diamond's restoration ability to pull glass shards covered with his own dried blood towards the house, intercepting Kira on the way.

Kira, unwilling to accept defeat, is pummeled out into the neighborhood sidewalk, exposed to a crowd of people. Unwilling to accept this irony, Kira attempts to use Bites the Dust on a nearby woman to escape. As he gloats over his victory, he is confused to discover himself in a strange alley and finds that his watch has not been restored when the time loop reset.

Town Guardian Spirits

Kira death

Kira's sudden death

He encounters Reimi, who reveals that Bites the Dust has actually been foiled by Echoes Act 3's "freeze" technique. Jotaro, finally close enough, stops time and beats him with Star Platinum's barrage. Still alive, but unable to activate Bites the Dust with broken fingers, Kira was accidentally run over by a nearby ambulance, which was called in to save him and take him to the hospital.

Let Me Remind You

Reimi condemns Kira

Reimi condemns Kira

Upon recognizing Reimi and wondering why she would show him her back wound, Kira recalls that his father told him about a place he could not turn his back to when he died and tries to force Reimi to look back instead. However, his plan fails when Arnold bites off his hand.

Goodbye, Morioh Town

Kira falls to the ground, ends up turning around in surprise, and is torn to pieces and dragged off to another world by a swarm of hands.[25][26]

Dead Man's Questions

Ghost kira reading

Reading a newspaper as a ghost

Kira is shown some time after the End of Part 4 as a vagabond spirit who is unaware of his identity. Now a ghost trapped in the living world after his death, Kira can't remember anything but his name but is sure he cannot get to heaven. However, he still shows traits of his personality, as he wants a normal life and doesn't wish to attract the attention of living people. Not sure what to do with his eternal existence, he now works for a monk, doing the "dirty work" of killing targets she gives him in exchange for money. He believes that, by making this job his purpose to live, he might find happiness.

He is sent to a mansion belonging to a soldier that turned into a spirit to find out the reason behind the deaths of people around the area. There, he discovers that he can interact with objects in the mansion, and is excited by the possibility of living there. As he investigates further, he is attacked by Cleansers, and in the process of destroying them, is forced to cut his own arm off. After escaping the mansion, he goes to investigate the information the monk gave him, swearing to kill her if he finds any errors. He wonders if her arm would stick in place of his lost one.


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canonW.

In the novel, Kira plays a large role in which he was supposedly killed by Pucci, however, this was merely Kosaku Kawajiri. They believe they found him again as he considers himself a serial killer, but this is revealed to be another Kosaku Kawajiri with Bites the Dust planted on him. The true Kira is later found by Kars who forces him to use his Stand to continuously trigger Bites the Dust's time rewind effect to undo a total of 35 universal resets to return to the Steel Ball Run era where they face off against Ultimate Dio in a final battle. He is mentioned in most of the chapters.

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

  • SBR Extra Chapter 3: "Untitled Stand Chapter" (Mentioned only)

  • Anime Appearances
    Episodes in order of appearance


    "My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh , where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone. Basically, Shigechi , you are a troublesome thing that would hinder my sleep, therefore my enemy. Killer Queen ... is what I've named it. I'm going to eliminate you now before you have a chance to speak, so I can sleep soundly again tonight." -Yoshikage Kira introducing himself to Shigechi

    Sheer Heart Attack has no weakness.
    You must die. I can't leave witnesses alive. No one is allowed to know the identity of Yoshikage Kira.
    There has never been any trouble that I, Yoshikage Kira, was unable to overcome!
    I have no choice but to fight the ones who find out my identity.
    Why is sheer heart attack taking so long?





    • Yoshihiro Kira: Yoshihiro is protective of his son, enough so that he was willing to support his son's murderous streak without a care as long as it made him happy. However, Yoshikage thinks little of his father, ignoring his advice of leaving Morioh and sparing no thought for him when he died. In the end, Yoshihiro died in the most ironic way possible, being blown up by his son's bomb after he was tricked by Josuke into doing so.
    • Mother: While little is known about their relationship and Kira's opinions of her, Araki points out that her overall appearance, as presented in their family portrait, suggests she may have been a bit overprotective of Kira to a point of abusive coddling.[1]

    Kawajiri Family

    • Shinobu Kawajiri: While Kira impersonated Kosaku, his failed attempts at acting ordinary were mistaken by Shinobu for a change toward a bolder demeanour from her husband. Charmed, Shinobu became attracted to her husband, not knowing that it was Kira. Kira on the other hand first struggled not to act on his murderous impulses on Shinobu and tried his best not to attract attention, thus acting gently with her. As time passed, notably after protecting her from Stray Cat, Kira noted a burgeoning affection for her.
    • Hayato Kawajiri: Hayato and Kira lived in mutual suspicion, with Hayato noting everything his "father" did that was out of the ordinary, while Kira disliked the company of such a nosy child. When Hayato hears Kira plotting to kill him and then sees him use Killer Queen to kill a couple, their relationship turns antagonistic, culminating in Kira killing Hayato in a fit of rage. When Hayato becomes the catalyst for Kira gaining the sub-bomb Bites the Dust, Kira underestimates Hayato's resourcefulness, dismissing him as harmless at first, which Hayato exploits to lure Kira into the hands of his enemies. Hayato had come to know Kira well and proved a useful source of information during the climactic fight between Josuke and Kira.
    • Tama: Kira and the cat Tama were initially enemies due to Kira's interference in Stray Cat's revenge against Shinobu. Kira wanted to get rid of the conscious plant as it was likely to attract attention, but after distracting it, he decided to keep Stray Cat in the attic, planning to use it later. During his confrontation with Josuke, Kira made the most of Stray Cat's power by combining it with Killer Queen's detonation ability to produce air bombs.


    • Josuke Higashikata: After Shigechi had been killed, Josuke developed a grudge against Kira and swore to avenge Shigechi. While Josuke loathed Kira, the latter didn't think much of Josuke and as an enemy, preferred to avoid any confrontation with him. However, Kira noticed that Josuke's healing power and resourcefulness countered his Killer Queen's bomb power and was precautious against him during their fight.
    • Rohan Kishibe: Rohan was at first only curious about the local murderer, but after learning that he almost died by his hand and that Reimi protected him, his efforts for finding Kira became more personal. As an enemy, Kira preferred to avoid any confrontation with him. He was also aware of Rohan's status as a famous mangaka. When Rohan fell victim to Bites the Dust, Kira took great joy in his death.
    • Koichi Hirose: Koichi, after learning of Kira's crimes, came to deeply loathe him to the point he would attack him on sight. Kira, on the other hand, came to somewhat praise Koichi's ability for being able to track him and then indirectly humiliate him in public, which he made sure to pay back with a beating. When Koichi humiliated Kira a second time, demonstrating how careless the serial-killer could be, Kira was enraged and came to detest Koichi, being happy at the prospect of Koichi dying.
    • Okuyasu Nijimura: Okuyasu, after learning that Kira killed Shigechi, developed a deep grudge against the murderer. As an enemy, Kira preferred to avoid any confrontation with him. Kira attempted to kill Okuyasu and turned him into a bomb. He was surprised when Okuyasu suddenly came back to life during his fight with Josuke.
    • Jotaro Kujo: The first time Jotaro would encounter Kira was near the Centipede shoe shop after Jotaro was heavily wounded by Sheer Heart Attack. Kira underestimated Jotaro due to the poor state he was in, only to get pummeled by Star Platinum for his trouble. Kira noted how dangerous Jotaro was and took care to avoid confronting him again. During the events of Bites the Dust, Kira mentions to Hayato that he would be very happy if Jotaro were to die in particular.


    • Reimi Sugimoto: Reimi was the first victim of Yoshikage Kira fifteen years prior to the start of Part 4 along with the rest of her family, including her pet dog Arnold. As a ghost, Reimi remained in Morioh, looking for someone to help her put a stop to Kira's murders in order to restore Morioh's peace and dignity. While Kira managed to remember her name when Shigekiyo mentioned her, he couldn't recognize her at first when they met fifteen years later, which Reimi theorizes as Kira not having the occasion to remember her since he didn't take her hand as a "girlfriend". After her archenemy was dragged away by the ghost hands of the alleys, Reimi was able to peacefully ascend to heaven.
    • Arnold: Arnold's throat was slashed by Kira fifteen years prior to the start of Part 4. Kira then hangs the dog's body on a clothes hook in the wall. He remains as a ghost in an alley until his soul ascends to Heaven after Kira is dragged away by the ghost hands.
    • Shigekiyo Yangu: When Shigechi unwittingly takes the hand of Kira's "girlfriend", Kira saw Shigechi as a potential threat to his peaceful lifestyle. When both confront each other, Shigechi, shocked to learn that he is a serial killer, fought and got seriously injured when trying to fight Kira. He then tries to warn his friend, Josuke, in order to protect his family. On the other hand, Kira thought little of Shigechi and swiftly disposed of him, wanting to forget about his fight as soon as possible.
    • Aya Tsuji: The two had little interaction but Kira was aware of her occupation and abilities, which allowed him to escape the protagonists and change his identity. Before being killed by Kira, Aya describes him as truly terrifying and hated him for using her powers for evil.
    • Kosaku Kawajiri: The two had no onscreen interaction and Kira only accosted him because they were of similar height and build. He kidnapped Kosaku, dragged him to Salon Cinderella, killed him, and took his identity including his face, fingerprints, and hair. Kira, however, was annoyed by Kosaku's willingness to have a promotion, forcing Kira to stress himself by bootlicking Kosaku's superior while having to impersonate him in order to maintain his masquerade.

    Video Games

    All Star Battle (PS3)

    Like many others, Kira makes his gaming debut in the PS3 title, playable as two distinct characters: His original form, with Killer Queen and Sheer Heart Attack; and his awakened form, with Killer Queen, Stray Cat, and Bites the Dust. This marks him as one of the only three characters with two incarnations, the others being Dio Brando and Joseph Joestar. Both versions of Kira are voiced by Rikiya Koyama, who previously voiced Will Anthonio Zeppeli once in the Phantom Blood game.

    Both Kiras are part of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, being able to turn Killer Queen on/off, changing movesets, and having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with their Stand.

    If Yoshikage Kira battles "Kosaku Kawajiri", they will have a special dialogue before the fight, where the original Kira will remark how 'Kosaku'-Kira's aura is similar to his, and 'Kosaku'-Kira will be shocked to see his past self. If the original Kira wins, he remarks that only he should be making bombs. If 'Kosaku'-Kira wins, he wonders if the encounter was an after-effect of "Bites The Dust".

    Yoshikage Kira

    Kira's original form appears as a DLC character included with pre-orders and first edition prints of the original Japanese release of the game. For the overseas release in the US, pre-ordering the game from Club Namco would also get players a free download code for Kira, whilst for EU players, pre-ordering the game from any retailer in that region would get the player both Kira and Shigekiyo Yangu as well.

    Kira's moveset primarily involves Killer Queen, and the use of bombs and careful detonation.

    • Only one bomb at a time: A gameplay rule. Killer Queen may not have more than one bomb out at a time, automatically nullifying the previous bomb if another is used afterward.
    • Blown to pieces!: This skill can only be used following abilities marked with a star. Kira detonates whatever bomb may be out at the moment. All of Kira's bombs cannot be blocked, but Kira himself is at risk of taking damage if he is too close to the explosion.
    • Throw - Show you how it's done: Kira grabs the opponent by the neck before slamming them into the ground and stomping on their head.

    While Killer Queen is off:

    • It's your fate to be defeated: Killer Queen is summoned to stomp on the opponent. This move can hit a downed opponent, and Kira's abilities may be performed instantly following the attack. Though this move is identical to 'Kosaku'-Kira's "I'll crush you!" skill, its name implies it to be the stomp Killer Queen used on Echoes ACT3's head during their confrontation. (Comboable)
    • Anything can be a bomb: Killer Queen is summoned and flicks a small coin primed with the first bomb into the air. Depending on the attack button inputted, the range of the coin as well as its explosive power is increased. This move is marked with a star, and while the coin will explode as soon as the opponent touches it, it can be manually detonated to catch them in the blast if they are close enough. (Comboable)
    • Ha!: Kira summons Killer Queen to rush forward in a barrage of punches, pushing the opponent away and knocking them down. This move cannot activate Rush Mode, and a similar ability by certain opponents will easily overpower Killer Queen. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

    While Killer Queen is on:

    • Here's the first bomb: Killer Queen channels its power into its index finger, before both it and Kira chop downward. If the opponent is hit, they become a bomb themselves. This move is marked with a star, and Kira can detonate the opponent at any time, dealing heavy damage. For some reason, however, the explosion does not register if the opponent is down, wasting the attack. A Stand Rush skill that Kira can disconnect from to attack or move away from the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • You bastard!: Killer Queen unleashes a barrage of punches on the spot, knocking the opponent off their feet. This move cannot activate Rush Mode, and a similar ability by certain opponents will easily overpower Killer Queen. A Stand Rush skill that Kira can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • Calm and cool: Killer Queen strikes a defensive stance, moving its hands rapidly around its face. If the opponent hits Kira with a non-Throw/HHA/GHA physical attack, Killer Queen counters with a punch that sends them flying.

    His HHA, I'm going to blow you to smithereens!, has Kira swipe Killer Queen's arms downward after charging the first bomb in the Stand's index finger. If they hit, Kira explodes his victim six times through Killer Queen's gestures. After the fifth explosion, Kira looks away to adjust his tie shortly before the sixth and most powerful explosion occurs.

    His GHA, Sheer Heart Attack, has Kira sends out Killer Queen's second bomb, Sheer Heart Attack. SHA cannot be blocked and follows the opponent until it connects, flies off-screen if dodged, Kira's HHG runs out, enough time has passed, or Kira is hit. If SHA connects, it will ram and drill into the opponent's abdomen, knock them into the air in an uppercutting leap, and drop on them. Yelling at the opponent to look at it, Sheer Heart Attack explodes in their face at point-blank range, while Kira is facing away and brags about it lack of weaknesses.

    Sheer Heart Attack can be temporarily slowed by Koichi Hirose specifically, if the latter uses ACT3's "S-H-I-T" move or "Echoes ACT3: FREEZE!!" HHA on it, which will also subsequently affect Kira himself. SHA continues to be unblockable and able to hit him, but will remain sluggish and unable to leap at him until Koichi gets a certain distance away from it or hits Kira, nullifying the bomb altogether.

    Kira's alternate costume mirrors his casual outfit and hairstyle from his debut chapter.

    "Kosaku Kawajiri"

    'Kosaku'-Kira is included in the base game as the main antagonist of Part 4. In-game, he is consistently labelled "Kosaku Kawajiri" to differentiate him from his previous form.

    Along with Enrico Pucci, Hol Horse, Johnny Joestar, Koichi Hirose, and Giorno Giovanna, Kosaku is a character who can utilize more than one Stand during a match as part of his moves; He retains Killer Queen, but now possesses Stray Cat to assist him in battle with its air bubbles.

    • Only one bomb at a time: A gameplay rule effect continued from the original Kira. Killer Queen may not have more than one bomb out at a time, automatically nullifying the previous bomb if another is used afterward.
    • Ignition: Kosaku detonates whatever bomb may be out at the moment. All of Kosaku's bombs cannot be blocked, but Kosaku himself is at risk of taking damage if he is too close to the explosion. (Comboable)
    • Throw - "Can I ask your name?": Kosaku grabs the opponent and explodes them in his hand as he lightly throws them.

    While Killer Queen is off:

    • Impact Ignition Bomb: Kosaku summons Killer Queen to utilize Stray Cat and fire an air bomb that must be manually detonated. These bombs deal more damage than Contact Bombs, and cannot be jumped over during their explosion. However, Kosaku cannot move when this bomb is out, and the bomb disappears as soon as he is hit. The size of the bomb and its damage is altered by the attack button inputted, though its speed is inversely affected.
      • Trajectory change: Kosaku, using his math skills, can correct the trajectory of the air bomb should the opponent have dodged or jumped over it, in order to once more send it in their direction. This increases the speed of the air bomb but shrinks it by one level. A Light bomb's trajectory can be changed only once, while a Heavy bomb's trajectory can be changed up to three times.
    • I'll have to fight it out!: Killer Queen is summoned to rush forward in a barrage of punches, pushing the opponent away and knocking them down. This move cannot activate Rush Mode, and a similar ability by certain opponents will easily overpower Killer Queen. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

    While Killer Queen is on:

    • I'll crush you!: This move can only be used when the opponent is down. Killer Queen stomps on them. Though this move is identical to the original Kira's "It's your fate to be defeated" skill, its name implies it to be the stomp Killer Queen attempted to use on Stray Cat during their initial encounter.
    • Contact Bomb: Killer Queen fires an air bomb that can automatically explode on touch, requiring no manual detonation and allowing Kosaku to move after a short delay once launched. The bomb is able to disarm traps, though is popped by all projectiles aside from another Kosaku's own Contact Bomb. Its speed is altered by the attack button inputted (Comboable). A Stand Rush skill that Kosaku can disconnect from to attack the opponent or move away from them or the bomb while it is executing. Killer Queen can still be caught in the explosion if Kosaku uses Stand Rush in attempts to escape the blast. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • The First Bomb!: Killer Queen channels its power into its index finger before chopping downward. If the opponent is hit, they become a bomb themselves. Kosaku can detonate the opponent at any time, no matter what state they're in, dealing heavy damage. A Stand Rush skill that Kosaku can disconnect from to attack or move away from the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • This stone is a bomb!: Killer Queen leaves a stone primed with the first bomb on the ground that must be manually detonated. If the opponent is hit, they are sent flying far away from Kosaku, giving him more room to unleash air bombs.
    • Air Bomb Cushion: Kosaku is protected from the next middle/high physical attack by an air cushion placed in his suit by Stray Cat, pushing the opponent away if they trigger it, or simply protecting him from projectiles. If Kosaku turns Killer Queen off, the cushion is cancelled.

    His HHA, Stray Cat's protecting me now!, is a counter/reversal. Killer Queen readies Stray Cat as Kosaku is shocked at it protecting him. If Killer Queen is struck in this form with a non-Throw/HHA/GHA, the opponent will be knocked back off their feet and onto the ground. Kosaku will use that chance to send out a completely invisible air bomb towards them as they're getting up. Using his math knowledge, Kosaku correctly predicts where the air bomb is and detonates it at the right moment, blowing up his opponent.

    His GHA, Bites the Dust, is Kosaku's Third Bomb. When activated, he tosses out Hayato and forces him to run in fear. If Hayato runs into the opponent, they will be stunned by his sudden interference as he panics, only for them to see Killer Queen, who enters their left eye and promptly detonates the third bomb, looping time. Surprisingly, this GHA deals the least amount of damage of all, doing only 21% of the opponent's health in damage, and making it inferior even to his HHA. Like with Sheer Heart Attack, Bites the Dust is unblockable, but is easily dodged/sidestepped/jumped over, and Hayato will only run a short distance in front of Kosaku before sprinting the other way. These two factors make Kosaku's GHA the easiest to avoid in the entire game. However, if successful, the GHA adds 10 counts to the battle timer and restores 15% of Kosaku's health. When low on health (Rumble Mode), instead of calling out the bomb's name, Kosaku will yell "This is the limit! Push it!", and the GHA will deal substantially more damage.

    Bites the Dust, due to its time-looping ability, is able to reverse a number of character effects (especially round-lasting transformations). Thus, if Kosaku uses the GHA on Pucci in Made in Heaven Mode, Giorno with Gold Experience in Requiem Mode, or Kars as the Ultimate Life Form, all three characters will revert back to their previous, normal forms. If the victim is MiH Mode Pucci, the stage will revert back to what it was previously, and Pucci will never be able to enter MiH Mode for the rest of the entire battle as per his own gameplay rules. If Johnny Joestar has Tusk in any ACT other than ACT1, including ACT4, then the Stand will be reverted back to ACT1. If Jonathan Joestar or Funny Valentine used their healing/comeback moves ("This is my final Ripple!" and "Back from the 'other side'", respectively) and disabled their Heart Heat Gauge as a result, said gauge will be restored once Kosaku executes his GHA successfully.

    If Kosaku is defeated by Okuyasu, he'll whisper to himself that luck was supposed to be on his side.

    Kosaku's alternate costume mirrors his previous look before maturing, wearing the outfit that he wore while practicing the real Kosaku's writing style, a spiky hairstyle with no suit.

    Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

    Yoshikage Kira

    Yoshikage Kira was confirmed for the game alongside Akira Otoishi, Shigekiyo Yangu. As a Stand User, Kira is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle. Most of his animations and moveset were reused from the previous game.

    • Style Action - The First Bomb!: The action performed is determined by whether or not there is a bomb active. If an object or opponent is currently a bomb, Killer Queen detonates them, doing moderate damage in a small area, and doing more damage to the primary target. An opponent can even be detonated when downed, provided they are not invincible. If there is no bomb active, Killer Queen strikes a pose, and then performs an unblockable downward chop, dealing medium damage to an opponent while also charging them as an unblockable bomb. Only one thing can be charged as a bomb at any given time, so if a bomb is already active, certain attacks that release or charge bombs will not do so. Sheer Heart Attack does not influence this rule. Also, instead of throwing or breaking larger stage objects, Killer Queen is able to charge them as contact bombs that can also be detonated at will; Kira cannot perform this if a bomb is already active.
      • Bomb Transformation Icon: A small Killer Queen skull icon on the right side of Kira's health bar shows whether or not he currently has a bomb charged. If it is darkened, no bomb is active.
    • Trait - Perfect! Nobody can stop me!: If Kira takes no damage within the first 15 counts of the battle timer, he temporarily gains extra defense, as well as increased cooldown speed and stamina regeneration.
    • Sheer Heart Attack: Killer Queen sends out its second bomb, Sheer Heart Attack to blow up enemies. SHA will home in on a target, and deals damage to anything in a small area, including Kira and/or his partner, when it detonates. It leaps at its target when it attacks, and successful or not, it will then be left overturned and lay harmless on the ground for a few seconds. It will detonate as many times as it can before its duration expires and it's forced to return to Killer Queen, which also interrupts Kira. Notably, Sheer Heart Attack homes onto the hottest thing in the area, and its explosion size is proportional to the heat (e.g. characters like Esidisi and Muhammad Avdol have fire-based attacks that will become SHA's priority, causing a larger explosion and dealing more damage). The same applies to the Joestar Mansion map when it begins to burn down, and Echoes ACT2's "sizzle" SFX at Boing-Boing Cape. SHA has unique interactions with other characters.
      • Similar to All Star Battle, if Koichi's Echoes ACT3 performs any skill that inflicts the 3 Freeze effect ("Heavy"), SHA will be weighed down and temporarily unable to move.
      • If SHA comes into contact with the erased space generated by Okuyasu Nijimura's The Hand, it will be erased itself, and Kira will take a medium amount of damage. SHA can still be reused after this.
    • You bastard!: Killer Queen unleashes a barrage of 12 punches, sending opponents caught flying on the final hit. If no bomb is active, the final hit also charges the target as one. This ability can be overpowered by any other close-ranged Stand.
    • Anything I touch...turns into a bomb.: Killer Queen flicks forward a coin charged with the first bomb, bouncing a few times and indicated by a small shine on the ground. The coin can act as a projectile that deals small damage until it stops moving, and can also only be detonated when it does so. If a bomb is already active, the coin remains a simple projectile that is unable to be detonated.
    • Killer Queen: Killer Queen moves its hands about faster than the eye can process, blocking any non-projectile and non-DHA attack. If an opponent triggers the counter, Kira Sidesteps with invincibility, avoiding damage. This also has the effect of filling the Dual Heat Gauge by a considerable amount. The in-game description erroneously describes the skill as being able to turn opponents that trigger the counter into bombs, as well as having an EX version that "activates quicker and uses an enhanced bomb" despite it not being among Kira's two EX skills. This could be describing an earlier version of the skill that was changed to its current form before the game's release.
    • EX - You Bastard!: This skill executes quicker, and the bomb charged on the final hit creates a larger explosion, dealing more damage and having more range.
    • EX - Anything I touch...turns into a bomb.: Kira can act faster out of the skill, and the bomb charged creates a larger explosion, dealing more damage and having more range.
    • Dual Heat Attack - I'm going to blow you to smithereens!: Killer Queen punches the opponent to the floor, before Kira and it strike a pose. Charging its power, the Stand chops the downed opponent, turning them into a bomb, then Kira takes a step back and annihilates them with a single, massive explosion.
    • I'm going to blow you to smithereens!: Kira must connect his Style Action's attack 3 times. (200 Points)
    • Killer Queen has already touched the door knob...: Kira must charge a stage object as a bomb 3 times. (200 Points)
    • All I want is to live peacefully.: Kira must survive the first 20 counts of the battle timer without taking damage. (300 Points)
    • I never fail to eliminate my targets...: Kira must Retire an opponent with "Sheer Heart Attack". (500 Points)
    • Tonight...I'm going to sleep better than I have in a long time...: Kira must Retire an opponent without losing a single health gauge. (800 Points)

    If Kira is matched with Kosaku-Kira, the latter will comment on how he's on Kira's side, only for Kira to wonder how Kosaku-Kira knows his identity. Kira also has special interactions with all the Part 4 protagonists.

    In the game's altered timeline the protagonists managed to defeat Kira before he could kill Shigechi, the real Kosaku Kawajiri and presumably Aya.


    He is paired with Old Joseph Joestar in the Eyes of Heaven tournament, defeating Josuke and Johnny Joestar in the first round. They were eliminated by Bruno Bucciarati and Trish Una in the second round, whom beforehand, won the F Block series of battles that allowed them to be matched against Kira and Old Joseph within the main tournament.

    "Kosaku Kawajiri"

    "Kosaku" was confirmed for the game along with Rohan and Okuyasu. As a Stand User, Kosaku is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle. Like in All Star Battle, Kosaku relies much more heavily on ranged attacks than the original Kira, using Killer Queen to turn Stray Cat's air bubbles into projectile bombs.

    • Style Action - The First Bomb!: The action performed is determined by whether or not there is a bomb active. If an object or opponent is currently a bomb, Killer Queen detonates them, doing moderate damage in a small area, and doing more damage to the primary target. An opponent can even be detonated when downed, provided they are not invincible. If there is no bomb active, Killer Queen strikes a pose, and then performs an unblockable downward chop, dealing medium damage to an opponent while also charging them as an unblockable bomb. Only one thing can be charged as a bomb at any given time, so if a bomb is already active, certain attacks that release or charge bombs will not do so. Also, instead of throwing or breaking stage objects, Killer Queen is able to charge them as contact bombs that can also be detonated at will; Kosaku cannot perform this if a bomb is already active. Unlike the original Kira, Killer Queen cannot pick up any stage objects, only charge them.
      • Bomb Transformation Icon: A small Killer Queen skull icon on the right side of Kosaku's health bar shows whether or not he currently has a bomb charged. If it is darkened, no bomb is active.
    • Trait - Stray Cat: Stray Cat itself is the source of nearly all of Kosaku's abilities. If Kosaku receives too much damage or if Okuyasu's "I'll chip away at space!" Style Action is used to pull him closer, then Stray Cat comes out of Killer Queen's abdominal compartment, disallowing the use of any ability except 'This stone is a bomb!', until Stray Cat is retrieved from the ground. When retrieving Stray Cat, Kosaku receives a phone call from his boss, and is invincible while Killer Queen places Stray Cat back into its abdomen.
    • Contact Bomb: Killer Queen fires an unblockable air bomb that can automatically explode on touch, requiring no manual detonation and allowing Kosaku to move after a short delay once launched. If the activating input is held, the air bomb can be charged to increase its size as well as the explosion's damage and range, in exchange for speed. The air bomb has homing capabilities, but will explode on contact with anything. Kosaku is even able to fire and even charge this bomb in the air, suspending him in mid-air until the air bomb is released. If a bomb is already active, the bubble cannot be detonated but will instead act as a projectile, dealing small damage on contact then popping. If "The Man in the Photos" is active, the homing capabilities of air bombs are given a large boost.
    • Impact Ignition Bomb: Killer Queen fires an air bomb that must be manually detonated. These bombs deal more damage than Contact Bombs. However, they slowly decrease in size until disappearing, Kosaku cannot move when this bomb is out, and he loses control of the bomb if hit (he may still detonate it afterward). If the activating input is held, the air bomb can be charged to increase its size as well as the explosion's damage and range, in exchange for speed. If the skill is inputted again while Kosaku is controlling the air bomb, he will use his math skills to correct its trajectory should his target have avoided its path, in order to once more send it in their direction. The smallest bomb's trajectory can be changed up to only two times, while a full-sized bomb can have its trajectory changed up to six times. After the first two trajectory changes, the air bomb begins to shrink with each subsequent change, and once it has reached its smallest, any more attempts to alter its trajectory will result in the air bomb simply disappearing. If a bomb is already active, the bubble cannot be detonated but will instead act as a projectile, dealing small damage on contact then popping. However, as it cannot be detonated, Kosaku is forced control it until he lands it, is hit, or Flash Cancels. If "The Man in the Photos" is active, the trajectory change of air bombs is supplemented by a temporary speed boost, and the air bombs last longer before disappearing. A glitch exists where attempting to detonate the bomb immediately after it's sent out causes Kosaku to make the activating sound as an explosion can be heard, but the bomb itself stays intact. This allows Kosaku to cancel out of the control animation and act freely while the air bomb itself can still be detonated.
    • This stone is a bomb!: Killer Queen charges a pebble as a bomb, and then plants it where Kosaku stands. This can only be detonated manually, and generates a large explosion that sends anyone caught flying. If a bomb is already active, this skill cannot be used.
    • Stray Cat's protecting me now!: Kosaku is protected from the next next non-projectile, non-DHA attack by an air cushion placed in his suit by Stray Cat. If hit, the air bubble will push the opponent back and become a small, stationary bomb where Kosaku stands, exploding on contact with anyone or detonating manually to deal moderate damage. If a bomb is already active, the bubble cannot be detonated and will only deal small damage on contact then pop. Stray Cat cannot be removed from Kosaku while this skill is active.
    • EX - Stray Cat's protecting me!: The skill executes quicker.
    • EX - Contact Bomb: The full-size air bomb is immediately fired. The rule of active bombs still apply.
    • Trait - The Man in the Photos: When Kosaku reaches his last health gauge, Yoshihiro Kira/Atom Heart Father appears and enhances "Contact Bomb" and "Impact Ignition Bomb" for 30 counts of the battle timer, randomly following one of the opponents. Air bombs are not influenced by whomever Yoshihiro targets.
    • Dual Heat Attack - Bites the Dust: Identical to its performance in All Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity. It now completely resets the battle timer as well as every character's positions (the battle opening music "Demonstration Before Beginning Battle" even plays when Kosaku gloats over his success, and the battle music starts from the beginning). While still inflicting below-average on the target, it has the power to bring Retired opponents back with a sliver of health and heal Kosaku and his partner for a small amount (even restoring lost health gauges whenever possible). It will also revert any transformations, such as Ultimate Kars or Made in Heaven Pucci. In the first version of the game, the DHA would grant all characters, including the enemy team, a full health gauge, making it very frustrating to use from a strategic standpoint as it did not directly benefit Kosaku's team in any way, and prolonged matches unnecessarily if it was not used wisely.
    • You must die!: Kosaku must connect his Style Action's attack 3 times. (200 Points)
    • A simple tap is enough to blow you away!: Kosaku must connect "Contact Bomb" 3 times. (200 Points)
    • It doesn't just blow up whatever it touches...: Kosaku must use "Impact Ignition Bomb" 5 times. (300 Points)
    • My instinct prevented that attack!: Kosaku must use "Stray Cat's protecting me now!" 3 times. (500 Points)
    • Now I can be free!: Kosaku must connect his Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)

    He is paired with Weather Report in the Eyes of Heaven tournament, defeating Akira Otoishi and Enrico Pucci in the first round, but eliminated by Giorno Giovanna and Guido Mista in the second.


    • According to Kira himself,[27] the total amount of women he's killed for their hands is 48.
    • His MO as a serial killer resembles that of other, real-life series killers:
      • His very outwardly normal and charming persona in public is very similar to Ted Bundy.
      • His obsession with dead body parts and treating them like real people is like Ed Gein.
      • His use of explosives is very similar to Theodore Kaczynski.
      • He also shows traits that are similar to Buffalo Bill and Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs, both of which were partially inspired by the above men.
    • According to a Top 10 List published in JOJO A-GO!GO!, released in 2000, Kira is Araki's favorite antagonist and 2nd favorite character overall.
    • According to an interview with Araki, the idea to have Kira takeover Kosaku's life while Hayato suspects his "father" of being replaced was inspired by the Philip K. DickW novel, The Father-thingW.[1]
    • In an ironic twist, Kira has his hands severed multiple times: His left hand twice (when he removed Sheer Heart Attack from his body and when the Cleansers attacked him) and his right hand once (when he was bitten by Arnold in Reimi's alley as a ghost).
    • Kira's favorite fashion brand is Gianfranco FerréW.
    • The story of Kira's first murder as told by the ghost of Reimi Sugimoto shares similarities with the "Humans Can Lick Too" horror story.
    • Kira's initial design is fairly notable among JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fans due to its resemblance to the late British singer David Bowie (particularly how he appeared during his Serious Moonlight tour). Coincidentally, the finale of Diamond is Unbreakable, which featured Kira's death, aired in late December 2016, while Bowie himself had died in early January of that same year.
    • Despite being the main antagonist, Kira doesn't have an active role in Diamond is Unbreakable until halfway in the part. The anime attempts to build up Kira's presence before his first appearance by showing the aftermath of his murders and the severed hands he's collected along the way from the opening scene of the very first episode of the Part 4 anime, along with a quick cameo in episode 86 (DU episode 12).


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jump Remix P4 Vol 27 (01/2004)
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Chapter 412: "Cheap Trick, Part 1"
    3. Episode 113: Goodbye, Morioh Town - The Golden Heart
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Chapter 365: "Atom Heart Father, Part 1"
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2
    6. 6.0 6.1 Chapter 360: "Sheer Heart Attack, Part 7"
    7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Chapter 342: "Yoshikage Kira Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1"
    8. Chapter 419: "Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2"
    9. 9.0 9.1 Chapter 365: "Atom Heart Father, Part 1"
    10. 10.0 10.1 Chapter 345: "Yoshikage Kira Wants to Live Quietly, Part 4"
    11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Chapter 418: "Another One Bites the Dust, Part 1"
    12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Chapter 436: "Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 9"
    13. Chapter 334: "Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 5"
    14. Chapter 347: "People of Morioh Town"
    15. Chapter 410: "My Dad Is Not My Dad, Part 1"
    16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Chapter 377: "Yoshikage Kira's New Situation, Part 2"
    17. Chapter 332: "Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 3"
    18. 18.0 18.1 Chapter 361: "Sheer Heart Attack, Part 8"
    19. Chapter 354: "Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1"
    20. Chapter 356: "Sheer Heart Attack, Part 3"
    21. 21.0 21.1 Chapter 426: "Another One Bites the Dust, Part 9"
    22. Chapter 395: "The Cat Likes Yoshikage Kira, Part 4"
    23. Dead Man's Questions
    24. Chapter 334: "Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 5", p.2
    25. Chapter 438: Town Guardian Spirits
    26. Chapter 439: Goodbye, Morioh Town - The Golden Heart
    27. Chapter 438: The Invincible Crazy D (9)

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